~Outcast Voting~

Drake Tribe

Name Voted For: Comment
hillbillybaluga Himself (Absent) & CuJoe34 (Absent Revote) -
CyberN 666 PlumNutzzz & CuJoe34 I hate you...I hate you so much...but there is another twist...I don't think these two are going...but we have to go with the obvious, that is that you want me to vote for two people...I want to vote for Plum, and the other shall be...CU, sorry Cu, but it has to be done, and Plum, as much as I like ya, you are a threat to my run, but I won't send you guys off without some slight dignity, so...eh...just leave...~666
LogoLarson PlumNutzzz & CuJoe34 well aren't you stirring up quite a bit of controversy... I vote plum, because all the other kids are doing it... and then I vote cujoe, because he hates me
CuJoe34 LogoLarson & hillbillybaluga logo and hill, logo your a nice guy but you are a little too much, hill, sorry but you're not here, making it that much easier to vote for you
ecukid1983 LogoLarson & hillbillybaluga logan and travis, travis ur a great guy and this doesnt mean anything and logan i had to vote someone
YoshMan4 CuJoe34 & PlumNutzzz cu and plum, i a mconfused I hate plum i want her gone, CU well i dont care abotu him he c an go to, I want plum gone whether its out or on other tribe or whatever thw twist will be i fear itll be a tie but nomatter what i must vote who i ahte, and that is plum
PlumNutzzz hillbillybaluga & LogoLarson Hillbilly and Logo, I didn't want to vote for anyone... lol

Morgan Tribe

Name Voted For: Comment
Clearwater88 Himself (Absent) & eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 (Absent Revote) -
Michael Fred 333 Clearwater88 & eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 I vote for Clear and Electric And might I add, this twist sucks... blank.
BuffyBoy83 Clearwater88 & Caseboy6 OK, This is once again a very difficult decision, First, I will be casting one vote for CLEAR, you will probally be switched over to the other team and you have the best chance of any of us over there. Next, my second vote will be for CASE, nothing personal, i just think you are the weakest link
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 Clearwater88 & Caseboy6 clear and case, one's not here and the other's our weakest member although I have a feeling they're voting me
Caseboy6 Clearwater88 & eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 Clear, i feel like if you stay around you'll vote me out and Elec i'm voting you just because I know you the least