~ecukid1983's Last Words~

First of all i would like to thank Guy for such an awesome game and remember me for future games and now for the remaining people yosh i know we werent on the same alliance but ur really not a bad guy we just werent on same team even tho we were both drakes, clear i know we had our disagreements and our dislikes but ur vote was strategic, elect i didnt really get to know u that well and im sorry but im sure ur a nice guy. Buffy u never stabbed me in the back even tho i didnt trust u at times and i was hoping me u and cu were gonna go all the way to the final three but hang in there buddy and last but not least cujoe man u were like a brother to me and i will miss u dearly and i hope u and buffy can pull through for me and stay in touch ok. Love ya like family even tho i get upset alot. to the rest of u that passed before me hope ur doing well and i had fun and i miss u plum

Name Voted For: Comment
CuJoe34 eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 my vote tonight is for elec, its not really a vote for him but a vote not for ecu.
ecukid1983 Clearwater88 clear, your a nice guy and a tough player but i gotta vote someone off and if things dont work out im gonna be gone best of luck to u
YoshMan4 ecukid1983 Boy i pissed off cu, but its my plan, the three muskeeers stick together and i have an automatic final 2 pass without having to win final immunity, im voting ecu for a safeguard, i know it wasnt needed but clear could have went if cu turned on us, even if he isnt. Cu was a means to an end, i lied to him a while ago to save my own butt, it worked and i feel bad for using him but thats life, by ECU
Clearwater88 ecukid1983 I'm voting Ecu because I think Cujoe likes him a little too much plus is we voted Buffy like Cujoe wanted he might turn on me and I have more past votes then Buff, so to be completely safe I'm voting Ecu, I hope Elec and Yosh pull through
BuffyBoy83 Clearwater88 Well this vote will be interesting and could make this TC even more crazy then it is right now with Clear claiming to be a girl and talking about his "chest" but anyway.... This week has been very interesting strategically, Cujoe, the backstabber who voted off Mike and screwed my alliance decided to come back with ecu and I as far as we know and we decided to vote off Clear this week... hopefully this will be Cujoes FINAL alliance switch in the game, I think he is trying to outdue me for most lies and switching alliances again would count as a big one... It would be great to see how Clear would react to be voted off especially after saying things to me like "You finally going this week you should have gone long ago" and things like that. Even after the lies I told Clear, the way he acted towards me wasnt strategically the best and I can't wait until he finally (hopefully) goes tonight... CLEAR
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 ecukid1983 i am voting ecu because of strategy. I want buffy gone but this is a way to ensure nothing goes wrong at all, after this are power 3 alliance takes over! again buffy misses the kiss of death, but next week he will finally see it