[Date]>{February 26, 2003}
[Actual Day]>{31/89}

[Sook Jai-Day 14]

BPCrap has entered the room.
BPCrap: hey
Dale Jr 8 NL has entered the room.
BPCrap: hey
Dale Jr 8 NL: hello
Dale Jr 8 NL: How are you?
BPCrap: ok and u
JUAirborne13 has entered the room.
Dale Jr 8 NL: pretty good
Dale Jr 8 NL: hey Ju
BPCrap: o God
BPCrap: Lcear is on 2
BPCrap: Clear*
BPCrap: plz dont start today JU ok?
JUAirborne13: Is that a problen Bp?
BPCrap: just ignore him
Dale Jr 8 NL: He has an away message up
JUAirborne13: OMG! Why u think I instigate everything?
JUAirborne13: If he is here
JUAirborne13: then I have to deal with that
JUAirborne13: lol
BPCrap: I didnt say that
BPCrap: I said ignore him
BPCrap: if he tries to start stuff
Clearwater88 has entered the room.
Dale Jr 8 NL: Hey clear
BPCrap: hey
Clearwater88: hey me no late:-)
Clearwater88: ok well if i didnt tell u guys
Clearwater88: no one lied
Clearwater88: so us 4 can be trusted:-)
Dale Jr 8 NL: ok
JUAirborne13: for what?
JUAirborne13: Sry! Havn't been here lately so I dont know what is really going on
Clearwater88: not us 4
Clearwater88: lol
Clearwater88: i mean me dale bp n furtado:P
Clearwater88: but u can be trusted 2
JUAirborne13: oh ok
Clearwater88: Ju can u believe out entire hates me and you more than the hcker mat?
BPCrap: no we dont
Clearwater88: lol;-)\
BPCrap: Clear
JUAirborne13: Clear I don't have an answer to that
Clearwater88: thats not wat the votes said;-)
Clearwater88: we took a vote
Clearwater88: i was 6th u were 5th amt was 4rth furtado 3rd bp second and dale first
JUAirborne13: So
JUAirborne13: It was a challenge
JUAirborne13: I wasn't here for it
Clearwater88: Yeah
BPCrap: not a challenge
BPCrap: possible switches
Clearwater88: Its a joke...
BPCrap: we tried voting mat out of our tribe
BPCrap: but no 1 would
JUAirborne13: oh switching
Clearwater88: But BP with his "strategy" messed the whole thing up:P
BPCrap: and?
BPCrap: I didnt wanna hurt any fealings
JUAirborne13: Can someone explain what happened?
BPCrap: so I did it the best way I knew how besides that
JUAirborne13: Lyk in detail
Dale Jr 8 NL: true, you know how hard it was to make that list?
JUAirborne13: Kinda clueless on what this is
Clearwater88: my feelings were extremely hurt
Clearwater88: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: I'll tell, since I went the farthest
JUAirborne13: Mine aren't
Clearwater88: i was so pissed cuz mat was chosen over me
JUAirborne13: Ok
Dale Jr 8 NL: We each made a list of our favortie tribe mates, 1-5
Dale Jr 8 NL: favorite*
JUAirborne13: lol
JUAirborne13: ok
Dale Jr 8 NL: The other tribe did the same
Clearwater88: and bp put mat first
Clearwater88: -_-
BPCrap: :-)
Clearwater88: AHHHHH! i won a codestone
Dale Jr 8 NL: Then we got together (the 2 tribes) and the people were matched up
BPCrap: mat is soooo cool
Dale Jr 8 NL: For example:
Clearwater88: Clearwater88 and Yugi
Dale Jr 8 NL: The 6th place people were Clear and Yugi
JUAirborne13: So who was my partner?
Clearwater88: i dont know i was kikced out of room
Dale Jr 8 NL: The people there could vote on whether the two should switch or not
Clearwater88: thankfully no one wanted to switch them but Bood and Me
Dale Jr 8 NL: once that happened the 2 left
Dale Jr 8 NL: and the next pair went up
Clearwater88: hehe i voted yes to switching;-)
Dale Jr 8 NL: It got down to the 2 favorites, me and Frog
Dale Jr 8 NL: We could choose any people from our tribes, to switch
Clearwater88: did frog want me?
Clearwater88: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: As long as it was the same amount of people, and we both agreed to it
Clearwater88: no she wanted bp:P
BPCrap: :-)
BPCrap: <- cool 8-)
Dale Jr 8 NL: Frog wanted BP, I wanted Gestahl
Dale Jr 8 NL: As you can see, no switching happened
Dale Jr 8 NL: That's it
BPCrap: just throw me away :-(
BPCrap: u shoulda took Yosh
BPCrap: Yosh is cool
Dale Jr 8 NL: Ju, your partner was........I think Bood
JUAirborne13: so why did Clear switch
JUAirborne13: or want to switch?
Dale Jr 8 NL: I don't know
Clearwater88: cuz i was mad for 5 seconds
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
JUAirborne13: ok
Clearwater88: then i was like wait... no i dont wanna swicth
Dale Jr 8 NL: Make sure you guys are checking for the TM
Clearwater88: i am
JUAirborne13: Well I wouldn't have switched
JUAirborne13: I don't know anyone from the other tribe
JUAirborne13: I talked to Geshtal once
BPCrap: i wanna switch
BPCrap: I hate all of u with a passion
Clearwater88: god sent me an angel from the heavens above, sent me an angel to heal my broken heart from being in love cuz all i do is cry(is cry) god sent me an angel to wipe the tears from my eyes...:'(
BPCrap: jk ;-) u know I love u all
BPCrap: OMG!
BPCrap: Im listening to that 2 :-)
BPCrap: is cfy
Clearwater88: LOL!
BPCrap: is cry
BPCrap: God send me an Angel
BPCrap: o wipe the tears from my yes
Clearwater88: god sent me an angel from the heavens aboveeeeeeee
Clearwater88: all i do is cry(is cry)
BPCrap: next is Emotions by Destinys Child :-)
Clearwater88: !!!
Clearwater88: thats a good song 2
Dale Jr 8 NL: yeah........
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
BPCrap: we r all voting mat at next tc right?
Clearwater88: im just gonna listen to angel repeatedly
Clearwater88: yeah..:-(
Dale Jr 8 NL: probably
Clearwater88: No
Clearwater88: Guys
BPCrap: Clear
Clearwater88: We have to
BPCrap: I think the reason u and JU dont get along is because you are to much alike
Clearwater88: =-O
Clearwater88: how so..?
BPCrap: deny if u want
BPCrap: you guys talk the same way
BPCrap: and act same way
BPCrap: I cant wait 4 choir tommorrow
JUAirborne13: Sry I don't agree with that
BPCrap: I do
BPCrap: what do u think dale?
JUAirborne13: Well I think were total opposites
Clearwater88: Listen
Clearwater88: I do not use Lyk
JUAirborne13: I usually get along with those who are lyk myself
Dale Jr 8 NL: I don't know, I don't want to have a say in that:-)
BPCrap: lol
Clearwater88: And Ju is um... "honors" while im
BPCrap: I wish we could repick tribes
BPCrap: me and froggy
Clearwater88: "C's in most"
BPCrap: AFTER knowing everyone
BPCrap: Mat would be gone
Clearwater88: I know bp hates me
BPCrap: and Clear and JU would be split up
BPCrap: no i dont
BPCrap: Im mad u voted DDR out
BPCrap: not just u tho
JUAirborne13: I didn't vote DDR out
BPCrap: didnt say u did :-)
Clearwater88: listen dont be amd at me
Clearwater88: DDR was evil
BPCrap: im not lol
Clearwater88: He hated dalew
BPCrap: no he wasnt
BPCrap: no he didnt
Clearwater88: and i liked dale much more
Clearwater88: oh yeah right*rolls eyes*
BPCrap: I like Dale a great amount
Dale Jr 8 NL: ah, we all love me:-)
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Clearwater88: lol no one said love;-)
BPCrap: but I dont think because he "didnt like Dale" is a good reason 4 u to get him out
Dale Jr 8 NL: hahaha
Clearwater88: yeah it was
JUAirborne13: My vote goes to who is the most inactive
Dale Jr 8 NL: Tu aime Dale:-)
Clearwater88: and i hated him
JUAirborne13: Clear is active
Clearwater88: did i mention i hated him?
JUAirborne13: therefore he doesn't deserve to go
BPCrap: my vote goes to who is MOST active
Clearwater88: cuz i really did hate him:P
Clearwater88: Listen ju
JUAirborne13: I'd rather go in 5 STRONG
Clearwater88: My vote is with BP only becuz he is my frend and i would rather have him then mat
Clearwater88: Im willing to sacrifice 5sp a week then lose BP:P
BPCrap: Im not
Clearwater88: You are BP!
BPCrap: this game is weird tho
JUAirborne13: Well ya know
JUAirborne13: we need ative people in the merge
BPCrap: if someone dont show up to TC they GET a vote
BPCrap: yea
JUAirborne13: those who will be at TC's
BPCrap: I will
BPCrap: :-)
JUAirborne13: cause it could be a tie in the merge
JUAirborne13: and I want to make sure that us 5 are in the final 5
BPCrap: or we could be up 2
BPCrap: I like Furtado :-\
Clearwater88: More than me:'(
BPCrap: yeah :'(
BPCrap: sike naw
Clearwater88: U lied and said i was second.. turned out i was last:P
BPCrap: o
BPCrap: lol yes u were
BPCrap: i 4got
Dale Jr 8 NL: We all like Furtado, and we all like each other....but some one will have to go if we need to vote some one out
BPCrap: y do u make that into a bigger deal then it is
Clearwater88: becuz i wuz shocked
Clearwater88: when i saw my name i dropped my keyboard
Clearwater88: lol
BPCrap: well mat and ju didnt vote
JUAirborne13: I was
BPCrap: so that gave them an advantage
JUAirborne13: * I wasn;t here
JUAirborne13: But I understand me being 5th
Dale Jr 8 NL: Who knows what Mat would have put for his list:-\
JUAirborne13: But I thought Mat would be bellow me
Clearwater88: And i was even more shocked when ju was 5th
JUAirborne13: Shocked in what way?
JUAirborne13: that I was higher then you
BPCrap: maybe people are tired of ur argueing?
Clearwater88: No
JUAirborne13: or that I was that low
Clearwater88: That Mat was higher than you as well
JUAirborne13: oh
JUAirborne13: ok
Dale Jr 8 NL: ~I'd just like to point out that I put Mat last:-)~
Clearwater88: i think us constantly fighting is irritating the entire tribe...
Clearwater88: id like topoint out i put mat 4rth
BPCrap: its like Danille and Roddy
BPCrap: your drawing attention to yourself
BPCrap: negative attention
JUAirborne13: me?
Clearwater88: but at least me and ju are honest
BPCrap: I am 2
Clearwater88: we rnt like keeping it inside
BPCrap: I havent lied in this game yet
JUAirborne13: Wait Wait
Clearwater88: and feeling like killing sum1:P
JUAirborne13: What is this Roddy Danielle ordeal?
JUAirborne13: who are they?
BPCrap: BB3
BPCrap: they argued all the time
BPCrap: and told each other "how it was"
BPCrap: Danielle didnt like Rody
BPCrap: cus he was a threat
BPCrap: and a "mastermind"
JUAirborne13: Yea who is Danielle and Roddy
JUAirborne13: who are u refering those 2 as
JUAirborne13: ?
BPCrap: do u live in a shell?
Clearwater88: lol
JUAirborne13: I understand there from BIG BROTHER 3
Dale Jr 8 NL: Has anyone heard anything about Eric and Lisa since the last episode?
Clearwater88: hez refering them to us
JUAirborne13: ohhhhhh
JUAirborne13: which one am I?
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Clearwater88: Does it matter?
JUAirborne13: got the treemail!
Dale Jr 8 NL: k
Clearwater88: lol
BPCrap: Ive never got treemail :-\
Clearwater88: :O
Clearwater88: they never are...
BPCrap: lol
JUAirborne13: Maybe I get it because he thinks Im leaving everytime
Dale Jr 8 NL: The answer is 2:-)
JUAirborne13: lol
Clearwater88: i think it might be who took the sp..
Clearwater88: thats been haunting me:'(
JUAirborne13: me 2
BPCrap: Caspers haunting me :-(
Clearwater88: LOL!
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: Silly Casper
BPCrap: I got a question
BPCrap: well a joke
JUAirborne13: so make it
BPCrap: why did the fly leave the toilet?
Clearwater88: becuz...
BPCrap: because he was pissed off
BPCrap: :-)
Clearwater88: lol!
JUAirborne13: ok.....
Dale Jr 8 NL: Any of you guys seen the movie: The Odessey
BPCrap: its to lighten the mood
BPCrap: yes in 7th grade
Dale Jr 8 NL: That movie is soooooooo boring
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
BPCrap: is that the greek gods or w/e
Clearwater88: nope
Dale Jr 8 NL: There is one good part
Dale Jr 8 NL: yeah, it is
BPCrap: k we watched it in 7th grade
Dale Jr 8 NL: The good part is when everyone gets eaten by some random monster that comes out of a rock wall
BPCrap: Medusa is sexy :-*
Dale Jr 8 NL: right.....
Clearwater88: o_O
Dale Jr 8 NL: They like, put this goat on the rock, and a monster come swooping down, picks up the goat, and brings it off screen.....
BPCrap: lol I know
Dale Jr 8 NL: all of a sudden, all the blood poor down fro mthe rocks
Dale Jr 8 NL: sooooooooo great
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Clearwater88: Hehe..
BPCrap: any of u ever heard of a game called custers revenge
BPCrap: for atari?
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol, yeah
BPCrap: games great
Dale Jr 8 NL: It was in this one magazine under the 10 worst games ever
Clearwater88: nope..
BPCrap: awwww
BPCrap: its fun
Dale Jr 8 NL: ET for Atari was the worst, the review for it was funny as ****
BPCrap: u rape this indian girl
BPCrap: and watch out for lines
BPCrap: that r falling
Clearwater88: what?

NEXT>>> 1