Cecil592: I’m confused about three things:
Cecil592: logo calling you a pompus @$$..
Cecil592: Dj calling you an @$$
Cecil592: and that conversation
PrinceTy01: What convo?
PrinceTy01: The one w/ Masta
Cecil592: yes that
PrinceTy01: Ah... what confuses you about them
Cecil592: The two cursing offs...why would they do that?
PrinceTy01: Logo's acting nutty, DJ's a damn fool who doesn't know he's beat, and Masta's always a receptive audience for conversation
Cecil592: And Masta being your mole? You masterminded his voting out
PrinceTy01: It's like this...
PrinceTy01: Masta doesn't make sense
Cecil592: Maybe I'm overestimating their intellegence, but maybe they have something planned through their actions
PrinceTy01: because he's a dumbass
PrinceTy01: Ah... even so, Masta is out
PrinceTy01: And Logo and DJ are two
PrinceTy01: That's a small force
PrinceTy01: and small forces, as you may know from the Cybern/Superfan tandem earlier in this game, are disposed of w/ relative ease
PrinceTy01: I hate to talk about your friend Logo like that, Alec, but still
Cecil592: what if Dogdude is with them?
PrinceTy01: He's not
PrinceTy01: Dogdude follows Megs
PrinceTy01: Megs is with me
PrinceTy01: Trust me, she is
PrinceTy01: If there is one person I do not doubt in this game besides you, it's Megs
Cecil592: Same with me
PrinceTy01: She would not lie to me, ever... ****, she wouldn't have tried to console me if she was trying to get rid of me
Cecil592: I'm not saying she was or is
PrinceTy01: I know, I know
Cecil592: I'm talking about Dogdude
PrinceTy01: but if she's w/ me, Dog is w/ me
PrinceTy01: Dog likes Megs
PrinceTy01: plain and simple
Cecil592: alrighty
PrinceTy01: It's never been said, but it's painfully obvious
PrinceTy01: yes... actually he proved it last night
PrinceTy01: Had I not told him Megs was voting Masta, he probably wouldn't have questioned my momentary change, no matter how rash, in the least
PrinceTy01: But he's trying to score brownie points w/ her, I'm guessing ;)
PrinceTy01: keep this between you and I, of course
Cecil592: i always do
PrinceTy01: I know you do :)
PrinceTy01: For I am sure of two things... I can make it to the end, and I can trust you enough to take you w/ me :)
Cecil592: thanks :)
Cecil592: oh yeah...
PrinceTy01: no problem... it's the truth
PrinceTy01: Ah... my friend, I'll be honest... if you win immunity, great :)... if you don't, it's ok... the main objective is keep it from DJ
PrinceTy01: Logo can win, Dog can win, Frog can win, I don't care... but not DJ :)
Cecil592: If Logo or Dial is there, then he wont' get it
PrinceTy01: Dial won't... he's on vacation
PrinceTy01: But Logo is
PrinceTy01: or probably will be
PrinceTy01: Ask him if he got my sympathy card, will ya?.. .he just got on
PrinceTy01: But I honestly don't wish to speak to him now
PrinceTy01: well... nm
Cecil592: ok..why do you not want to speak to him?
PrinceTy01: Because if he calls me a pompous @$$ again I'm afraid I may be tempted to verbally tear him a new @$$****...
PrinceTy01: And I do not wish to do that
PrinceTy01: I'm doing my best to show compassion, temperance, and mercy
PrinceTy01: I hope I'm doing a decent job
Cecil592: you are
PrinceTy01: But that will go to the ***** if he comes at me again
PrinceTy01: Ah.. thank you, my friend :)
Cecil592: I'm not sure why he would
PrinceTy01: You know, that's why the last two days have been so grueling
PrinceTy01: I can take someone being mad
PrinceTy01: But one person has belittled me as a person, and the other is trying to steal
my friends to spite me over a trivial matter
Cecil592: You're handling it rather well
PrinceTy01: Well, thank you, my friend :)... I have a lot of help
PrinceTy01: Ah, you know, I think I can put a few things in perspective after the last two days...
PrinceTy01: A kind, benevolent Prince is all well and good
PrinceTy01: But there comes a time when he must harden to some extent... not be unmerciful and ruthless like some tend to become...
Cecil592: of course
PrinceTy01: But become steadfast and show his mighty power to those who practice treachery for ridiculous reasons
PrinceTy01: I hate to sound high and mighty, but the Prince is sick of listening to the whines of those like DJ and Ska...
Cecil592: Ska is gone
Cecil592: Dj will soon join him
PrinceTy01: Indeed
PrinceTy01: The Prince is showing that he has the might to go with his eloquence and appearance... I'm no fake, as DJ proclaims I am
Cecil592: and with that you will win this game
PrinceTy01: Well, perhaps :)
PrinceTy01: I don't like to presume such things
PrinceTy01: Rather, I just think that they shall see that they were foolish, as they were actually fighting the one who has helped the people
PrinceTy01: I'm going to miss the meeting tomorrow
dogdude84: ok
PrinceTy01: I have one mission for you, so to speak, should you choose to accept it :)
PrinceTy01: Make damn sure that, if immunity is tomorrow, DJ does not win
dogdude84: will do ;)
dogdude84: i'll try my best!
PrinceTy01: Gracias, mi amigo
dogdude84: de nada
PrinceTy01: lol
dogdude84: hehe
PrinceTy01: I figure I have Cecil on the job as well, plus Logo won't just let DJ have it, I'm sure...
dogdude84: obviously lol
PrinceTy01: Plus, for all we know, immunity might be Sunday, so I can just swoop in and take it again ;)
dogdude84: indeed
dogdude84: not if i have something to say about it...j/k
PrinceTy01: lol
dogdude84: ;)
PrinceTy01: heh... I couldn't care less, honestly... if DJ wants to hit me w/ a vote, so be it
dogdude84: yeah
PrinceTy01: just as long as he goes, and things are peaceful again
PrinceTy01: Lord knows I'm so much more congenial when things are peaceful, after all :)
dogdude84: yup
dogdude84: hehe
dogdude84: ;)
PrinceTy01: heh
dogdude84: peace is good
PrinceTy01: Indeed
dogdude84: a peaceful kingdom is a happy kingdom
PrinceTy01: The Prince enjoys the power he and his close friends have... but he hates to use it in vengeance
PrinceTy01: Indeed it is, my friend
dogdude84: yeah
PrinceTy01: I've got a series of questions for you, Megs... they may be a bit tough, so take as much time as you like to answer them :)
PrinceTy01: Unforutnately, you can't put the results of this quiz on that Dead Journal ;)
PrinceTy01: Well, you could, but it wouldn't be pasted in nicely like the other ones...
FrOgLeTt86: lol ok
PrinceTy01: but anyways...
PrinceTy01: First things first... I assume you read DJ's email, right?
PrinceTy01: or, actually, I think I was told Masta sent it
FrOgLeTt86: yea i have one from masta
FrOgLeTt86: not DJ
PrinceTy01: ah... ok
PrinceTy01: Now, before I just go and shoot down DJ's stance, I figure I'd give you the chance to let out any feelings you may have
PrinceTy01: Now, by the way, I'm not singling you out here, my dear :)
PrinceTy01: heh... a rhyme ;)
FrOgLeTt86: i think he was only mad and said thoose things cause he was left out of our last minute voting so he just was probably mad and said things that he probably doesnt mean now
PrinceTy01: Alrighty... I certainly see your point
PrinceTy01: However, allow me to show you an excerpt of a conversation I had w/ Dj prior to today's meeting... Masta told me what he was up to, so I tried to work it out with him... he had some choice words for not just me, but the others as well
FrOgLeTt86: allrighty
PrinceTy01: DJpeej: you know everything and I'm your puppet
PrinceTy01: DJpeej: I thought you had it planned
PrinceTy01: PrinceTy01: Had what planned?
PrinceTy01: DJpeej: the whole vote
PrinceTy01: DJpeej: if you had it planned so well
PrinceTy01: DJpeej: don't act like this was out of your control
PrinceTy01: PrinceTy01: Did you ever think that perhaps just because I seem to be in control over everything, sympathy for a person can override that sort of thing?
PrinceTy01: DJpeej: not really
PrinceTy01: PrinceTy01: I mean damnit, Logo's just suffered a terrible loss in the family... I can see why the alliance ended up getting swerved half way through TC... but you don't bother to look at that aspect
PrinceTy01: PrinceTy01: Well, it can
PrinceTy01: DJpeej: sorry but I seriously don't
PrinceTy01: That's what shocked me, honestly
PrinceTy01: But there's more
FrOgLeTt86: i think its my fault for changing the vote :-/
PrinceTy01: Megs... none of this is your fault, my dear
PrinceTy01: Please, don't take this upon your shoulders... just let me finish, ok?
FrOgLeTt86: ok
PrinceTy01: Basically, the rest is just him yelling slanderous things at me, except for one line... one line that put me over the deep end, so to speak
PrinceTy01: DJpeej: Dog, Frog, and Cecil. You have the animals under your power.
PrinceTy01: I've tried to be friends with everyone... I am sick of this being misconstrued and used against me
FrOgLeTt86: well i dunno bout u~ but i dunno i decided for myself who i was gonna vote for
PrinceTy01: what might you be referring to, my dear?... which part?
FrOgLeTt86: he's just mad that he got left outta loop
FrOgLeTt86: in general
PrinceTy01: you think that's it?
FrOgLeTt86: i am talkin about it
PrinceTy01: You dont' think he's a threat?
FrOgLeTt86: i dunno
FrOgLeTt86: i just think he feels left out and is acting out on it
PrinceTy01: Ah... alrighty... If you think he's harmless, then I shall try to brush it off
PrinceTy01: Lord knows I apologize for not being as jovial as I've been before Megs
FrOgLeTt86: jovial?
PrinceTy01: pleasant
PrinceTy01: They're synonyms, I think
FrOgLeTt86: lol
PrinceTy01: heh... but I feel bad for being so overbearing with my worries...
FrOgLeTt86: why?
PrinceTy01: Because it usually isn't like this...
PrinceTy01: Usually I'm collected much better
PrinceTy01: But things seem to be slipping away from me, and I fear I'm going to lose everything
FrOgLeTt86: you have nothing to fear except fear itself
PrinceTy01: lol
FrOgLeTt86: god has this whole game worked out
FrOgLeTt86: we just react to things
FrOgLeTt86: and we have to cope with it
PrinceTy01: Ah... this is so, my dear
PrinceTy01: How true, how very true
FrOgLeTt86: the only thing that you can count on is reactions and then you have to learn how to cope with it the best you can and sometimes you need a lil help on the way
PrinceTy01: ah... and thank god I've got my Froggy to listen to my woes, eh?
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: i guess lol
PrinceTy01: You know, that peer mediation stuff does come in handy on occassion, doesn't it :)
FrOgLeTt86: just a lil lol
PrinceTy01: lol
FrOgLeTt86: but i didnt learn that there
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: i learned it all by myself lol
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: Well, thank you again, my dear
FrOgLeTt86: no prob anytime
PrinceTy01: I feel much better now that I've vented :)
PrinceTy01: Now you definitely get that next immunity :)
FrOgLeTt86: lol
PrinceTy01: now, I swear I will not bring this up again... but if DJ says anything more stuff about me to you, or sends anything, please save it so I can see it, k?... just to put the Prince's mind at ease :)
FrOgLeTt86: allrighty lol
PrinceTy01: lol... thanks a bunch :)
FrOgLeTt86: lol
PrinceTy01: Now, enough unpleasantries for the evening
FrOgLeTt86: dont worry bout it lol