[Date]>{April 21, 2003}
[Actual Day]>{85/89}

[Chuay Jai-Day 37]

YoshMan4 has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86 has entered the room.
JUAirborne13 has entered the room.
YoshMan4: hey
YoshMan4: JUAirborne13 has left the room.JUAirborne13 has entered the room.JUAirborne13
has left the room.JUAirborne13 has entered the room.
YoshMan4: lol
JUAirborne13: lol
JUAirborne13: lol
JUAirborne13: I go crazy sometimes
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: where is megs?
YoshMan4: hmmm
YoshMan4: LOL
YoshMan4: clears on
YoshMan4: lol
Clearwater88 has entered the room.
YoshMan4: hey
Clearwater88: did immunity finish?
YoshMan4: yeah
JUAirborne13: Yep
JUAirborne13: I WON
JUAirborne13: I'm so happy
YoshMan4: huh lol
JUAirborne13: lol
Clearwater88: tat.
Clearwater88: yay.
FrOgLeTt86: no you didnt ju
JUAirborne13: lol
JUAirborne13: Yosh won
YoshMan4: i won lol
JUAirborne13: lol
Clearwater88: GO YOSH
YoshMan4: heh
Clearwater88: *curses at cuzins*
FrOgLeTt86: i lost :-(
YoshMan4: megs u made it far
Clearwater88: they were in my room:'( i couldnt rid them fast enough...
YoshMan4: u made it to the final round, thats good
JUAirborne13: I beat clear
YoshMan4: ahh sorry to hear that clear
JUAirborne13: cause he wasn't their
Clearwater88: yay
JUAirborne13: or else u would of beat me
Clearwater88: isnt that nice:-)
YoshMan4: heh, ya we did like all these old chalenges
Clearwater88: Ok lets be honest im gone tonight:P
Clearwater88: ok
Clearwater88: after the meetings over
Clearwater88: can you all stay?
YoshMan4: sure
Clearwater88: ok thnx
YoshMan4: is anyone else even here?
FrOgLeTt86: so/so lol
YoshMan4: oh hey froggy
Clearwater88: Frog can you just 5 minutes.
FrOgLeTt86: lemme ask you something
FrOgLeTt86: when am i not on? lol
YoshMan4: she;ll be on lol
Clearwater88: I don't like Dale's final words...
Clearwater88: lol
YoshMan4: i didnt see them
YoshMan4: lol did he show it to u or something
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Clearwater88: maybe...
Clearwater88: lol you will find out at Tc.
YoshMan4: lol goody :D
YoshMan4: TC on a monday is weird
JUAirborne13: yea
Clearwater88: meh...
JUAirborne13: Dale wants to come in chat
JUAirborne13: is that ok
Clearwater88: i can't believe i didn't make it.
JUAirborne13: so that we can here what he has to say
Clearwater88: No survivor guy said wiat 9 minutes.
YoshMan4: ya clear u would have prob done well
YoshMan4: if u made it
YoshMan4: it was like every cxhallenge combined it seemed
Clearwater88: :'(
Clearwater88: i was at a friends
Clearwater88: and then i realized it was 5 30
Clearwater88: and i was liKE oh POO1
Clearwater88: so i ran home
YoshMan4: aww :-(
Clearwater88: and burst into my room to find my sister and her frendz and my cuzin and
his 2 frendz practicing a dance
Clearwater88: i was like OUT!!!!
Clearwater88: but too late...
YoshMan4: lol, dancing?
YoshMan4: lol
Clearwater88: yes
Clearwater88: good dance.
Clearwater88: lol
YoshMan4: lol nice, i wanna dance
JUAirborne13 has left the room.
Clearwater88: guy
YoshMan4: uhhh bye ju lol
Clearwater88: im saddened
Clearwater88: damn stupid peepee
YoshMan4: huh?
Clearwater88: i didnt make it!
Clearwater88: im out tonight.
Clearwater88: lol
YoshMan4: well uhh u never know
Clearwater88: lol.
YoshMan4: oooh my dads home
YoshMan4: brb
Clearwater88: NO!
YoshMan4: i mstill here clear lol

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