marlyoil's Last Words:

marlyoil did not show up once during the entire game. Therefore, obviously, no last words were submitted.

Name Voted For: Comment
marlyoil Herself (Absent) -
SURVIVOR1311 Himself (Absent) -
dogdude84 marlyoil tonight i am voting marlyoil for the reason that she has never showed up to my knowledge
Dial 555 marlyoil marly, marly hasn't showed so this is a relatively easy vote for me
PrinceTy01 marlyoil Marlyoil... Like I said, this should have been painfully obvious... Bring down attendance you shall not, Marly... tonight, the Prince says off w/ Marlyoil's head!
Ashton Gyoro DBZ Himself (Absent) -
sonicmastanumba1 Himself (Absent) -