*Note that other contestants will receive your e-mail address
The majority of events will take place weekday evenings, American Eastern Time. No events will be scheduled outside of the 2:00 - 11:00 PM timeframe. You must be available for at least 2 hours in the evening, or you will not be allowed to play. For each day of the week, enter the earliest and latest time you are available to play. Provided your availability spans the group's preferred meeting time (TBD), no meetings may be scheduled outside of the times you submit.
I am available from
01:00 PM ET
02:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
11:00 PM ET
*You may submit any time period you wish, but please be as flexible as possible
I am available from
01:00 PM ET
02:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
11:00 PM ET
*You must be available for at least 2 hours in the evening
I am available from
01:00 PM ET
02:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
11:00 PM ET
*You must be available for at least 2 hours in the evening
I am available from
01:00 PM ET
02:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
11:00 PM ET
*You must be available for at least 2 hours in the evening
I am available from
01:00 PM ET
02:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
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03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
11:00 PM ET
*You must be available for at least 2 hours in the evening
I am available from
01:00 PM ET
02:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
11:00 PM ET
*You may submit any time period you wish, but please be as flexible as possible
I am available from
01:00 PM ET
02:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
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03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
11:00 PM ET
*You may submit any time period you wish, but please be as flexible as possible
Preferred Meeting Time:
Anytime / Don't Care
01:00 PM ET
02:00 PM ET
03:00 PM ET
04:00 PM ET
05:00 PM ET
06:00 PM ET
07:00 PM ET
08:00 PM ET
09:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
*The host prefers the earliest time possible. The most votes within everyone's availability will be selected as the "standard meeting time" for the season. If your vote is in the minority, your vote will automatically be changed to the next closest time.
Facebook Name:
*If you would like "Survivor Guy" to contact you on Facebook
Twitter Name:
*If you would like "@OnlineSurvivor" to contact you on Twitter
Notification Level:
5 - All Notifications
4 - All Games
3 - Winter Games (Jan-Apr)
3 - Summer Games (May-Aug)
2 - All-Star Games
1 - Emergency Contestant
0 - No Notifications
*Please select if you would like to be notified of future games
Explain why you believe you would be the ultimate Survivor. Be creative! Only the top 50 contestants will be chosen based on the quality of this essay. In the game of Survivor, you must continually make a case to your competition of why you should remain in the game. This is no different. You are making a case of why you should be in the game. For all intents and purposes, the game begins now. Good luck.
*Please limit essay to 200 words or less
I have listed above, to the best of my knowledge, (i) My personal information, (ii) My availability information, and (iii) My essay.
By submitting this application I hereby acknowledge that: (i) I understand and agree to be bound by the eligibility requirements; (ii) I have answered and will answer all questions posed to me honestly and accurately; (iii) If any of the information that I have provided or will provide is found to be false this may be grounds for dismissal from the selection process and/or game; (iv) There is no obligation to award any of the contestants; and (v) All decisions concerning selection of the contestants and winners in the competition are final and not subject to challenge or appeal
By submitting this application I hereby consent to the use of my general personal information listed above, and messages sent by me relating to the game. I understand that all or part of my game messages will be used in Online Survivor episodes, and may be altered or modified regardless of whether or not I am recognizable. I understand this only applies to messages relating to the game, and no personal messages will be collected or retained without my consent.