PrinceTy01: The time slowly draws near, my friend
Cecil 592: yes, it does
PrinceTy01: And I'm yet to see Megs... I wonder where she is
Cecil 592: it could be anything
PrinceTy01: Yes... this is true
PrinceTy01: Hmmm... hopefully she'll arise soon... I miss her a bit, honestly
PrinceTy01: But no matter... I'm trying to decide what to say in my vote this evening
Cecil 592: hmm..i need to think up my reason also
Cecil 592: but that shouldn't be too much trouble
PrinceTy01: I wouldn't think so :)
PrinceTy01: Tell me, how specific should I be in my vote this evening?
Cecil 592: how specific?
PrinceTy01: Yes... Should I just say "You have done nothing in reality to deserve getting any further than this..." or should I go into specific details
Cecil 592: get specific
PrinceTy01: Ah... yes, details are always nice, eh? ;)
Cecil 592: yep
PrinceTy01: Hmmm.. I hope we get a decent turnout this evening
Cecil 592: Oh, I'm sure we will
PrinceTy01: Ah... yeah, I would think so
PrinceTy01: And everything's set... I've talked w/ everyone on Maraamu
PrinceTy01: And DJ as well
PrinceTy01: And, if Megs shows up, I shall speak to her
Cecil 592: excellent
PrinceTy01: Indeed... it's all going perfectly to plan
PrinceTy01: *Dr. Evil laughing commences*
Cecil 592: llol
PrinceTy01: *Awkward silence after laughing stops*
Cecil 592: lol*
PrinceTy01: yes... Inx is screwed... my god, it's great to be the Prince
Cecil 592: and it's great to be a person who's helping with his demise
PrinceTy01: Ah... I'm sure it is
Cecil 592: ah..i've got my reason
PrinceTy01: Ah... you have the vote formulated, or is it the rough idea?
Cecil 592: "COnsider this a thank you gift from Alec. You won't be able to do any damage in THIS game"
PrinceTy01: Ah.. very nice
Cecil 592: or maybe i shoud just have "consider this a thakn you gift from alec"
PrinceTy01: Ah.... why cut out the other part?
Cecil 592: i dunno..i think just that sounds better
PrinceTy01: Ah... yes, it is short and to the point
PrinceTy01: So... as of right now, Logo goes next... of course, we've already discussed this, and you need not vote for Logo
PrinceTy01: I would suggest that of everyone else left, you should vote for Masta
Cecil 592: i planned to
PrinceTy01: Actually, let me take that back.... I wouldn't swear that Logo will go next
PrinceTy01: I can't really say he's a threat... he hasn't shown for so long, he's actually somewhat of a non-issue
Cecil 592: then who will go?
PrinceTy01: That's the one thing... I have to figure out who should replace him
PrinceTy01: Any thoughts?
Cecil 592: Masa perhaps?
Cecil 592: masta*
PrinceTy01: Hmmmm... that might be feasable... lord knows he's annoyed the **** out of many people already
PrinceTy01: Myself included
PrinceTy01: But we shall see how things play out