~Next time on...Online Survivor~

The criticisms begin
ReidGre: ...the host knew it was terrible. He was "SICK OF IT" and said "I HATE TO SUBJECT YOU TO IT" -- but nonetheless, he did. If that's the quality control this game has, I don't know what to expect of the rest of the game.
In an active game, there's not much room for comfort, and alliances begin to form early
PlumNutzzz: I want to be in an alliance with you!
PlumNutzzz: at least until the merge?
YoshMan4: yeah maybe even farther
PlumNutzzz: well, for now, let's say until the merge
At Drake, multiple people conspire against Kucha
hillbillybaluga: Oh yes..and Kucha doesn't like me...I tried talking to him..and he told me to **** off
CyberN 666: well, if we lose an IC, we know who we will be voting out
hillbillybaluga: I wouldn't mind a 7-3 merge...cause I could do w/o Kucha
And Morgan continues the blame game
ReidGre: The trivia showed that my tribemates are dumb as dirt. And worse, having to sit in a chat room with them is agony.

~NEXT~ 1