***Below are the final stats for the game, the stats are quite similar to OLS3. Please refer to the key below for any odd stats.***
Place=Place the person finished in
Attendance=Number of days present/Number of days they survived
%=Attendance Percentage
SP=Number of SP collected
P=Number of SP-Reward Challenges won
R=Number of Reward Challenges won
I=Number of Immunities won
Votes Against=Votes against, and who voted for them
***Their color represents their tribe (Rotu=blue, Maraamu=yellow)
1st | FrOgLeTt86 | 2 Herself[2] |
2nd | PrinceTy01 | 0 | ||||||
3rd | Cecil 592 | 1 Frog[1] |
4th | Ashton Gyoro DBZ | 12 Himself[8] Frog[1] Cecil[1] dog[1] Prince[1] |
5th | dogdude84 | 6 Himself[2] Frog[1] Cecil[1] Prince[1] Neo[1] |
6th | LogoLarson | 11 Himself[2] mega[2] Frog[1] DJ[1] silly[1] Cecil[1] dog[1] Prince[1] masta[1] |
7th | Dial 555 | 7 Himself[2] Logo[2] Cecil[1] SURVIVOR[1] Prince[1] |
8th | DJpeej | 9 Himself[2] Logo[2] Ska[1] Cecil[1] dog[1] Prince[1] masta[1] |
9th | sonicmastanumba1 | 6 Himself[2] Frog[1] Cecil[1] dog[1] Prince[1] |
10th | SkaCore218 | 7 Frog[1] DJ[1] Logo[1] Cecil[1] dog[1] Dial[1] Prince[1] |
11th | SURVIVOR1311 | 6 Himself[2] dog[1] Dial[1] Prince[1] Ashton[1] |
12th | marlyoil | 5 Herself[2] dog[1] Dial[1] Prince[1] |
13th | megamanx1691 | 4 Frog[1] Saline[1] Ska[1] Cecil[1] |
14th | Neokku | 4 Dial[1] Prince[1] Ashton[1] Sonic[1] |
15th | Saline33 | 5 Frog[1] DJ[1] mega[1] Ska[1] Cecil[1] |
16th | sillywilly2626 | 6 Frog[1] DJ[1] Saline[1] Logo[1] Ska[1] Cecil[1] |
- | Rotu | - | ||||||
- | Maraamu | - | ||||||
- | Total | - | ||||||