~Actual Date: March 18, 2004~
~Actual Day: 67/89~

~Tribal Council 10 - Day 30~

Michael Fred 333: this is still tense, even when watching from the jury
Michael Fred 333: Hey Cybern, sup?
Clearwater88: oh mike your on the jury?
Cyber N 666: lol
Michael Fred 333: You want a Chunky, man?
Clearwater88: Holy I thought he was in the game oo;
Clearwater88: oh yea mike is spider
Clearwater88: >.<;;
Michael Fred 333: Actually, im really a broom
Cyber N 666: broom?
Cyber N 666: this is quite boring
Cyber N 666: we should vote Mike and I back in
ecukid1983: lol

~BuffyBoy83 Voting~

Survivor Guy 886: CASE
Clearwater88: :)
~Caseboy6 Voting~

Clear:-[.............this is the toughest vote yet, and most likely will ever be made by me........it wasnt my choice to vote you, it's either you or me tonight, its all up to cujoe to decide, i'm sorry....

OnlineHost: Caseboy6 has left the room.
ecukid1983: lol, great
CuJoe34: hmm
YoshMan4: hmm
CuJoe34: hmm
BuffyBoy83: he prob. got booted
Survivor Guy 886: CLEAR
OnlineHost: Caseboy6 has entered the room.
Caseboy6: sorry about that
BuffyBoy83: np
~Clearwater88 Voting~

I tried to save Case but he showed our convo to Ty, so I'm going with Cujoe tonight and voting out Case, sorry:/ My vote is for Case.

Survivor Guy 886: CUJOE
~CuJoe34 Voting~

Survivor Guy 886: ECU
~ecukid1983 Voting~

Clear, Cujoe said I should vote Clear with Case and Buffy, even though Case is still going. So I'm gonna listen to Cujoe. Vote is for Clear

Survivor Guy 886: ELEC
~eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 Voting~

Case I wanted to vote Buffy, but the kiss of death can wait a week, instead I'll vote the person who isn't there anyway, Hello case are you there?

Cyber N 666: *cough*
ecukid1983: need a cough drop?
Cyber N 666: I hope I don't have school tomorrow
YoshMan4: who wants to do my hw? lol
CuJoe34: ok
YoshMan4: you do?
Survivor Guy 886: YOSH
YoshMan4: yay CU!
CuJoe34: i haven't done homework in a month
YoshMan4: oh
YoshMan4: lol
CuJoe34: : )
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: I just finished my history and drawing
Cyber N 666: ugh...history sucks
CuJoe34: history does suck
CuJoe34: im glad im not taking it tonight
CuJoe34: i mean this yeatr
CuJoe34: haha
ecukid1983: what did u draw?
Michael Fred 333: Im taking ancient history
Cyber N 666: I have to do a news drawing a random drawing each week, I had to do a news drawing today, so I drew Martha Stewart decorating her jail cell
CuJoe34: thats the only history i liked
Cyber N 666: :-D
ecukid1983: lol
CuJoe34: ancient stuff was cool
Michael Fred 333: yep
ecukid1983: how ancient?
Cyber N 666: I hated ancient history
CuJoe34: US history is the worst
ecukid1983: greeks?
CuJoe34: so many treaties
Michael Fred 333: Greeks, Romans
CuJoe34: and pacts
Michael Fred 333: and later Egyptians
CuJoe34: and names
CuJoe34: ugh
~YoshMan4 Voting~

BuffyBoy83: those votes are taking a while to tally... lol
Cyber N 666: all history sucks
ecukid1983: lol
Survivor Guy 886: I'LL GO TALLY THE VOTES
ecukid1983: he didn't even say he was tallying them yet
ecukid1983: now he did

~NEXT~ 1