~Actual Date: April 1, 2004~
~Actual Day: 81/89~

~Tribal Council 12 - Day 36~

OnlineHost: Cyber N 666 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Cyber N 666 has entered the room.
Cyber N 666: Guy, make better chatrooms next time:-P
OnlineHost: ecukid1983 has entered the room.
ecukid1983: thought i would join
YoshMan4: woah
YoshMan4: that was many ims at once
YoshMan4: i have to go potty so bad
Cyber N 666: *points to tree*
YoshMan4: wow they went through
Cyber N 666: Have you guys been playing golf on my mini golf course...it isn't going to waste, is it?

~BuffyBoy83 Voting~

Well this is one crazy week... and one CRAZY vote... first I thought the only one safe (besides me since I had immunity) has elect since he was in a swing vote. Now all of a sudden it seems I am the swing vote or Clear is the swing vote and Elect is going. It just shows how crazy this game is, honestly, if I had my choice, Clear would be going home but Cu wants it to be Elect and it seems like a great chance for us so... ELECT

OnlineHost: ecukid1983 has left the room.
OnlineHost: ecukid1983 has entered the room.
ecukid1983: grr my stupid computer
Survivor Guy 886: CLEAR
ecukid1983: hi everyone
Cyber N 666: hello
Caseboy6: hi
Cyber N 666: DARRAH!!!
CuJoe34: hey case
ecukid1983: haha
ecukid1983: why am i darrah cybern
Cyber N 666: Jr was penalized 25 points for spinning himself out at Bristol last weekend
Cyber N 666: XD
Caseboy6: lol
~Clearwater88 Voting~

Survivor Guy 886: CUJOE
ecukid1983: its nice to be on ur side of the benches again cybern
CuJoe34: can we sing the survivor musiic?
CuJoe34: oooooo ooooooo
CuJoe34: haha
~CuJoe34 Voting~

elec, it wasn't supposed to be you tonight but you waffled and people get scared when that happens. This reminds me of survivor amazon when Christy couldn't decide which side to join and in the end she was voted out. You are a really cool guy and I didn't ever want to have to do this but an oppurtunity came up and thats all I have to go on. I may be going tonight but no matter what you have made this game alot of fun, thanks for that. Later

ecukid1983: lets go out to eat after this cybern
Survivor Guy 886: ELEC
YoshMan4: lag sucks
ecukid1983: am i invisible no one is speaking to me
ecukid1983: im dead
ecukid1983: :(
Cyber N 666: no, Case said hi, so I said, "DARRAH!!!"
Cyber N 666: and I have lag once again
Caseboy6: yes, lag does suck
YoshMan4: i cant talk ecu
ecukid1983: well thanks for saying hi andrew
ecukid1983: someone loves me
ecukid1983: why cant u yosh
ecukid1983: see if i vote for the people that dont talk to me
ecukid1983: lol
ecukid1983: i hate u all
YoshMan4: computer died, but cybenr cant either
YoshMan4: wow that took forever
YoshMan4: LAG
~eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 Voting~

My vote tonight is for Cu. This is the hardest vote I've had to make in this game yet. I hope we can still be friends. I wish this could have turned out differently. Blame Buffy or ever better blame Prince. Oh well, see ya in a few bud cause I don't think I'll be here much longer.its been fun while it lasted. adios folks

Cyber N 666: I so typed that stuff 5 minutes ago
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: COUGH
Cyber N 666: eh
OnlineHost: Cyber N 666 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Cyber N 666 has entered the room.
Cyber N 666: removed from the room for scrolling...lol
Cyber N 666: funny how I was unable to say anything
ecukid1983: haha
YoshMan4: hurry i gotta get gas...and do all my hw lol
ecukid1983: u got gas
ecukid1983: ewww
~Clearwater88 Re-Voting~

ecukid1983: can i change my vote
CuJoe34: is everyone changing there vote?
Survivor Guy 886: THIS IS ANARCHY
OnlineHost: Cyber N 666 has left the room.
Survivor Guy 886: LOL
OnlineHost: Cyber N 666 has entered the room.
ecukid1983: i wanna change mine
ecukid1983: please
Cyber N 666: ugh, this chatroom sucks
Cyber N 666: a lot
Survivor Guy 886: FUNNY ECU
ecukid1983: guy
ecukid1983: Guy sucks alot
ecukid1983: j/k
Cyber N 666: I change my vote from 4 weeks ago to...um
ecukid1983: April Fools
OnlineHost: Cyber N 666 rolled 1 9-sided die: 6
YoshMan4: when can i vote lol
ecukid1983: i vote for Cybern to win
ecukid1983: :)
Cyber N 666: ecu
Caseboy6: well stuff that i say takes like 30 seconds to come up on the screen, well tonight it does, usually it pops right up
Cyber N 666: I vote for cybern to win too
Cyber N 666: :)
ecukid1983: Cybern u are the winner of OLS7
ecukid1983: congrats
Cyber N 666: YAY!
Cyber N 666: WOW!
Cyber N 666: aw, I thought my chatroom was working right for a second
Cyber N 666: still got some lag...:(
OnlineHost: Caseboy6 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Caseboy6 has entered the room.
Cyber N 666: It would be wonderful if we could hurry along here
Cyber N 666: my back hurts
Cyber N 666: and my thumb
YoshMan4: can we hurry?
Cyber N 666: stupid thumb
Cyber N 666: I'm going to leave in 5 minutes
Cyber N 666: cause I am tired
Cyber N 666: very tired
Cyber N 666: and nobody is talking
Survivor Guy 886: FINALLY...YOSH
Cyber N 666: wow...
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: Go tally the votes
Cyber N 666: :)
CuJoe34: yeah hurry up
CuJoe34: i need to...go
CuJoe34: somewhere
CuJoe34: as in no longer here
Cyber N 666: You are so slow, Yosh
ecukid1983: i peed
Cyber N 666: :)
CuJoe34: it wasnt
Cyber N 666: lol
CuJoe34: i know
CuJoe34: i just want to get it over with quickly
CuJoe34: if you know what i mean
Cyber N 666: I vote it was clear's fault
Cyber N 666: silly Canadian
ecukid1983: its cool to pee in ur pants
BuffyBoy83: i agree it was clears fault :)
BuffyBoy83: ;p;
BuffyBoy83: lol*
~YoshMan4 Voting~

CuJoe34: if peeing in your pants is cool, then im miles davis
ecukid1983: i love clear
ecukid1983: April fools
Survivor Guy 886: I'LL GO TALLY THE VOTES
Cyber N 666: don't we all:-*
CuJoe34: yeah you go tally
Cyber N 666: no april fools
ecukid1983: i will too host
Cyber N 666: :)
Cyber N 666: lol

~NEXT~ 1