[Date]>{February 28, 2003}
[Actual Day]>{33/89}

[Tribal Council 5-Night 15]

*****Boodu2boo voting*****

Ashton Gyoro DBZ: *unsheathes his royal sword*
Gestahl94: *Pulls out the Prince's Royal Sword*
Gestahl94: been forever since this thing has seen the light of day
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: hmph...i remember this blade...
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: it killed many a people with our allaince in the past
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: now...they find thier way to each other...
JYugiTTristanS: *pulls out 2 Ties of friendship cards and gives them to both Ashton and Gestahl* Good luck.
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: heh, thanks
Gestahl94: quite... which is stronger, Ashton... we must find out tonight
Survivor Guy 886: FROGGY
Gestahl94: thank you, Yugi
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: yes, we shall
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: *raises swords outward to meet his* to the best swordsman
*****FrOgLeTt86 voting*****

Survivor Guy 886: YUGI
*****JYugiTTristanS voting*****

Damn! Look, i'm not letting my first ally leave! I've known him scince OLS3! He's the first one that ever helped me! So This time it's nothing from dice this is from the heart! Goodbye... Ashton.

Survivor Guy 886: YOSH
JYugiTTristanS: sorry *edited*
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: Yugi-no need to say it, im aware already
*****Yoshman4 voting*****

I am voting for.... sigh I can't do this...he is my friend, i talk to him all the time...sigh what am i doing... I am voting for Gestahl :-(:-(:-(. He is a great guy, and I hope he can forgive me...but this is so hard.. my alliance is voting this way..ishould too... but can I actually press send? He is a great guy, I cant think of any reason to say why I am voting for him... :-(:-(:-( Sigh, why did my computer lag? We wouldn't have to do this :-(. OK I am pressing send. I know if its a tie again he has more SP, and Im fine with him staying hes a good guy... we shall see if he goes :-/

Survivor Guy 886: I'LL GO TALLY THE VOTES

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