(Actual Date: June 20, 2003)
(Actual Day: 33/97)

(Jaburu-Day 18)

FrOgLeTt86 has entered the room.
ChrSwtPea has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86: 4 vs 1
Dale Jr 8 NL has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86: how fair
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: hey
ChrSwtPea: oh wells
X iitalianbabi X has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86: cant we just merge? lol
FrOgLeTt86: lol
ChrSwtPea: hi yall
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
X iitalianbabi X: lol
X iitalianbabi X: hey all <33
ChrSwtPea: woo woo
FrOgLeTt86: and kick out blue eyed pop
X iitalianbabi X: lol
FrOgLeTt86: and superfan
X iitalianbabi X: i thought he quit lol
FrOgLeTt86: and we'd have the final 9
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: no
FrOgLeTt86: i dont think he did at least
X iitalianbabi X: well then jus get him out soon lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: i don't think so either
FrOgLeTt86: must be lonely @ Tambaqui
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
X iitalianbabi X: aw! lol
FrOgLeTt86: poor spider
X iitalianbabi X: so wutup evryone
Dale Jr 8 NL: nothing really, how about everyone else?
X iitalianbabi X: nobody wants to be lonely
X iitalianbabi X: lol -that a song aint it? haha
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: sure
X iitalianbabi X: haha
FrOgLeTt86: i still dont understand why we have to sit out people
Dale Jr 8 NL: ricky martin and christina
FrOgLeTt86: good job
FrOgLeTt86: lol
X iitalianbabi X: where has kate been? she was always on but once the switch thing happened she hasnt been on at all lately
FrOgLeTt86: dunno
X iitalianbabi X: <33 humph * you guyz must of scared her lol
FrOgLeTt86: :-(
X iitalianbabi X: aw! not my Jaburu! lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
X iitalianbabi X: :-*muchlove<3
FrOgLeTt86: lol
X iitalianbabi X: hehe
ChrSwtPea: lol
FrOgLeTt86: dale is the pimp of the tribe lol
X iitalianbabi X: haha
X iitalianbabi X: lmao!
FrOgLeTt86: he's surrounded by 3 girls
ChrSwtPea: lmao
FrOgLeTt86: lol
X iitalianbabi X: i went to a carnival today! but i came bak early wahh lol
X iitalianbabi X: :-Dall4u guys lol
ChrSwtPea: aww thank u *tear tear*
FrOgLeTt86: yay i feel loved!
X iitalianbabi X: lol noprob
Dale Jr 8 NL: how was everyones day today?
ChrSwtPea: what do u hit when ur playin a full screen game so u can see the task bar?
FrOgLeTt86: didnt you ask us that once before?
ChrSwtPea: i dunno
ChrSwtPea: i dunno what it is
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: my day was great
FrOgLeTt86: i got lost with Yoshi lol
ChrSwtPea: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: i told him the wrong way
FrOgLeTt86: and we ended up @ a mall
FrOgLeTt86: instead
Dale Jr 8 NL: good job meagan lol
FrOgLeTt86: of like a road
ChrSwtPea: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: that sounds fun
ChrSwtPea: oh yeah
FrOgLeTt86: sooooo
ChrSwtPea: dum dee dum
FrOgLeTt86: ::hums jeopardy theme::
FrOgLeTt86: soooo
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: isn't this exciting lol
FrOgLeTt86: totally
ChrSwtPea: oh yeah!!
FrOgLeTt86: so how bout them lions?
FrOgLeTt86: they suuuuuck
Dale Jr 8 NL: ha yeah they do
X iitalianbabi X: treemail! treemail!
Dale Jr 8 NL: nice
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: k
X iitalianbabi X: lol
ChrSwtPea: woo hoo
X iitalianbabi X: u kno wuts a funny word> maramalade lol
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: so where is this fabled tree mail lol
FrOgLeTt86: how bout the treemail
X iitalianbabi X: i dont have it- i was chanting lol
ChrSwtPea: i have never ever got the treemail in OLS% or 6
ChrSwtPea: lol
ChrSwtPea: lol
FrOgLeTt86: aww
FrOgLeTt86: well you've been gone alot too tho
X iitalianbabi X: aw x2
Dale Jr 8 NL: maybe you will get it this time
X iitalianbabi X: yea lol
ChrSwtPea: yeah
X iitalianbabi X: prollie
X iitalianbabi X: i want it now!
FrOgLeTt86: lol
X iitalianbabi X: he needs to send it now- lol
X iitalianbabi X: cuz then challenge will be at 730
FrOgLeTt86: lol
X iitalianbabi X: nethin past that will be too long haha
X iitalianbabi X: maybe hes stuck on rhymin them he he
X iitalianbabi X: starcrossed lover<3
ChrSwtPea: lol
X iitalianbabi X: heh heh
X iitalianbabi X: comeon tm!
X iitalianbabi X: tm! tm! tm!
X iitalianbabi X: yay?!
X iitalianbabi X: lol
FrOgLeTt86: lol
X iitalianbabi X: o_O
FrOgLeTt86: eh?
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
X iitalianbabi X: if on the other tribe u hope to fee?
FrOgLeTt86: no clue
X iitalianbabi X: feed*
FrOgLeTt86: lol
X iitalianbabi X: lol haha me neither!
FrOgLeTt86: i think that he means the merged tribe
X iitalianbabi X: the only thing i get is TOMORROW YOU MAY NOT BE THERE lol
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: hmm
X iitalianbabi X: haha
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: im too tired to think about what it could be lol
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: lazy bones
X iitalianbabi X: haha*
FrOgLeTt86: pick up that WOOD
FrOgLeTt86: lol
ChrSwtPea: shoots
X iitalianbabi X: brb ya'll
Dale Jr 8 NL: okay
X iitalianbabi X: dinner
FrOgLeTt86: kk
ChrSwtPea: i gg eat in like 3 min
X iitalianbabi X: i'l [email protected] lol
ChrSwtPea: ill try n get back by then buh bye jaburu
Dale Jr 8 NL: bye
ChrSwtPea: A B Cya
FrOgLeTt86: yay fun ness
ChrSwtPea has left the room.
FrOgLeTt86: just me and dale
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: fun
FrOgLeTt86: man
FrOgLeTt86: couldnt you people have left me with someone better ;-) jk!
Dale Jr 8 NL: so how is froggy doing?
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: froggy is good lol
FrOgLeTt86: i feel bad for spider
FrOgLeTt86: sitting all by himself
Dale Jr 8 NL: yeah poor spider
FrOgLeTt86: must be boring
Dale Jr 8 NL: oh well we get to hopefulyl keep our winning streak lol
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: i hope!
Dale Jr 8 NL: me too
FrOgLeTt86: sooooo
FrOgLeTt86: we should make up a commercial break
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol good idea
FrOgLeTt86: we should make it about food
FrOgLeTt86: since we dont get much
Dale Jr 8 NL: yummy rice how about
Dale Jr 8 NL: or uhh that potatoe goo
FrOgLeTt86: yummy yummy rice in my tummy.... doesnt fill me up yummy yummy i wish i had pizza.... Get the door its dominos... I'll be there in a JET!
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: hmm
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol wow
FrOgLeTt86: i'm hungry now
Dale Jr 8 NL: that made me hungry as well
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: Pizza Pizza
Dale Jr 8 NL: little ceasers hmmm
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: wow we are so entertaining
FrOgLeTt86: i feel like i'm on like Hardcopu
Dale Jr 8 NL: oh ya know it lol
FrOgLeTt86: *Hard Copy
FrOgLeTt86: maybe Ashton/Lighting is on Americas most wanted today lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: maybe
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: hmm
FrOgLeTt86: you do a commercial
Dale Jr 8 NL: um
Dale Jr 8 NL: Vrooom Vrroom, what does that sound mean? none other than NASCAR Racing, come on down and see the great racing today, VROOOOM
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: thank you Jeff Gordon
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: now wheres Barbwa Wawlters when we need hewr
FrOgLeTt86: that made no sense
Dale Jr 8 NL: intereviewing someone
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: maybe Clay
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
X iitalianbabi X: im back! wahoo:-D lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: welcome back
FrOgLeTt86: yay you can make commercials with us
X iitalianbabi X: lol-fun i guess:-\
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: aww
X iitalianbabi X: haha
FrOgLeTt86: hum de dum
FrOgLeTt86: it keeps going and going and going
Dale Jr 8 NL: hmmm
Dale Jr 8 NL: energizer
FrOgLeTt86: yay
FrOgLeTt86: well this is certainly entertaining
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: almost
FrOgLeTt86: not
Dale Jr 8 NL: indeed indeed
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: almsot 7":30
FrOgLeTt86: woo
X iitalianbabi X: yea
X iitalianbabi X: i went to c fromjustin2kelly today lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: did you enjoy it?
X iitalianbabi X: not really lol
Dale Jr 8 NL: lol
FrOgLeTt86: was it cute at all>
FrOgLeTt86: ?
X iitalianbabi X: yeh
