~Actual Date: January 30, 2004~
~Actual Day: 19/89~

~Tribal Council 3 - Day 9~

YoshMan4: im always last
Survivor Guy 886: IS THAT A BAD THING YOSH?
YoshMan4: i dunno lol
LogoLarson: heh
LogoLarson: you could be the deciding vote
hillbillybaluga: lol
YoshMan4: lol true
PlumNutzzz: if we were doing this by our real names, I'd be first... lol
YoshMan4: next game ill change my name to aardvarkman4 to twist it up and go first
ecukid1983: haha
hillbillybaluga: lol
YoshMan4: lol

~CyberN 666 Voting~

alrighty...lots of different things are being considered today, and it is scaring me. I have had a rumor arise that I am a target of a three-person alliance, but right now, I think it may be safe to just play it out making them think they are fooling me...But say I weren't to do that...WHAT WOULD YOU DO? A dead lock 4-4 tie of two no-shows? WHAT WOULD YOU DO!!!??? YOU DON'T KNOW!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ah, true...sp...good ol' sp...ya know what, it wouldn't work if I tried, so screw it, Kucha, go burn in **** (I can't say that word due to a 1 SP penelty I got in OS5...or 6...or something...lol)~666

CyberN 666: lalala
PlumNutzzz: rofl
CyberN 666: my essay
CyberN 666: lol
YoshMan4: AAAbatterylover
YoshMan4: good idea for a sn
LogoLarson: lol
LogoLarson: somebody will probably take it shortly after this episode airs
YoshMan4: lol
LogoLarson: and then they'll join survivor
LogoLarson: and we'll all be *explitive deleted*
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: that could happen hmm
Survivor Guy 886: ECUKID
~ecukid1983 Voting~

hillbillybaluga: :-)
CyberN 666: this is exciting
CyberN 666: lol
LogoLarson: heh
hillbillybaluga: lol
Survivor Guy 886: HILL
~hillbillybaluga Voting~

LogoLarson: lots of chatter
LogoLarson: I'm sure
YoshMan4: lol very exciting
Survivor Guy 886: LOGO
~LogoLarson Voting~

I'm voting for ecukid, he's nice and all, but the guy almost lost us quite a few challenges and the last immunity was very bad.

CyberN 666: so...Panthers vs Patriots
CyberN 666: lol
hillbillybaluga: ::sits back down::
Survivor Guy 886: PLUM
~PlumNutzzz Voting~

Survivor Guy 886: YOSH
hillbillybaluga: ...almost done.....*eep
CyberN 666: I never did start on my history
CyberN 666: lol
ecukid1983: tahts not good
LogoLarson: lol
hillbillybaluga: lol
~YoshMan4 Voting~

LogoLarson: I've got to do a lot of homework this weekend
CyberN 666: same here
CyberN 666: I'll do it during the Rolex 24
PlumNutzzz: better get it done before survivor.... lol
YoshMan4: i dont have that much hw
LogoLarson: heh
YoshMan4: atleast i dnt think so lol
CyberN 666: Survivor is going to be on late sunday
hillbillybaluga: yes, it is
YoshMan4: yup
CyberN 666: I might not stay up and watch it
CyberN 666: I might just have to tape it
PlumNutzzz: what time does the superbowl start?
YoshMan4: oh stay up lol
hillbillybaluga: hopefully the Pats. will just hurry and beat them and there won't be no overtime crap
YoshMan4: it wont be that late lol
Survivor Guy 886: I'LL GO TALLY THE VOTES
CyberN 666: o fun
LogoLarson: that's what I'm saying

~NEXT~ 1