~Actual Date: February 5, 2004~
~Actual Day: 25/89~

~Tribal Council 4- Day 12~

BuffyBoy83: what happens in a tie?
Caseboy6: lol
BuffyBoy83: im first every time
Michael Fred 333: A revote
Michael Fred 333: then past votes
OnlineHost: Clearwater88 has entered the room.
Clearwater88: hi
Caseboy6: hello clear
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: hey
Caseboy6: soooo

~BuffyBoy83 Voting~

Survivor Guy 886: CASE
~Caseboy6 Voting~

Hey Clear, since you like to sing, lets sing. Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey GOODBYE!

Survivor Guy 886: CLEAR
Clearwater88: I dont wanna be here.
Caseboy6: why???
~Clearwater88 Voting~

Hi viewers... this vote isn't easy I like everyone on the tribe a lot... this person isn't active this season and doesn't show up for a lot of meetings and he missed this TC as well, after OLS5 it was hard to befriend him again and I'm afraid this will ruin what I mended, but I know that for our tribe to be stronger he is the most obvious choice to go, I'm sorry buddy I don't want anyone to leave but someone has to, Please don't hate me for this Ju, but my vote is for you.:-\

Survivor Guy 886: ELEC
~eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 Voting~

Survivor Guy 886: MIKE
~Michael Fred 333 Voting~

Survivor Guy 886: I'LL GO TALLY THE VOTES

~NEXT~ 1