skaboy97's Last Words:

its time for this skaboy to get outta here and chill, peace out

Name Voted For: Comment
FrOgLeTt86 skaboy97 SkaBoy97~ although your sn pops avril's [email protected] boi song in my head you've had the least amount of attendence~ so my question to you is~ What do you want on your tombstone? GOod luck in other games
Yoshman4 skaboy97 I vote for skaboy97, because he hardly came, only showed up for quick draw, got some sp, then didn't come to any ICS. He doesn't talk much very introverted, so I don't really know much about him either.
Gestahl94 skaboy97 Our dear friend Frog wants Skaboy... not Skacore, Ashton, to go... far be it from me to deny the happiness of the Tribe Leader, whether she'll admit it or not... therefore, Emperor Gestahl says... in to the Prince's headbasket w/ you, Skaboy97
JYugiTTristanS skaboy97 Ska- ...........Good job.............of having a VERY bad attendance. I know Chr hasn't but i have a feeling she's next.
Boodu2boo Ashton Gyoro DBZ voting by attendance???? Psshh... Just a way to minipulate em... im voting for ashton cause he never delivered the treemail, and we almost paid the concequences for it... i also vote for him because him and yugi hit it off real well, and i dont want anything to develope their.
Ashton Gyoro DBZ skaboy97 My Vote is for Skaboy97, he has done the least of the tribe, i havent seen him really do anything to contribute to the well-being of the tribe and people like that should not be in this game, your here to win And...the king of games has spoken
skaboy97 ChrSwtPea ashely, cause she aint here, ChrSwtPea, i think thats ashley, i dunno, but whoever it is isnt here
ChrSwtPea skaboy97 ska, well, he just dusnt talk much and, im not 1 to speak but attendance