~Actual Date: February 10, 2004~
~Actual Day: 30/89~

~Tribal Council - Day 13~

~CuJoe34 Voting~

LogoLarson: refresh my memory on the absent with immunity rule please
Survivor Guy 886: CYBERN
PlumNutzzz: Man, we worked so hard to win immunity, and now this!
CyberN 666: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
LogoLarson: I know
CyberN 666: lol
CuJoe34: yeah this sucks
LogoLarson: life's pretty funny isn't it?
Survivor Guy 886: LOL
~CyberN 666 Voting~

I hate you...I hate you so much...but there is another twist...I don't think these two are going...but we have to go with the obvious, that is that you want me to vote for two people...I want to vote for Plum, and the other shall be...CU, sorry Cu, but it has to be done, and Plum, as much as I like ya, you are a threat to my run, but I won't send you guys off without some slight dignity, so...eh...just leave...~666

PlumNutzzz: well, whoever goes, no hard feelings okay?
LogoLarson: yeah
CuJoe34: so you never answered my question
ecukid1983: im just glad no one is leaving the game
PlumNutzzz: yeah, they're going to be down to 3
CuJoe34: are they voted out of our tribe
CuJoe34: or the game
LogoLarson: they have to vote off two as well?
LogoLarson: man this is so complicated
LogoLarson: why the sudden push up in schedule?
PlumNutzzz: wait! he said vote 2 out of the tribe, he didn't say out of the game
LogoLarson: good point
CuJoe34: yeah thats what i was thinking
CyberN 666: lol
LogoLarson: but doesn't he always say tribe?
CuJoe34: you never know
CyberN 666: You guys know we aren't trashing two people
CyberN 666: lol
LogoLarson: I'm scared
Survivor Guy 886: ECU
~ecukid1983 Voting~

LogoLarson: I don't want to go to morgan... they're scary and mean... and
I'm afraid of what they might do to me at night
CuJoe34: haha
LogoLarson: plus I hear they don't have fire there... it's oh so cold without fire...
PlumNutzzz: LOL
CyberN 666: lol Logo
YoshMan4: lol hmm i dont wawnan go to morgan
PlumNutzzz: I wanna stay here, where I'm safe with my boys!
Survivor Guy 886: LOGO
PlumNutzzz: they might be perverts over there!
LogoLarson: I'm safer where they're's fire
ecukid1983: haha debi
CuJoe34: stay in the light
CuJoe34: wooo
ecukid1983: ill protect u
~LogoLarson Voting~

Survivor Guy 886: PLUM
LogoLarson: I'm so scared... its so cold and dark... is this what it feels like to die?
LogoLarson: oh no, I just accidently wandered into the morgan campsite
CyberN 666: and you came back alive?
LogoLarson: yeah, well, I distracted them
CuJoe34: with a dance?
CyberN 666: Its ::NEWJERSEY:: in there
CyberN 666: lol
~PlumNutzzz Voting~

CyberN 666: I got -1 SP for saying what New Jersey is in OS5
CyberN 666: lol
LogoLarson: I pointed and said, look, it's Ju! And he looks pissed! And then they all cowered in fear for a couple of seconds while I ran away
Survivor Guy 886: YOSH
YoshMan4: whyd u lose sp for that
CuJoe34: you mean the location of the body that nj is?
CyberN 666: lol, cause Guy doesn't like New Jersey
CyberN 666: or something
CyberN 666: lol
LogoLarson: lol
CyberN 666: no, the place where New Jersey represents
CyberN 666: lol
PlumNutzzz: throw Monkey poo at them!
CuJoe34: oh okay
LogoLarson: maybe you could terrify them with your clever antics!
ecukid1983: (runs behind a tree to pee)
LogoLarson: or maybe you could terrify me with your clever antics
~YoshMan4 Voting~

cu and plum, i a mconfused I hate plum i want her gone, CU well i dont care abotu him he c an go to, I want plum gone whether its out or on other tribe or whatever thw twist will be i fear itll be a tie but nomatter what i must vote who i ahte, and that is plum

Survivor Guy 886: I'LL GO TALLY THE VOTES
CuJoe34: always nice to know...
CyberN 666: fun fun

~NEXT~ 1