FrOgLeTt86: your not scared of me are you?
PrinceTy01: no
PrinceTy01: lol... an odd question
FrOgLeTt86: ska said he was scared of me
PrinceTy01: Ah... scared?
PrinceTy01: How so?
FrOgLeTt86: and i remember Dj being scared of me
PrinceTy01: huh?
FrOgLeTt86: i dont know how lol
FrOgLeTt86: he said he was scared
FrOgLeTt86: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: Oh... I know what it was
FrOgLeTt86: what?
PrinceTy01: I remember DJ coming to me a few weeks ago... this was before he cursed the Prince and vowed vengeance upon me, mind you
PrinceTy01: He pretty much asked what my gameplan was
PrinceTy01: I said the final 5 would consist of him, Cecil, you, Ashton, and myself
PrinceTy01: This was before Dog had emerged as a major ally
PrinceTy01: DJ said something along the lines of "Megs goes that far?"
PrinceTy01: I was confused, and said "Yeah... why?"
PrinceTy01: He tells me "You know, if you take her as far as you plan to, she's gonna beat us all, and your work will be for nothing"
PrinceTy01: Not those exact words, but something like that
PrinceTy01: I asked him to explain
FrOgLeTt86: yea right beat you all
FrOgLeTt86: ha ha
FrOgLeTt86: what a joke
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: Lemme finish, my dear :)
FrOgLeTt86: ok lol
PrinceTy01: So I ask him to explain himself, and he tells me "Megs has even more power than you do, Prince..."
PrinceTy01: No offense to you, dear, but I was quite surprised at this
PrinceTy01: I ask him to continue
FrOgLeTt86: me power ha ha lol
FrOgLeTt86: thoose 2 things dont go together
PrinceTy01: He tells me "She's a female. You may command loyalty and respect, but she can lure the others w/ her feminine wiles. Remember, many of these fellows don't get too much loving from women"
PrinceTy01: I chuckled a bit to myself, then asked him if he was serious
PrinceTy01: He said he was very serious
FrOgLeTt86: yea i'm the hooker remember ;) lol
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: Oh dear, now you're bringing that bit up ;)
PrinceTy01: Anyways, Ska also had brought up such a notion a lil' while earlier
FrOgLeTt86: yea right~ i couldnt get a guy if i wanted one
PrinceTy01: Ah... now, don't down yourself, my dear... at least not till I'm done my story ;)
FrOgLeTt86: ok
FrOgLeTt86: lol
PrinceTy01: Anyways, his mindset was I was taking him to the end
PrinceTy01: Where he got that, I don't know
PrinceTy01: But that's what he'd been thinking, and I wasn't gonna tell him different
PrinceTy01: So he tells me "You know, I'm worried I'm being replaced?"
PrinceTy01: I ask him by who?
PrinceTy01: He says you
PrinceTy01: I say, "Now, why do you feel this way, good friend?"
PrinceTy01: He tells me "You like her too much"
PrinceTy01: No joke, that's what he said
PrinceTy01: I tell him that's a very flimsy reason for being so worried
PrinceTy01: He tells me he thinks I'm somewhat blinded by you... that you weren't as honest as you seemed, yada yada yada
PrinceTy01: I tell him he's got nothing to worry about
FrOgLeTt86: i dont blind people
PrinceTy01: I know you don't
PrinceTy01: And that, quite frankly, was the beginnings of his demise
FrOgLeTt86: wow i never wanted people scared of me
PrinceTy01: I never bothered telling you about it simply because I knew I had nothing to
worry about from you, and because it wouldn't have done either one of us any good to have you upset because 2 of your Rotusian buddies were fearful of your "power"
PrinceTy01: Now, don't get down on yourself because you were feared
FrOgLeTt86: too late lol
PrinceTy01: lol... figured so
FrOgLeTt86: geez i never knew just being myself would get me feared~ geez
FrOgLeTt86: that like just blows my mind
PrinceTy01: Ah... I'm sorry to have to break it to you in such a way
FrOgLeTt86: is anyone else scared of me?
PrinceTy01: Megs, I can honestly say everyone left adores you nearly as much as I do ;)
FrOgLeTt86: ohh you adore me? lol
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: You know what I meant
FrOgLeTt86: lol
PrinceTy01: Point is, I laid any fears to rest of you playing me long ago
PrinceTy01: And the two who spoke bad about my dear Megs have paid the price for agitating His Majesty in such a way
PrinceTy01: You see, I did have my reasons for bumping DJ
PrinceTy01: Not just because he talked **** on me... the Prince isn't so fickle, my dear ;)
FrOgLeTt86: well jeepers.......
PrinceTy01: Ah... what's wrong now, Megs?
FrOgLeTt86: this is like so mind boggling
FrOgLeTt86: i never wanted to be feared
PrinceTy01: Megs, I never wanted to be feared either
PrinceTy01: But I am
PrinceTy01: I might not scare you, but I scare the others
FrOgLeTt86: i dont fear you cause i trust you
PrinceTy01: Now, this is not the case for everyone else
PrinceTy01: I am feared like no other in this game
PrinceTy01: Mainly because I've been the leader since day 1, it seems
PrinceTy01: From the very first TC, all the way through, all the voteouts have ultimately been handed to me to dictate
PrinceTy01: No matter how nice, or kind, or what things I may do for the other players, I'm still a scary figure
PrinceTy01: Lord knows it bothers me, just like it bothers you
PrinceTy01: No one wants to be feared
PrinceTy01: But my dear, one must grit their teeth and bear it
FrOgLeTt86: well it bothers me cause i've been myself through out the whole game~ and ifpeople fear me in the game~ imagine real life :-/
PrinceTy01: Ah... I see
PrinceTy01: Well, all I can offer as consolation is I know what you are dealing with right now, at least to some extent
PrinceTy01: Hopefully that helps a bit
PrinceTy01: Remember, I've tried to be straight w/ people... I put on the whole Royal B.S. act, sure
PrinceTy01: But I try to be outgoing, and kind, and friendly, and all that stuff
FrOgLeTt86: well you are that to me
PrinceTy01: Ah... and I take great comfort in that, I really do :)
PrinceTy01: But not everyone feels that way
PrinceTy01: To some, I'm just a cold, ruthless tyrant... and from what's been done to Saline, to DJ, and to some others, they might not totally be lying
PrinceTy01: And the fact that I can come across in such various ways makes me feared
FrOgLeTt86: you actually listen to me~ the others just agree they dont really give me there opinion on things~ i may not always agree with who your voting with but i always tell you why and hope you dont take it the wrong way that i feel diffrently lol
FrOgLeTt86: i dont even know if that makes sense lol
PrinceTy01: lol... it does
PrinceTy01: In other words, you're honest with me
PrinceTy01: And I'm honest with you
FrOgLeTt86: i like tell you everything lol
FrOgLeTt86: goin on in the game
PrinceTy01: lol... pretty much
PrinceTy01: Oh, if only everyone saw me as you did, my dear
PrinceTy01: I'd truely be a happy soul then
FrOgLeTt86: the thing that puzzles me the most is where do they get the idea i have power? lol
PrinceTy01: lol... you have the power of persuasion to some extent is their argument
PrinceTy01: Remember, the Prince is revered by his subjects... but you are really liked by all of them
PrinceTy01: As they fear me, they adore you
PrinceTy01: You can be puzzled about that as much as you like, but it's the truth
PrinceTy01: W/ that popularity is a certain power
PrinceTy01: Let's use this for instance...
PrinceTy01: As things are set now, the Prince pretty much has a huge chance of walking right into the finals
PrinceTy01: I hate to be an egotist, but it's kinda true
PrinceTy01: I'm feared, but that keeps the people from rising against me
PrinceTy01: However, one person could combat me
PrinceTy01: This person wouldn't, but could
PrinceTy01: Care to guess of who I speak?
FrOgLeTt86: dog?
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: No, my dear
PrinceTy01: I refer to you, Megs
PrinceTy01: When it comes down to it, adoration topples fear
PrinceTy01: And if you wanted, you could beat me
PrinceTy01: Only you could
PrinceTy01: Truth be told, DJ shouldn't fear you
PrinceTy01: Ska shouldn't fear you
PrinceTy01: The way they paint things, I should fear you
PrinceTy01: But I don't
FrOgLeTt86: i just want us to get to the final 2 and see how the pieces fall into place~ it would be very intresting
PrinceTy01: Because as you understand me, I understand you
PrinceTy01: Yes... yes it would :)
PrinceTy01: You see, we are in all honesty two powerful entities
FrOgLeTt86: IF i was to win i would be the first girl to win wouldnt i? lol
PrinceTy01: lol... yes you would
FrOgLeTt86: lol
PrinceTy01: And, quite frankly Megs, I think you are going to win
PrinceTy01: You keep that between you and I
FrOgLeTt86: i will
FrOgLeTt86: but that shocks me
FrOgLeTt86: i think you will
PrinceTy01: It does?
PrinceTy01: Why do you think I'll win?
FrOgLeTt86: because everyone listens to you
PrinceTy01: This is true now
FrOgLeTt86: and then why do you keep me around if you think i'll win?
PrinceTy01: lol... because you are my friend, Megs
FrOgLeTt86: i think if it was anyone else i was having this convo with it would be a perfect reason to get rid of me lol
PrinceTy01: Because you, my dear, have gone through as much **** as I have emotionally to get this far
FrOgLeTt86: why?
FrOgLeTt86: yea but you dont cry about that stuff like me lol
PrinceTy01: lol... no, I don't
PrinceTy01: But I still feel the sting of my fear... the fact that the people will never have true care for me bothers me so
PrinceTy01: Don't tell them that, but it does
FrOgLeTt86: i wont tell them that
FrOgLeTt86: why would i?
PrinceTy01: I dunno
FrOgLeTt86: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: But quite frankly, you are my closest ally, irregardless to the fact I think you can beat me, for 2 reasons
PrinceTy01: 1. I want to prove to myself I'm not a ruthless son of a *****
PrinceTy01: 2. You trust me so much, and it makes me happy that someone does :)
PrinceTy01: Ah, this conversation has been very productive
PrinceTy01: But it must sadly end
PrinceTy01: perhaps we'll continue this tomorrow, if you have any more thoughts on what we've discussed :)
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: i think i need this to all soak in lol
PrinceTy01: lol
FrOgLeTt86: i have 1 question before you go tho
PrinceTy01: Alrighty... ask
FrOgLeTt86: how do you like my friend Lindsey?
PrinceTy01: She's cool
PrinceTy01: why do you ask?
FrOgLeTt86: cause whatever she does effects me lol
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: Well, she's a nice Southern girl... reminds me of you, honestly
PrinceTy01: And if you want a better answer, wait till I've slept some :)
FrOgLeTt86: ok i'll wait lol
PrinceTy01: Good night, my dear Megs