Actual Date: July 28, 2002
Actual Day: 49/66

Soliantu Tribe-Day 26

PrinceTy01: Apparently it's my fault that people have consciences, according to DJ
dogdude84: lol
PrinceTy01: lol... that's pretty much his argument
dogdude84: not a strong one
PrinceTy01: Indeed... I hate to be overconfident, but it will take a lot more to bury the Prince's kingdom
dogdude84: yes it will ;)
PrinceTy01: Oh, as far as next week goes...
PrinceTy01: I won't be around later in the week
dogdude84: who will be the target then?
PrinceTy01: No offense to the rest of you, but me leaving and telling you to get Logo, who can still defend himself, would be like Dr. Evil placing Austin Powers in an easily escapable situation involving an overelaborate and exotic death ;)
dogdude84: lmao
PrinceTy01: I'd prefer to be here when we have to do that
dogdude84: yeah
PrinceTy01: In the mean time, I'm thinking Dial should go
dogdude84: ok
dogdude84: sounds god
dogdude84: good*
dogdude84: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: I figure it'd be the least emotional vote that needs to be made
dogdude84: oh definitely
dogdude84: plus he's gone anyhow
PrinceTy01: Indeed
dogdude84: or he may be back but oh well
PrinceTy01: things will be much easier for him to go
dogdude84: yeah
PrinceTy01: Now, however, should it be another 6 day week, I might still want Logo gone before I go... like I said, I'm here early in the week
PrinceTy01: Basically, the plan revolves on the schedule
dogdude84: ahh ok
dogdude84: yeah
PrinceTy01: If I'm here, I figure I can ease Megs into voting Logo and being ok once it is done... any help with that would be appreciated :)
dogdude84: sure you have my help :)
dogdude84: i think logo should go anyway
PrinceTy01: Ah... very good then :)
PrinceTy01: Yeah... I still pity him, but the Prince can only take so much **** from people, you know?
dogdude84: i do know
PrinceTy01: ah... good :)
dogdude84: and i pity him as well
dogdude84: but it is just a game ;)
PrinceTy01: It will be tough, but it shall be done :)
PrinceTy01: yes, it is just a game
dogdude84: yup
PrinceTy01: If only everyone realized that...
dogdude84: i know!
PrinceTy01: cough *Neokku* cough
dogdude84: lol
PrinceTy01: cough *Sonic* cough
PrinceTy01: cough *DJ* cough
dogdude84: *cough practically everone gone cough*
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: yes, practically
PrinceTy01: Ay, I pity her... I worry what DJ will do after he goes
PrinceTy01: Lord knows he's smart enough to realize I'll roast him as well
dogdude84: yup
dogdude84: is ashton coming back soon?
PrinceTy01: But we'll be here for her should she need us
PrinceTy01: I hope so
dogdude84: yeah
PrinceTy01: I think he'll be back next week
dogdude84: ok
PrinceTy01: Oh, my friend, our power is surging back... it's great to be the Prince again!
dogdude84: yes it is! :-D
PrinceTy01: and the Prince's close friend, as well :-D
dogdude84: yep ;)
PrinceTy01: as far as next week goes
PrinceTy01: I'm going to be away for a few days
PrinceTy01: the plan for the week will be based on the schedule
Cecil592: Howso?
PrinceTy01: Should it be a regular week, w/ only 3 meetings in a week, I'll probably miss TC... that means that Dial would go before Logo
PrinceTy01: I figure if I ask everyone to do what could be labeled an "emotional" vote while I'm away, it'd be like Dr. Evil sticking Austin Powers in an easily escapable situation involving an overelaborate and exotic death
PrinceTy01: And we all know that never works :)
Cecil592: lol
Cecil592: Of course
PrinceTy01: I figure I should be here when Logo goes, to console Megs
Cecil592: yeah
PrinceTy01: Now, if it's another week like this, and there's a whole 3 day cycle in which I will be here, Logo goes first
Cecil592: Alright
PrinceTy01: Merely because I will be here to guide Megs to being ok w/ it and console Megs after it is done
PrinceTy01: I would console you, but I know you understand my plight :)
PrinceTy01: So I figure it won't be necessary :)
PrinceTy01: I must say, you are being a very good sport about this, my friend
PrinceTy01: I know it is very difficult for you to be ok with what I must do to your two friends, but you handle it well... and by god, I respect you for it
Cecil592: thanks
PrinceTy01: no problem, my friend
PrinceTy01: You see, that's the difference between us and the vast majority of the other players...
PrinceTy01: We conduct ourselves as gentlemen
Cecil592: Unlike some people...*cough Ska*
PrinceTy01: heh.. precisely
PrinceTy01: Unlike those like Ska and DJ, who are foolish and rash in their moves, we always collect ourselves before striking
PrinceTy01: And we take their petty attempts in stride...
Cecil592: Yeah
PrinceTy01: I essentially told DJ he could go to **** yesterday, but I was still civil during the meeting
Cecil592: That's good
PrinceTy01: In essence, the worst thing I can do to them is not to get rid of them...
PrinceTy01: But to get rid of them with a smile on my face and in a gentlemanly manner...
PrinceTy01: That way, they can wallow in the fact that they were not only beaten, but they were crushed by a much better fellow :)... not to sound pompous, of course
Cecil592: It's true
Cecil592: I wish other people would understand my philosophy
PrinceTy01: Yes... as I wish they'd understand mine
PrinceTy01: Describe me your philosophy, my friend
PrinceTy01: I have an inclination, but I'd like to hear you say it
Cecil592: Either it's you or him
Cecil592: Everyone's going to go someday
Cecil592: Except for one
PrinceTy01: Ah... quite true
PrinceTy01: You do what must be done
Cecil592: If only Megs would understand that
PrinceTy01: Yes... lord knows I care for her so, but she must understand that I can't be ruthless for two people, so to speak
Cecil592: exactly
PrinceTy01: But the time will come that she will embrace our philosophy... if not out of her necessity for the game, out of care for her friend the Prince
PrinceTy01: I hate to sound all high and mighty, but I have been with her through all the tribulations she has faced in this game
PrinceTy01: And I know she will help me face mine
Cecil592: You have
PrinceTy01: And lord knows I can understand her unwillingness to be so... cold, perhaps?...
Cecil592: Not many girls have potential to be cold
PrinceTy01: No, they don't
PrinceTy01: And Megs won't become cold
Cecil592: Unless given the right incentive
PrinceTy01: But she will act out of loyalty
PrinceTy01: I know she's loyal
PrinceTy01: You know that chat I had afterwords, where it seemed I was breaking down a bit
PrinceTy01: I was upset, and wanted to rally the troops
PrinceTy01: I showed some weakness...
PrinceTy01: And as soon as I left, she was there consoling me as best she could
PrinceTy01: It was a test of her loyalty to me
PrinceTy01: No offense to you, or Dog, or DJ, or anyone else in the game, but I doubt she would have been as concerned for the rest of you
Cecil592: Probably not
PrinceTy01: I hate to say that, but you understand
PrinceTy01: Point is, she tried doing what I do for the most part
PrinceTy01: Instead of my consoling her, she consoled me
Cecil592: I see
PrinceTy01: And when I saw her devotion, I brightened up again
Cecil592: Ah ok
Cecil592: Well that's good that Megs brightened you up
PrinceTy01: Yes, it is
PrinceTy01: That night, I knew the Prince's kingdom was invincible
PrinceTy01: Not a damn thing, whether it be pity for Logo (not that I have none), or rage from DJ, would stop my army from prospering
Cecil592: Yes...
Cecil592: There could be a problem
PrinceTy01: What?
Cecil592: What if Dj and Masta team up with Logo and Dial on the jury
PrinceTy01: Hmmm... you might get lucky ;)
Cecil592: I'm sure Logo would go without a second thought
PrinceTy01: lol
Cecil592: lol
PrinceTy01: It is like this
PrinceTy01: Masta is my patsy
PrinceTy01: He has always been from early in OLS3, and always will be
PrinceTy01: I could have him voted out at any time, in any game
PrinceTy01: He's like Superfan... he'll keep serving his master
PrinceTy01: Ok.... that being said, things are good in the kingdom
PrinceTy01: Megs has shown she won't be swayed by the useless rambling of a beaten man
PrinceTy01: And DJ will pay
Cecil592: and Dj Dial and Logo won't matter
PrinceTy01: Doubtful
Cecil592: Since Dogdude is with Megs
PrinceTy01: No offense to you, my friend
Cecil592: and if Ashton gets on, he'll be with you
PrinceTy01: Please do not take my words as meaning you have no shot at winning
Cecil592: I'm not
PrinceTy01: I was just saying that I have fixed the seeming holes :)
PrinceTy01: But, let's put it this way... you and I are in good shape :)
OnlineHost: PrinceTy01 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Cecil 592 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DJpeej has entered the room.
Cecil 592: Hey
PrinceTy01: Good evening, all
Cecil 592: I GOT A NEW COMPUTER!!!
OnlineHost: dogdude84 has entered the room.
Cecil 592: and it isn't a Gateway!!
PrinceTy01: Heh
dogdude84: hey all
PrinceTy01: Hey Dog
DJpeej: hey everyone
PrinceTy01: Hello DJ
PrinceTy01: Hmmm..
PrinceTy01: Hey Cecil
Cecil 592: Hey
PrinceTy01: Ok, I've recognized everyone individually
PrinceTy01: Wouldn't want to leave anyone out ;)
PrinceTy01: So... how are we all today?
Cecil 592: I'm doing great, how about you?
PrinceTy01: Good
dogdude84: fine
PrinceTy01: Goldmember was awesome
DJpeej: I know!
PrinceTy01: Ah... I loved the opening
DJpeej: yeah
dogdude84: i wanna see it ;)
PrinceTy01: I won't ruin it, but it was sweet
Cecil 592: As do I
Survivor Guy 886: BRB GUYS
PrinceTy01: I was worried it might be a little stale... but it wasn't :)
Cecil 592: ok
PrinceTy01: k
dogdude84: k
PrinceTy01: So...
Cecil 592: Hmm
Cecil 592: It feels nice not to have lag
PrinceTy01: Ah... I'd imagine so
dogdude84: yea that's always nice
Cecil 592: Now I may actually stand a chance in these challenges
PrinceTy01: heh... perhaps
Cecil 592: Shall we obsess about the tremail?
dogdude84: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: Where's it at?
Cecil 592: *Shurg*
PrinceTy01: heh
dogdude84: checking now lol
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: I don't have it ;)
dogdude84: not me...prob. not sent yet
OnlineHost: LogoLarson has entered the room.
Cecil 592: Hey Logo
dogdude84: hey logo
PrinceTy01: Hey there, Logo
LogoLarson: hey
dogdude84: brb #1 is calling
LogoLarson: ack, my sister changed my font
Cecil 592: Nice color
PrinceTy01: heh
dogdude84: lol
PrinceTy01: So... how are things, Logo?
LogoLarson: so what are we doing today?
LogoLarson: things are fine
PrinceTy01: We don't know
LogoLarson: I'm stuck on eternal darkness
PrinceTy01: Ah
LogoLarson: I can't seem to best this one boss... it's frustrating
PrinceTy01: Ah... which one?
LogoLarson: you know when your in the cathedral for like the twenty billionith time
LogoLarson: and you've got to fight that huge guardian thingy
LogoLarson: well, I can't seem to beat that guardian
PrinceTy01: Yeah... My friend has complained of him for days, actually
PrinceTy01: I don't own the game, but one of my buddies does
LogoLarson: I use the attack magic spell with a seven circle, of the opposite color, but that only seems to work spuratically
LogoLarson: yeah
Cecil 592: I cold probably beat him
Cecil 592: could*
LogoLarson: I've rented it
Cecil 592: I have a knack for videogames
LogoLarson: no you couldn't cecil
PrinceTy01: heh
dogdude84: lol
LogoLarson: this guy's hard
dogdude84: lets all give it a shot
LogoLarson: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
Cecil 592: Don't underestimate my skill Logo
LogoLarson: I don't underestimate your skill
LogoLarson: I just accurately judge my own
dogdude84: heh
LogoLarson: by the way cecil
PrinceTy01: I'll take him down... w/ a Gameshark ;)
LogoLarson: when's the last time you rented anything
dogdude84: lol prince
LogoLarson: ahh, gameshark, alas I've got too little time and too much respect for games to use one
Cecil 592: Awhile ago
LogoLarson: that last question was supposed to be, when's the last time you wrote anything
PrinceTy01: ah
DJpeej: where is that survivor kid?
PrinceTy01: Hmmm... taping something again?
PrinceTy01: What's on tonight?
LogoLarson: I've got a tremail
Cecil 592: i haven't written anyting for quite awhile
dogdude84: k
PrinceTy01: Ah.. k
Cecil 592: anything*
DJpeej: brb
dogdude84: k
LogoLarson: the question is, should I read it or keep it to myself...
dogdude84: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
Cecil 592: Read it please
LogoLarson: sigh, ok
PrinceTy01: Heh
Cecil 592: thanks
LogoLarson: alas I must do everything that cecil says
dogdude84: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
Cecil 592: lol
LogoLarson: ack, pink! I suck again!
dogdude84: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
LogoLarson: there
LogoLarson: this is better
dogdude84: hmm interesting challenge
Cecil 592: interesting
PrinceTy01: Hmmm... I'd say it's immunity
dogdude84: most likely
PrinceTy01: We'll continue in the game is what the last line refers to, I'd guess
dogdude84: yeah
PrinceTy01: How fun it will be is anyone's guess, but that's the implication ;)
LogoLarson: by the way all
PrinceTy01: yes?
LogoLarson: next saturday I leave for a weeks worth of vacation time
dogdude84: ahh...have a fun time ;)
PrinceTy01: Ah... where to?
LogoLarson: not likely
LogoLarson: palm springs
LogoLarson: california
PrinceTy01: Ah... I see
LogoLarson: there's this girl there, who I haven't seen in a while
PrinceTy01: Ah
LogoLarson: I actually, kind of stopped calling
LogoLarson: man, is that ever going to suck
Cecil 592: Uh oh..

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