(Tambaqui-Day 13)
X iitalianbabi X: TAMBAQUI!
X iitalianbabi X: lol
X iitalianbabi X: this is so depressing
Kizatie xx: no kidding
Kizatie xx: so it's me and you
X iitalianbabi X: yeah...:-\
Kizatie xx: wow
X iitalianbabi X: what?
Kizatie xx: i just can't believe, how little people there are in our tribe
X iitalianbabi X: i know
X iitalianbabi X: ah we're screwed lol
X iitalianbabi X: r u happy now?
X iitalianbabi X: lol i <3 that song
Kizatie xx: i don't know
Kizatie xx: ooooooo
X iitalianbabi X: lol
Kizatie xx: alright
X iitalianbabi X: haha sry
Kizatie xx: it's ok
X iitalianbabi X: m-branch is hott!
X iitalianbabi X: as in singing hott lmao
Kizatie xx: hah
X iitalianbabi X: im scared for spider:-(
Kizatie xx: me too
X iitalianbabi X: blah
X iitalianbabi X: yo sexy lady guna par wit us
X iitalianbabi X: lol
Kizatie xx: you are silly
X iitalianbabi X: haha lol
X iitalianbabi X: i<3ya'all tambaqui .. much love!
Kizatie xx: hahha
X iitalianbabi X: do u think theyre guna puposely screw w/e over:-\ .. lol i hope not
X iitalianbabi X: purposely*
Kholdstare4Sword has entered the room.
Kholdstare4Sword: HOWDY YALL!!!!!!!!!
X iitalianbabi X: omg
X iitalianbabi X: blankety blank blank!
X iitalianbabi X: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Kholdstare4Sword: i get to be here all day
Kizatie xx: hahha
X iitalianbabi X: i want spider back! :-(lol
Kholdstare4Sword: and pae goes to jaburu
Kholdstare4Sword: only today, lucky you
Kholdstare4Sword: sooooooooo
Kholdstare4Sword: hi
Kizatie xx: wow
Kizatie xx: so what are we doing today?
Kholdstare4Sword: i get to be here
Kholdstare4Sword: thats it
Kholdstare4Sword: :-D
Kholdstare4Sword: hi
Kizatie xx: hi
X iitalianbabi X: uh? u serious
X iitalianbabi X: well wuts the point of that..
Kizatie xx: exactly what i was thinking
Kholdstare4Sword: to get to know the other tribe
Kholdstare4Sword: hi
X iitalianbabi X: hi
Kizatie xx: brb phone
Kizatie xx has left the room.
Kholdstare4Sword: bye
X iitalianbabi X: byee<3
X iitalianbabi X: so wutup khold
Kholdstare4Sword: nuthin
Kholdstare4Sword: u?
Kholdstare4Sword: asl
X iitalianbabi X: same same
X iitalianbabi X: 16*f*boston
X iitalianbabi X: <-kelly->
X iitalianbabi X: wuts ur nayme?
Kholdstare4Sword: andrew
Kholdstare4Sword: 12/m/md
X iitalianbabi X: cool- nice ta meet ya andrew!
Kholdstare4Sword: u2
X iitalianbabi X: im still confused on what the whole point of this is lol
Kholdstare4Sword: to get to know the other tribe
Kholdstare4Sword: or whoevers here :-P
X iitalianbabi X: lol
X iitalianbabi X: get to know for what?
X iitalianbabi X: ....to pick new teams or something? lol
Kholdstare4Sword: SO YOU WILL KNOW THEM!
Kholdstare4Sword: :-P
X iitalianbabi X: calm down lol
X iitalianbabi X: oh
X iitalianbabi X: thats still weird tho lol
Kholdstare4Sword: Survivor Guy 886 (7:29:51 PM): HOW YOU USE THIS OPPORTUNITY IS UP TO YOU, GOOD LUCK
X iitalianbabi X: oh okay
X iitalianbabi X: lol
X iitalianbabi X: so thats it? we're talking for an hour?
Kholdstare4Sword: y do u say okay
X iitalianbabi X: i said oh okay
Kholdstare4Sword: the whole point of saying ok is because it is short
Kholdstare4Sword: you might as well say some other 4 letter word
X iitalianbabi X: cool
Kholdstare4Sword: do u like south park
Kholdstare4Sword: damn
Kholdstare4Sword: i have to go
Kholdstare4Sword: bye
Kholdstare4Sword has left the room.
X iitalianbabi X: well thats even more pointless
X iitalianbabi X: sigh its only me and you now..hosty
X iitalianbabi X: ..ponders around for a few mins*
X iitalianbabi X: i want a challenge or something lol
X iitalianbabi X: iight byee!
X iitalianbabi X: wun-:-
X iitalianbabi X: can i leave?
X iitalianbabi X: lol