(Actual Date: May 21, 2003)
(Actual Day: 3/97)

(Tambaqui-Day 3)

SpiderFab4 has entered the room.
X iitalianbabi X has entered the room.
Kizatie xx has entered the room.
InXdefenseXxX has entered the room.
X iitalianbabi X: ugh
InXdefenseXxX: ugh
Kizatie xx: ugh
InXdefenseXxX: i cant believe this
SpiderFab4: We stink
X iitalianbabi X: llol
InXdefenseXxX: we lost to young kids!
X iitalianbabi X: if we had our tribe with us then we might of had a shot
InXdefenseXxX: how the questions were so easy!
SpiderFab4: Younk whippersnappers
X iitalianbabi X: exception for bane
Kizatie xx: lets just get them next time
X iitalianbabi X: we better
X iitalianbabi X: :'(pouts
Kizatie xx: yeah they had almost everyone online didn't they
X iitalianbabi X: yup
X iitalianbabi X: all but froglette
X iitalianbabi X: [email protected]
InXdefenseXxX: yea
InXdefenseXxX: hey but look wat happened in mtv battle of the sexes the guys lost first but won the entire game
InXdefenseXxX: dont let this bring us down
InXdefenseXxX: its the first challeneg
X iitalianbabi X: ture that
Kizatie xx: yeah
X iitalianbabi X: blah!
