Mallard's Last Words:

Mallard was unavailable for comment, he has to this day refused to speak to me.

Name Voted For: Comment
Ojosazules96 Mallard mallard, um...b/c they never come
Boodu2boo Himself (Absent) -
blingbling1113 Himself (Absent) -
KrazyK2060 dark mechadragon ojasazules, cause he always wins, well mecha, its my final decison, mecha, because he won today, gotta get him out
dark mechadragon KrazyK2060 ojos, wait krazy k my bad, abc order cause i havent got to know him
Supersayain26 Himself (Absent) -
Mallard Himself (Absent) -
KuchaChic Herself (Absent) -