Frog became devastated with the results of the second Tribal Council
FrOgLeTt86: I think i wrecked my tribe just by being me. I was put in a tribe of all guys~ and then i go and get attached and then i listen to rumors and i start to believe them and then i become a gossip and tell the world~ and then some how i became the center of tonights voting reason~ and thats how i wrecked a tribe. I'm totally bad @ this game.But she would get a break as Rotu finally won its first Immunity Challenge
LogoLarson: yay!
SkaCore218: please please
Survivor Guy 886: ROTU...
PrinceTy01: ok... I'm thinking the Rotusians have bested the Knights of Maraamu
FrOgLeTt86: please god!!
LogoLarson: please please please
Cecil 592: cmon..
SkaCore218: please please please
Survivor Guy 886: 20
Megamanx1691: YES!
LogoLarson: yay!
Dial 555: noooooooo
Survivor Guy 886: IMMUNITY GOES TO ROTU!Safe from Tribal Council, DJ decided to set his plan to stop Prince after the merger into motion.
DJpeej: There are people who are "schedueled" to go who I enjoy the company of. It's making me pretty agrey that everything is set and I'm tired of it. I'm not going to sit on my arse and watch it happen. No.And at Tribal Council, Neokku became the first person voted out of Marraamu and the third person voted out of the game.
Survivor Guy 886: 8: NEOKKU
sonicmastanumba1: sugar loses
Dial 555: noooooooooooo
Dial 555: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Survivor Guy 886: CHRIS/NEO...
sonicmastanumba1: bye sugar!
Kaschris: figured as much.
Survivor Guy 886: THE TRIBE HAS SPOKEN13 remain, who will be voted out today?