[Chuay Jai-Day 28]
Dale Jr 8 NL has entered the room.
Clearwater88 has entered the room.
BP Crap has entered the room.
Ashton Gyoro DBZ has entered the room.
Dale Jr 8 NL: hello tribe
BP Crap: hi
Clearwater88: hi
YoshMan4 has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86 has left the room.
YoshMan4: hi
Dale Jr 8 NL: wheres Ju today?
BP Crap: frog left
FrOgLeTt86 has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86: ohh so it decides to load now lol
FrOgLeTt86: Hi guys
Clearwater88: Hello
YoshMan4: hi
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: hi
FrOgLeTt86: how's everyone doin today?
Dale Jr 8 NL: I'm alright
Clearwater88: I'm fine
YoshMan4: fine fine
Dale Jr 8 NL: :-)
FrOgLeTt86: eh?!
YoshMan4: i seee
Clearwater88: Talladega?
Dale Jr 8 NL: can't wait until saturday...
Dale Jr 8 NL: racetrack
Dale Jr 8 NL: best one there is:-)
YoshMan4: horse race?
Dale Jr 8 NL: no, NASCAR
FrOgLeTt86: riiiiigght lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
YoshMan4: ohhh lol
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: heh
Clearwater88: oh...
Clearwater88: I'm Canadian so its ok for me, as for the rest of you, shame!
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: they race 3 and 4 wide around the track for a few hours, then they pile up in a 20 car mass...great stuff
FrOgLeTt86: i dont watch racing lol
YoshMan4: im in michigan, its close to canada so :-P
FrOgLeTt86: yea lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol....but racing is fast becoming the most popular sport in the world
FrOgLeTt86: not with me lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
YoshMan4: not for people who dont watch sports :D lol
BP Crap: me either
Clearwater88: No its not:P
Dale Jr 8 NL: Your not into 43 cars going in circles for hours?
YoshMan4: nope
FrOgLeTt86: no
FrOgLeTt86: thats just dumb lol
FrOgLeTt86: wasting all that oil
Clearwater88: i know its hard to believe but, no, yes i know im a freak!
BP Crap: lol
FrOgLeTt86: that we are fighting for lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol, it is rated 2nd/3rd...kinda tied with baseball in states
Dale Jr 8 NL: football is #1 in USA
FrOgLeTt86: yuck
YoshMan4: baseball?
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: Soccer is #1 in the world
BP Crap: I dont see whats so exciting about seeing cars go around in circles for HOURS
YoshMan4: soccer? wha?
FrOgLeTt86: we have a baseball opener today lol
YoshMan4: the only sport I semi watch is Hockey lol
BP Crap: we do 2
Dale Jr 8 NL: soccer is the favorite spot in the world
FrOgLeTt86: at COmerica park lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: for some reason
BP Crap: the Reds r down 6-0 in the 3rd inning
BP Crap: We have the Great American Blla Park :-)
FrOgLeTt86: ohh i dont know who's who
Dale Jr 8 NL: Red Sox game is starting soon
BP Crap: Ball*
YoshMan4: u talking abotu bball?
BP Crap: Griffeys at bat
BP Crap: bases loaded :-$
Clearwater88: oh k
Dale Jr 8 NL: lets hope he loses:-)
YoshMan4: what sport are u talkin about?
BP Crap: he struck out lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: baseball
YoshMan4: oh
BP Crap: bball
YoshMan4: bball, isnt bball basket ball?lol
Clearwater88: Bball is reffered to as basketball
Dale Jr 8 NL: in the world, soccer is #1, racing is #2, baseball is #3
Dale Jr 8 NL: I think
YoshMan4: yay clear agrees
Clearwater88: LIAR
Dale Jr 8 NL: it is the same with football as #1 instead of soccer in the US
BP Crap: and water polo is #4
Clearwater88: Everyone hates baseball
YoshMan4: soccer dont watch, racing dont watch, baseball dont watch, water poli dont watch lol
Clearwater88: its a crappy sport, you know it, and i know it
BP Crap: i like it
Clearwater88: just cuz americans like it, doesnt mean the whole world has to indulge in its crapness:P
Dale Jr 8 NL: I'm not saying it is the favorite...that is based on ratings....
Dale Jr 8 NL: football is #1 in america
YoshMan4: but not all americans like it lol
Clearwater88: But
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: ;p
Clearwater88: Take surveys
Clearwater88: Basketball and Hockey outnumber baseball all the time
YoshMan4: besides, canadians are also americans ya know lol
Clearwater88: NO WE ARNT!
Clearwater88: north americans yes...
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
YoshMan4: see
Dale Jr 8 NL: US is 'of" america...not "america"
FrOgLeTt86: how bout we all play tennis lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: tennis sux
Dale Jr 8 NL: :-)
FrOgLeTt86: nah
YoshMan4: lol somoen fought with me and todl me canadians are american
Dale Jr 8 NL: Racing is the best sport
YoshMan4: so now i agree
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
YoshMan4: it was a canadian who said they were so :-P
FrOgLeTt86: john doesnt like tennis lol
YoshMan4: i like it
BP Crap: yay
YoshMan4: but i suck
BP Crap: bases loaded
FrOgLeTt86: he quit the tennis team lol
Clearwater88: i hate that canadian
BP Crap: they walked a run 1
Dale Jr 8 NL: This has to be the most in depth convo we have ever had in this game:-)
YoshMan4: and i hate being on the school team
FrOgLeTt86: nah
YoshMan4: lol about sports
YoshMan4: this is sad
FrOgLeTt86: lol
YoshMan4: i never talk about sports
YoshMan4: i dotn get sports
YoshMan4: lol
FrOgLeTt86: everyone can relate to sports lol
FrOgLeTt86: thats why it works
Dale Jr 8 NL: The hardest thing to do in sports is to hit a baseball:-\
Clearwater88: YO LEE!
Dale Jr 8 NL: Driving a stock car is #2
FrOgLeTt86: lol
YoshMan4: i was good at Tee ball
FrOgLeTt86: nah
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: teeball!!
Dale Jr 8 NL: tee ball was fun
Dale Jr 8 NL: :-)
FrOgLeTt86: lol
YoshMan4: it was :D
Dale Jr 8 NL: same with little league:-)
Clearwater88: anyways
YoshMan4: til they took away the tee
Clearwater88: O.o
FrOgLeTt86: my helmet always went over my eyes when i hit lol
YoshMan4: i quit that and never played it again
Dale Jr 8 NL: but then they start pitching fast...and the ball hurts...lol
Clearwater88: What tastes better than chocolate?
FrOgLeTt86: couldnt ever see what i was doing
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: it'll end up in your profile lol
YoshMan4: vanilla
Clearwater88: NO
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: Mochlate
Clearwater88: mochlate!:-)
FrOgLeTt86: lol
YoshMan4: i know i saw that lol
YoshMan4: i wanted to change it
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Clearwater88: whats better than chocolate according to a gay grade 9 named justin?
YoshMan4: vanilla smells better
Clearwater88: tastes better*
YoshMan4: chocolate tastes better
JUAirborne13 has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86: SumGayGuyNamedJustin: Cocklate!
Dale Jr 8 NL: what is mochlate....I'm lost
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: Hey Ju
Clearwater88: hehehe
JUAirborne13: Is host in a bad mood?
FrOgLeTt86: dunno
YoshMan4: no lol
YoshMan4: i dont think so
JUAirborne13: Survivor Guy 886 [4:55 PM]: why are you always late
JUAirborne13: lol
JUAirborne13: I say Uh sry
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: hmm
YoshMan4: is this real lol
BP Crap: yes
Dale Jr 8 NL: Dale Jr 8 NL: BP Crap: TREEMAIL (real?)Survivor Guy 886: noDale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: sweet
FrOgLeTt86: lol
YoshMan4: didn't think so
YoshMan4: lol
Clearwater88: i asked sg
BP Crap: why does guy ruin everything *sigh*
Clearwater88: he said no
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Clearwater88: TREEMAIL!
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
BP Crap: liar
Clearwater88: No serious
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Clearwater88: hold on...
FrOgLeTt86: i want a cruise lol
FrOgLeTt86: man
BP Crap: me 2 lol
YoshMan4: me too
BP Crap: it sounded good :-)
YoshMan4: send us tickets
FrOgLeTt86: tanning sounds fun lol
YoshMan4: 14718 cherry ln
Clearwater88: thats it...
YoshMan4: send them there
YoshMan4: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
BP Crap: that was almost funny
BP Crap: ...almost
YoshMan4: i gave wrogn address
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: whoops
Clearwater88: it rhymed:P
FrOgLeTt86: lier lol
BP Crap: but mine r better
Clearwater88: no they isn't
YoshMan4: isn't lol nice grammar
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Clearwater88: A GUN
Dale Jr 8 NL: Survivor Guy 886: just ignore bp would youDale Jr 8 NL: lol
Clearwater88: ITS ABOUTTO SNOW
YoshMan4: lol
Clearwater88: Clearwater88: did bp get treemail for real?Clearwater88: BP Crap: TREEMAIL 4 REAL!Survivor Guy 886: just ignore bp would you
FrOgLeTt86: is this one real?
Clearwater88: lol
Clearwater88: no
BP Crap: :-(
YoshMan4: no
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: BP
YoshMan4: its not real lol
FrOgLeTt86: Zach!
Dale Jr 8 NL: BP will never get it any more
Dale Jr 8 NL: :-)
YoshMan4: loll
BP Crap: I got it last time :-)
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: i like getting treemail lol
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: *Has his Millennium Item Flash*
BP Crap: here we go...
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: *Transforms into the King of Games*
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: everyone, we have treemail ;p
Clearwater88: oh no you don't!
Clearwater88: *kicks ashton*
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: *dodges*
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: ahem...as i was saying
FrOgLeTt86: who has treemail?
Dale Jr 8 NL: Ashton, you always transform into the king of games....but how many have you actually won?
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Clearwater88: *kick, kcik*
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: Dale-the winner is what matters ;P
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: Mr. King of games over there hasn't made the final 2 yet:-P
Dale Jr 8 NL: j/k:-)
YoshMan4: oooooooo
YoshMan4: ooooo
YoshMan4: ooooo
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: end
YoshMan4: yay
Clearwater88: OMG
FrOgLeTt86: people trivia lol
BP Crap: =-O
Clearwater88: *dives*
YoshMan4: lol i dunno i just said ooo
BP Crap: yay I love me
JUAirborne13: oh nice
Clearwater88: i saved u all the trouble of hating me;-)
BP Crap: not people trivia
BP Crap: Ill leave
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: trivia is evil...:-\
FrOgLeTt86: why?
Clearwater88: ok
Clearwater88: quick
JUAirborne13: wate so AShton showed the real treemail?
FrOgLeTt86: i dont even know if thats what it is lol
FrOgLeTt86: i was just guessing lol
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: Yes, i showed the actual tremil
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: nail*
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: tremail*
FrOgLeTt86: nail?
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: ;p
Clearwater88: Bobby, Mississauga Ontario Canada, 14:P
Dale Jr 8 NL: Red Sox game is starting!!!
FrOgLeTt86: heres a tree nail guys lol
YoshMan4: Sarah, California, 19, Female
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Clearwater88: lol
JUAirborne13: oh ok
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: lol
Clearwater88: seriously
FrOgLeTt86: yesss lol
FrOgLeTt86: nice john lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: I'm going to call you Sarah from now on:-P
Clearwater88: same
Clearwater88: u evil child\
FrOgLeTt86: haha
YoshMan4: oh great lol
Clearwater88: TELL ME UR INFO DAMMIT:p
FrOgLeTt86: who?
YoshMan4: im evil? Not EBIL? lol
Clearwater88: all of u:P
FrOgLeTt86: why?
Clearwater88: no not ebil... u dont qualify
FrOgLeTt86: you should allready know it
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: Ashton, Eastern NC, NC, 15
BP Crap: Berta, South Carolina, 19, Female
FrOgLeTt86: right Zach
Clearwater88: froggy is..
Clearwater88: megs
Clearwater88: 16
Clearwater88: michigan
BP Crap: =-O
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Clearwater88: john is same:P
BP Crap: .stalkers!
Dale Jr 8 NL: STALKER!!!
FrOgLeTt86: ohh good i dont have to say mine lol
YoshMan4: im not same
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: johns 15
YoshMan4: im really not lol
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: haha
Clearwater88: oh
Dale Jr 8 NL: nobody knows mine
Clearwater88: what
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
YoshMan4: 1 month and 8 days
JUAirborne13: I'm 21
YoshMan4: :-P
JUAirborne13: lol
JUAirborne13: If it's about you guys then I think I'll do fairly well
FrOgLeTt86: Dale 14 PA?
FrOgLeTt86: or somwhere lol
JUAirborne13: better then I did on that website thing
YoshMan4: what if its about famour people
Dale Jr 8 NL: PA!? *shutter*
YoshMan4: i dunno famous people
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
YoshMan4: i dunno anyone
FrOgLeTt86: NH?
JUAirborne13: Yea famous I would do good
JUAirborne13: lol
Clearwater88: Apu Nahaspenapetalam, 34, India,
Dale Jr 8 NL: *shutter more*
JUAirborne13: lol
JUAirborne13: Dale is from Ohio
JUAirborne13: I think
JUAirborne13: lol
FrOgLeTt86: no
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: i thought that was Zach?
YoshMan4: MA
JUAirborne13: Oh maybe
Clearwater88: just call me mister nahasapenapetalam
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol...my name isn't even Dale...but oh well:-)
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
JUAirborne13: someone is Ohio
JUAirborne13: that is not fair ya all know where I am from
JUAirborne13: lol
FrOgLeTt86: Zach is
JUAirborne13: don't say it
JUAirborne13: lol
YoshMan4: im from OH
BP Crap: im not
YoshMan4: :D
JUAirborne13: Oh
JUAirborne13: right
Clearwater88: no ur not
FrOgLeTt86: i want a recount
Clearwater88: michiagn!
Dale Jr 8 NL: If it was about us...wouldn't that be too easy?
JUAirborne13: lol
YoshMan4: im close to ohio so :-P
Clearwater88: no
JUAirborne13: Yea it would be
Clearwater88: i dont know about any of u children:P
JUAirborne13: or maybe not
JUAirborne13: Oh I have 2
JUAirborne13: lol
BP Crap: i know all about me :-)
YoshMan4: maybe its about survivors
Clearwater88: darn
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Clearwater88: i dont watch the show
JUAirborne13: Oh then it should be a close race
YoshMan4: lol
FrOgLeTt86: Zachhh your from ohio i know it
JUAirborne13: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: I wish my name was Dale...
JUAirborne13: Someone is
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: that's a cool name...
YoshMan4: what is ur name
JUAirborne13: No it's not
JUAirborne13: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: I'll name my kids Chip and Dale:-)
FrOgLeTt86: i'll just call you Silly Willy
FrOgLeTt86: lol
JUAirborne13: omg
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
JUAirborne13: I lyk JU
YoshMan4: chip and dale rescue rangers
Clearwater88: dale
JUAirborne13: it's a rapper name
JUAirborne13: lol
YoshMan4: u no it never fails
Clearwater88: whasur name?
JUAirborne13: JT
JUAirborne13: AJ
FrOgLeTt86: JOesph lol
YoshMan4: my name is JD
YoshMan4: :D
JUAirborne13: JD
JUAirborne13: yea so many
JUAirborne13: I lyk JU
YoshMan4: mine really is JD
JUAirborne13: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: Me be ::CENSOR::
JUAirborne13: It's lyk HEY YOU
FrOgLeTt86: WIll?
JUAirborne13: JU
FrOgLeTt86: lol
JUAirborne13: Hey You
JUAirborne13: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Clearwater88: ur all ****ed in the head
Clearwater88: lol
Clearwater88: head
JUAirborne13: OHhhhh
Clearwater88: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: Frog...if I was Will, wouldn't I have kept "sillywilly?":-)
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
JUAirborne13: OHhhhhhh
JUAirborne13: Uhhhhhh
JUAirborne13: bad word
YoshMan4: silly willy ol bear
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol, clear...
Clearwater88: thjn JMKOL,U8,]\
Clearwater88: FRV
Clearwater88: FVE GR
Dale Jr 8 NL: -5SP
BP Crap: I just quit a game :-)
BP Crap: BP Crap: well then take me outsurvivor OCEANIA: No!survivor OCEANIA: Ugh!
FrOgLeTt86: no lol
Clearwater88: NBG\
Clearwater88: GNY6H
Clearwater88: 6
Clearwater88: 2
Clearwater88: 6g5yt
Clearwater88: 8u
YoshMan4: hmmm
YoshMan4: are u okay clear?
FrOgLeTt86: hmm
FrOgLeTt86: spastic
FrOgLeTt86: hey John
FrOgLeTt86: you know Katie
FrOgLeTt86: the one girl from the bus?
YoshMan4: yeah did she move
FrOgLeTt86: no
Clearwater88: omg! i went down for 5 seconds to open the foor 8n9i8-):-* 0op8p\
YoshMan4: or get sent away
Dale Jr 8 NL: I know Katie:-)
FrOgLeTt86: she get sent away lol
Clearwater88: door*\
Clearwater88: and myl0;p-0[p;l0p
Clearwater88: fiu,roieo80nd
YoshMan4: she really did?
FrOgLeTt86: she'll be back tho
YoshMan4: for cutting herself?
FrOgLeTt86: yea
YoshMan4: wow
JUAirborne13: My real name Is XAVIAR
JUAirborne13: lol
Clearwater88: OMG
YoshMan4: i thought that was just a rumor
Dale Jr 8 NL: Xavier is a cool name too
JUAirborne13: Yea itis
Clearwater88: it wasnt me lol
JUAirborne13: *it is
Clearwater88: i went to get the door...
BP Crap: im naming my kid Xavier
JUAirborne13: Ok let's not talk lol
Clearwater88: and my frend typed it... lol
FrOgLeTt86: i dunno we can ask Katie if she ever comes back
BP Crap: and Im naming one Ashton
JUAirborne13: so we can start the challenge
JUAirborne13: lol
BP Crap: I had them names b4 this game
YoshMan4: savages savages htrey may be big and hungry
Dale Jr 8 NL: bases loaded for the Red Sox!
FrOgLeTt86: no you just have a crush on ashton Zach
BP Crap: I hope they lose
FrOgLeTt86: i know ashtons real name haha
Dale Jr 8 NL: wow...
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: i.0
YoshMan4: me too
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
JUAirborne13: This challenge for some reason sounds interesting
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: o.0*
BP Crap: what is it
Clearwater88: HELLO
FrOgLeTt86: can i say it?
Clearwater88: Did u ignore me? lol
YoshMan4: nrm
YoshMan4: :D
FrOgLeTt86: hi clea
FrOgLeTt86: r
YoshMan4: <-1
YoshMan4: there
Clearwater88: good... im not dead
FrOgLeTt86: *clear
JUAirborne13: challenge should start in 1 min
JUAirborne13: on my watch
FrOgLeTt86: lol
BP Crap: how u know
FrOgLeTt86: if thats the time he plans to start out lol
YoshMan4: if u didnt notice I said his real name :-P
Dale Jr 8 NL: 4 on my watch:-)
BP Crap: I run like a deer
BP Crap: john deere
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: should start in 2 by my watch
JUAirborne13: Well he should
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: 5 by my computer
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: 3 by my clock in the kitchen
YoshMan4: 3 by mine
JUAirborne13: Oh Ashton talks
JUAirborne13: lol
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: been past time on my DSS system
FrOgLeTt86: can i say your real name ashton?
FrOgLeTt86: lol
BP Crap: we start challenges at 530? =-O
YoshMan4: i said his name lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: I hope:-)
FrOgLeTt86: where?
YoshMan4: did anyoen not see lol
FrOgLeTt86: i dont see it
BP Crap: I never knew that, I thought it was whenever the host felt like it
YoshMan4: NRM <-1
FrOgLeTt86: thats cheap lol
YoshMan4: i said that lol
FrOgLeTt86: thats not his name silly
Dale Jr 8 NL: YoshMan4: nrm
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: =/
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Clearwater88: nrm?
YoshMan4: yes
FrOgLeTt86: hmm lol
YoshMan4: NRM <-1
Clearwater88: what the flying monkey?
FrOgLeTt86: i'm gonna say it hehe
YoshMan4: i said it lol
JUAirborne13: UH let's start already
FrOgLeTt86: sorry BEN lol
YoshMan4: just look at what i said
JUAirborne13: and I was only 5 min late
JUAirborne13: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
JUAirborne13: OMG! Shoot me host
JUAirborne13: lol
YoshMan4: yes NRM left one
YoshMan4: look on a keyboard
FrOgLeTt86: ?
YoshMan4: NRM <-1
Clearwater88: my name is vivvt
YoshMan4: equals BEN lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
YoshMan4: no one caught that lol
JUAirborne13: So who is going to win?
FrOgLeTt86: eh
Clearwater88: you
JUAirborne13: Any bets on anyone?
FrOgLeTt86: i doubt me lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: me:-)
JUAirborne13: I say Dale
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: Yosh and Frog, i hope i never have to keep a secret with ya'll, that if told, i will die
YoshMan4: not me lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
BP Crap: Survivor Guy 886: it is whenever i feel like it, but if you'll notice, my natural tendency is organized, so usually whenever you receive the treemail, just double it to figure out whenever the challenge begins
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: cause im a dead man =/
JUAirborne13: yea lol
BP Crap: Survivor Guy 886: 5:15 i sent treemailSurvivor Guy 886: doubled is 5:30
YoshMan4: awwww :-( sorry ashton
JUAirborne13: OK 2 minutes
JUAirborne13: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Clearwater88: why the flying monkey would your first name be a secret?
FrOgLeTt86: ashton i know plenty about ya lol
BP Crap: Im gonna name my kid Boat
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: i know =/
JUAirborne13: lol froggy
FrOgLeTt86: even your address lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: Meg stalks Ben
JUAirborne13: Mine is BLAKE
FrOgLeTt86: yea you know it lol
JUAirborne13: BLAKE and SYDNEY
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: i'll stalk you all too lol
YoshMan4: hmmm
Clearwater88: my children are going to be named, Ben Dover
YoshMan4: Maplewood court?
Clearwater88: Yo-Lee
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol, you don't even know what state I live in or what my name is
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: everyone, my name is Ben, i wont hide it
FrOgLeTt86: MAlol
Dale Jr 8 NL: DjPeej chanted it during OS4
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: but i would appreciate it if you would all keep callin me Ashton
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: ok?
BP Crap: Im Berta, ok?
Clearwater88: LOL!
Clearwater88: why ashton?
FrOgLeTt86: Dj-Matt chanted it?
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: everyone else online does
YoshMan4: because ashton's name is ashton1
Dale Jr 8 NL: Dj-Matt?
FrOgLeTt86: when was this?
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
BP Crap: 530 :-)
Clearwater88: ok
Clearwater88: well then call me
Dale Jr 8 NL: during that chat we had after you guys voted me out
FrOgLeTt86: his real name was Matt lol
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: what opeople call me determines if i know them online or nnot
JUAirborne13: 530
Clearwater88: Apu Nahasapenapetalam
JUAirborne13: I have 529
FrOgLeTt86: you got voted off first lol
JUAirborne13: lol
YoshMan4: i have 5:31
BP Crap: im voting ______ off
JUAirborne13 has left the room.
Ashton Gyoro DBZ has left the room.
BP Crap has left the room.
YoshMan4 has left the room.
Clearwater88 has left the room.
Dale Jr 8 NL has left the room.
FrOgLeTt86 has left the room.
JUAirborne13 has entered the room.
JUAirborne13: HEY HOST
JUAirborne13: AHhhhhhhha
JUAirborne13: lol
JUAirborne13: and there not here
JUAirborne13: so AHhhhhhhhhhaaaaaa