[Date]>{February 26, 2003}
[Actual Day]>{31/89}

[Chuay Gahn-Day 14]

YoshMan4 has entered the room.
Gestahl94 has entered the room.
Boodu2boo has entered the room.
Ashton Gyoro DBZ has entered the room.
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: now, what kinda speech do we gotta sit through?
Boodu2boo: id rather winn immunity then reward
Gestahl94: What speech, Ashton?
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: bood-id rather win it all ;p
Boodu2boo: lol
YoshMan4: speech?
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: i figured someone would be angry, and sound off at us al
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: *looks to gesthal and coughs*
YoshMan4: everyone tried there hardest, good job :D
Gestahl94: Ashton...
Gestahl94: Do not
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: ;p
Boodu2boo: i dont think yugi wants to play anymore....
Gestahl94: And I mean Do NOT START WITH ME
Gestahl94: I am not in the mood
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: ive got plenty of reasons not to, trust ,e
Gestahl94: you damn right you don't
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: -.-;;
Gestahl94: now...
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: *notes the 2nd person not in a good mood*
Gestahl94: They got lucky...
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: here it comes ;p
Gestahl94: I have a bad connection
YoshMan4: everyone calm down and play yoshis story
Gestahl94: Yosh always has a bad connection
YoshMan4: it will make evertyone smile
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: i guessed, and bood answered too fast on the hockey thing
Gestahl94: Plenty of people had bad connections, so they beat us today
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: well...it was a very educated guess, i may add
Gestahl94: we will win immunity
Gestahl94: they aren't going to get lucky again
Gestahl94: so nobody's gonna yell, nobody's gonna whine or second guess
Boodu2boo: guys
Gestahl94: We will win... do not tell me I'm in a bitter mood
Boodu2boo: i brb
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: um...i had no intentions to to start with
Gestahl94: because I don't care if I am
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: heh, i never tunred into Yami ashton, thats why ;p
Gestahl94: ...
Gestahl94: so, how was your day, yosh and Ashton?
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: my day was fine...i was sleepy as ****
YoshMan4: my day was pretty good, how bout yours?
Gestahl94: my days are all very, very long
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: guess goin to sleep at 3:30, wakin up at 7 does that ;p
YoshMan4: i bet lol
Gestahl94: tis a good thing for me to come home
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: hehe, slept all of 1st...made people angry
YoshMan4: sleep is good :D naps are good, anything to do with sleep is good :D
Boodu2boo: back
YoshMan4: welcome back!
YoshMan4: so anyone have anything planned tonite?
Gestahl94: hope Froggy comes back soon
YoshMan4: err on a school night heh
Gestahl94: heh...
Gestahl94: we are all not so lucky as you, Yosh
YoshMan4: lol sorry i forget
YoshMan4: especiall with ashton stayin on til 3:30 with us lol
YoshMan4: makes me forget he has school also
Gestahl94: All I am going to do tonight is type up a report
YoshMan4: ah, whats the report on?
Gestahl94: Capital Punishment
YoshMan4: oh, i did a persuasive speech on that before
Gestahl94: for or against?
YoshMan4: heh i am against capital punishment
Gestahl94: heh... I have no opinion, honestly
Gestahl94: but I am taking the argument against it
YoshMan4: ah i see
Gestahl94: you find more things for resources if you use that stance ;-)
YoshMan4: heh didnt know that :D
YoshMan4: did that speech awhile ago so fforget all the facts i found
Gestahl94: heh... I see, I see
YoshMan4: today i think i might tackle the MAsteR Quest Water Temple, although im a bit scared since that made me take a year break in the normal version, heh, but thats my plans for tonite
Gestahl94: heh... I see
Gestahl94: I am going to eat dinner
Gestahl94: I will see you all Friday
Gestahl94: Have a nice night, all
YoshMan4: okay, see ya later
YoshMan4: ditto
Gestahl94 has left the room.
YoshMan4: hum de dum de dum
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: yeop
YoshMan4: okiedoke...

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