~Actual Date: February 10, 2004~
~Actual Day: 30/89~

~Drake - Day 13~

LogoLarson has entered the room.
YoshMan4 has entered the room.
PlumNutzzz has entered the room.
CyberN 666 has entered the room.
YoshMan4: hello
PlumNutzzz: Hi guys!
CyberN 666: hello
LogoLarson: hello everybody!
CuJoe34 has entered the room.
YoshMan4: hows everyone doing
CuJoe34: hey everyone
ecukid1983 has entered the room.
LogoLarson: I'm ok
YoshMan4: hmm why only ok
LogoLarson: just playing some FFTA
PlumNutzzz: I'm doing great!
YoshMan4: oooh
YoshMan4: thats good
ecukid1983: hi everyone
YoshMan4: jo
YoshMan4: hi
PlumNutzzz: hi staton
LogoLarson: I'm going to harvard this weekend
LogoLarson: for a drama tournament
YoshMan4: ooh thatscool
LogoLarson: yeah, I can't wait
PlumNutzzz: awesome Logo!
CuJoe34: that sounds cool
CyberN 666: I actually learned something in history today
CyberN 666: lol
LogoLarson: neat
LogoLarson: what's that?
YoshMan4: wha'd you learn
PlumNutzzz: what did ya learn?
CyberN 666: George Washington wasn't the first president
CuJoe34: what history do you take?
CyberN 666: lol
YoshMan4: hmm
CyberN 666: Civics/US history
LogoLarson: well, he was of america
CuJoe34: is it ap?
CyberN 666: nope
CyberN 666: honors
LogoLarson: but not of the articles of confederation
CuJoe34: oh
LogoLarson: if that's what you mean
YoshMan4: i dont like history lol
CyberN 666: There was technically someone before him leading the country when they were named and when everything was setup
PlumNutzzz: who was that?
CyberN 666: I don't remember
CyberN 666: lol
YoshMan4: lol
LogoLarson: that was the articles of the confederation
PlumNutzzz: LOL
CyberN 666: but he came from some place in CT
YoshMan4: nice lol
CyberN 666: like, Norwich or something
LogoLarson: washington was the first president as stated in the constitution
LogoLarson: lol
CyberN 666: ah, but technically, he wasn't the first pres
CyberN 666: lol
LogoLarson: heh
LogoLarson: I learned a lot yesterday
YoshMan4: i forget history i know nothing really
LogoLarson: while looking up sources for my term paper
CyberN 666: The two minutes I paid attention today I learned that
CyberN 666: lol
CuJoe34: im glad im not taking history this yeart
PlumNutzzz: I like history, I just don't like remembering dates and places
CuJoe34: it was the worst last year
CuJoe34: it was all memorization
YoshMan4: i have no history this year i have psychology which is much better lol
LogoLarson: it was pretty graphic though
LogoLarson: since my term paper is on cannibalism
YoshMan4: oh i remember you talkin about that i think
YoshMan4: or osmehting
LogoLarson: definitely shouldn't have put it off
PlumNutzzz: I just watched a show about that
LogoLarson: I had to do it all right after dinner... yuck
YoshMan4: that sucks
CyberN 666: oh boy everyone, we gots some TREE MAIL!
LogoLarson: yay!
YoshMan4: yay
PlumNutzzz: yay!
ecukid1983: yay
CyberN 666: maybe not yay...
CyberN 666: lol
CuJoe34: haha
YoshMan4: twist!
ecukid1983: is it tylenol
LogoLarson: ahh, immunity already?
YoshMan4: woo
YoshMan4: i dunno
CyberN 666: short and to the point
LogoLarson: woah...
CyberN 666: lol
YoshMan4: but that sounds fun
CuJoe34: i wonder what it could mean
CyberN 666: Doesn't say immunity...just says we bring the idol
CyberN 666: lol
PlumNutzzz: I hope it's not a tribe switch
CyberN 666: like, american
CyberN 666: lol
LogoLarson: what else could idol mean?
CyberN 666: american...
CyberN 666: lol
CuJoe34: haha
YoshMan4: or an idol we make
YoshMan4: maybe we have arts and crafts
YoshMan4: thats our twist :-)
YoshMan4: lol
CuJoe34: haha
CuJoe34: nice one
CyberN 666: no, I meant that just cause it says we have the idol doesn't mean that immunity is today
CuJoe34: now its time to make baskets!
YoshMan4: baskets! woo weaving we go
PlumNutzzz: lol
CyberN 666: he could have been filling space with pointless info
CyberN 666: lol
LogoLarson: I bet you three survivor points its immunity
CyberN 666: lol
CyberN 666: Can we do that?
YoshMan4: i dunno immunity this early in the week?
CyberN 666: lol
LogoLarson: that'd be awesome if we could
CyberN 666: I'll take you up on it if we can
CyberN 666: lol
YoshMan4: i dont think its that but could be
LogoLarson: he sometimes does this though, to switch things up
PlumNutzzz: Did Ju get voted out?
YoshMan4: yeah!
CyberN 666: yep
LogoLarson: awesome
CuJoe34: what was so bad about him
YoshMan4: indeed :-)
LogoLarson: I didn't really like him that much...
LogoLarson: he was kinda mean
CyberN 666: lol
YoshMan4: ju is ju lol
LogoLarson: made derogatory comments... about my mom
CyberN 666: kinda?
LogoLarson: lol
YoshMan4: he is arrogant and a big liar
LogoLarson: oh yeah, then there's that
YoshMan4: and he lieks to brag A LOT lol
CyberN 666: was it a 5-1 vote?
LogoLarson: not like it matters though, he's in their tribe
CyberN 666: or 6-0?
YoshMan4: 5-1
LogoLarson: how could it be six 0
YoshMan4: clear got a vote
CyberN 666: if Ju didn't show
LogoLarson: he'd have to have voted for himself
YoshMan4: ju didnt show
YoshMan4: i think
CyberN 666: really?
CyberN 666: so who voted Clear?
YoshMan4: i dunno lol

~NEXT~ 1