~Actual Date: January 16, 2004~
~Actual Day: 5/89~

~Morgan - Day 3~

BuffyBoy83 has entered the room.
JUAirborne13 has entered the room.
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
Clearwater88 has entered the room.
Michael Fred 333 has entered the room.
Michael Fred 333: Hey guys
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 has entered the room.
Caseboy6: hi
JUAirborne13: Well we tried our best guys
Clearwater88: we got our ***es whooped.
Michael Fred 333: Sorry i couldnt get that last one
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: that was fun :-\
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: thats aight mike
JUAirborne13: Its ok Michael
Clearwater88: elect is the smart 1
Clearwater88: :P
Clearwater88: guys we need to vote someone out today
Clearwater88: :-(
Michael Fred 333: Yeah
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: yeah its a bummer
JUAirborne13: I'm sorry I didn't know what Jahama or whatever it was I got it wrong lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: jalopy? lol
JUAirborne13: Yea that lol
JUAirborne13: I was also thinking we should of IMed each other the answers if we knew
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: that's okay
Clearwater88: i knew a lot of the questions i didnt get:P
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: were we allowed to do that?
Michael Fred 333: I didnt know King Midas
Michael Fred 333: I almost said that she turned into a car, wouldve gotten a laugh
JUAirborne13: o9o
JUAirborne13: *lol
JUAirborne13: I had hard questions lol
JUAirborne13: But everyone did I mean I didn't know any of them
Clearwater88: billy beat me twice.
Clearwater88: sigj
Clearwater88: sigh
JUAirborne13: Joe did too for me
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: thats okay, we'll bounce back
JUAirborne13: I elect you leader Elec
JUAirborne13: lol
Michael Fred 333: Yeah you have the coolest name
JUAirborne13: lol thats not why I was electing him leader but ok lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: thanks lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I love the muppets
JUAirborne13: I think every tribe needs a leader to just keep the tribe focused and strong
JUAirborne13: And you really have proven to all of us that your a great competitor and you just know how to really make everyone feel better after the challenge
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: thanks...
Caseboy6: so do we stay in this chat until 10 or something?
JUAirborne13: No we leave at 8
JUAirborne13: And come back at 10
JUAirborne13: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ooo okay
Caseboy6: oh lol
Clearwater88: NO
Clearwater88: LOL
Caseboy6: no?
Clearwater88: LAST TIME WE HAD LEADER DISCUSSION everyone b***ed at each other
Clearwater88: o.O;;
JUAirborne13: lol I know
JUAirborne13: but this isn't Sook JAi
JUAirborne13: lol
JUAirborne13: This is Morgan
Clearwater88: lol:P
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: and look what happened to the real morgan tribe :-\
JUAirborne13: Oh
JUAirborne13: Will be fine
JUAirborne13: They just got Lucky
JUAirborne13: lol
JUAirborne13: I didn't think they would kick our butt originally and still don't think there that strong
JUAirborne13: I mean when Buffy is there I'm sure will do better
Michael Fred 333: We just need to ge tbetter at Trivia
JUAirborne13: lol
JUAirborne13: I just didn't get that Trivia
JUAirborne13: I always thought I was pretty good at it
JUAirborne13: Well see you guys at 10:00

BuffyBoy83: Today we had our first Immunity Challenge and we lost... its not fun having to vote someone off first but in this case I think its better that we get to vote someone off because we have an inactive whiner with us. Must I name names Kira? She follows up a day of complaining to the tribe with a day of not showing up to the challenge, I think she will most likely go tonight at the Tribal Council and who knows if she will even bother to show up. It is better if she doesnt because the less previous votes people on this tribe have right now the better. Well... later on in the game I'm sure I'll miss the easy Tribal Councils where it wasnt hard at all to vote someone off.

~NEXT~ 1