~Balboa - Day 21~
Cyber N 666 has entered the room.
CuJoe34 has entered the room.
LogoLarson has entered the room.
Clearwater88 has entered the room.
Michael Fred 333 has entered the room.
ecukid1983 has entered the room.
Cyber N 666: hola camp
YoshMan4 has entered the room.
LogoLarson: hello all
Michael Fred 333: hi
ecukid1983: hey
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 has entered the room.
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: wow i got lost
LogoLarson: interesting immunity
LogoLarson: very divers
LogoLarson: e
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: dang folliage
YoshMan4: hi
BuffyBoy83 has entered the room.
ecukid1983: yeah very interesting
BuffyBoy83: good job clear :-)
ecukid1983: yeah congrats clear
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: yep good job hip hip cheerio, what a grand ol time we had
Michael Fred 333: hooray
ecukid1983: haha elec
Cyber N 666: I wanna sleep...
Cyber N 666: I'm going to sleep in late tomorrow...
ecukid1983: yeah sleep sounds good right now
Michael Fred 333: good job Clear my good friend
Cyber N 666: really...late...
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i'll probably stay up until 3, then wake up at 3 like normal :-\
Cyber N 666: wake up at 3?
Cyber N 666: I couldn't do that
Cyber N 666: I like waking up at 10-10:30
Cyber N 666: but everyone else in my house gets up around 7:30...so it sucks
Michael Fred 333: lol
YoshMan4: i woke up at 12
YoshMan4: today
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: thats too early in the morning :-\ I don't function until past noon
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: well sleep is good!
Clearwater88: im not coming to tc
Clearwater88: im safe
Clearwater88: im watching inu-yasha
Clearwater88: i have priorities
YoshMan4: but you should come
YoshMan4: bc i dunno
Clearwater88: meh
Clearwater88: jk
Clearwater88: lol
YoshMan4: lol you can tape it
YoshMan4: what the heck is inu yasha
BuffyBoy83: ill brb
BuffyBoy83 has left the room.
LogoLarson: sigh
LogoLarson: It's a... nice day for a... white wedding!
YoshMan4: whose gettign married?
LogoLarson: it's a nice day to... START AGAIN!!
LogoLarson: Billy Idol... all the way
Michael Fred 333: Ben and J Lo
YoshMan4: hes gettign married to whom?
YoshMan4: oh
YoshMan4: ok
LogoLarson: it's a song
LogoLarson: lol
YoshMan4: ohh
YoshMan4: that makes sense
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: yes it does
YoshMan4: elec is so electrically with it
YoshMan4: he gives everyone this spark
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: sure :-\ ::takes the whiskey away from yosh::
YoshMan4: lol
ecukid1983: haha i want some whiskey
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: here ::throws it to ecu::
ecukid1983: hey thanks electric
Cyber N 666: I'm confused
Cyber N 666: where get whiskey come from?
Cyber N 666: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: no where :;whistles::
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: its hidden
YoshMan4: or i drank it all
YoshMan4: you choose
ecukid1983: yeah i dont know what ur talking about
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: what wiskey?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: whiskey*
ecukid1983: haha electric
YoshMan4: hmm
YoshMan4: the sky looks sorta like milk
YoshMan4: for some reason
YoshMan4: weird
Cyber N 666: lol
ecukid1983: um wow that was random
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: maybe its tte back of the chat room
Cyber N 666: looks black to me...
Cyber N 666: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: its dark outside
ecukid1983: yeah looks black to me too but i have my back to the window
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i have one to my left but I'm to lazy to turn
YoshMan4: hm
YoshMan4: i dunn
LogoLarson: sigh
YoshMan4: o
LogoLarson: I'm popping in and out
Cyber N 666: I have one on both sides
YoshMan4: i cant hear well
Cyber N 666: lol
YoshMan4: now i prob cant see well
LogoLarson: playing final fantasy
LogoLarson: final fantasy is fun
LogoLarson: I like it a lot
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i have a nintendo 64 ::shifts eyes::
Cyber N 666: You beat Metroid?
ecukid1983: yeah u do play it alot logan
LogoLarson: nah, just got a little tired of it
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: and a sega genesis woo go me
Cyber N 666: tired?
Cyber N 666: lol
LogoLarson: actually, I played tactics for a change of pace
Cyber N 666: I've played through it a couple tiems...lol
LogoLarson: and was suddenly hooked again
LogoLarson: lol
Cyber N 666: I think I am goign to start playing Tactics again
YoshMan4: i have n64
YoshMan4: n64 owns lol
ecukid1983: yeah i got hooked on phonics
Cyber N 666: yay!
Cyber N 666: hooced on foniks worced phor me!
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i still haven't beaten the zelda amsk game and I've had it for almost 2 years now
ecukid1983: it worked for me
YoshMan4: oh i have the zelda game i never beat majoras
YoshMan4: im on the water level
LogoLarson: I beat majoras
YoshMan4: like somethign bay
LogoLarson: I got every mask
LogoLarson: yeah, great bay
LogoLarson: that's a hard one
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i beat the last one but couldn't figure out how to kill the amsk
ecukid1983: ive never heard of the game
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: and the tree thing with the kids running around it freaked me out, it was very shiningish
Cyber N 666: I didn't like N64
ecukid1983: well i have just havent played it
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: its fun i guess
YoshMan4: i beat ocarina too
YoshMan4: i liked ocarina
Michael Fred 333: N64 is the best
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i beat that one! ha go me
LogoLarson: N64 wasn't as strong as the gamecube
Cyber N 666: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: when I get bored I spend a day playing it again
Cyber N 666: I had to send my PS2 to Sony
Cyber N 666: cause it stopped reading half my games
Cyber N 666: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: my dvd player did that I almost killed it
YoshMan4: i beat ocarina twice tooo that was fun
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: because I wanted to watch alias
Cyber N 666: And they give "free" repairs cause somebody sued them for selling cheap equipment
YoshMan4: i never beat windwaker
YoshMan4: i sorta stopped playing i dunno why
Cyber N 666: windwaker was nifty
Cyber N 666: with the giant octos
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i never tried that one
Cyber N 666: lol
YoshMan4: i deleted my memory card though
YoshMan4: so i dont wanna start over lol
YoshMan4: i havent played video games in a while
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: me either come to think of it
YoshMan4: i so need to go to shsu lol
Michael Fred 333: Good luck in tonights vote for everyone except Clear
Michael Fred 333: He doesnt need it :-P
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: thanks Mike, good luck to you too
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: yes he does, while he wasn't looking I stole the talisman
Cyber N 666: <_< >_> <_<
YoshMan4: ooh you thief
Cyber N 666: *steals it from elec*
Cyber N 666: *RUNS!*
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ::puts it in the whiskey bottle::
Cyber N 666: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YoshMan4: im on a tribe with thiefs
YoshMan4: thieves
YoshMan4: whatever
Cyber N 666: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ::steals yoshs wallet::
Cyber N 666: *still running*
YoshMan4: what im broke
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ::runs::
Cyber N 666: lol
YoshMan4: i have 7 dollars
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: so maybe I can sell the wallet
Cyber N 666: lol
Michael Fred 333 has left the room.
YoshMan4: its half chewed
YoshMan4: by a dog
YoshMan4: my dog
Cyber N 666: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: cybern I'll trade ya the wallet for the talisman
Cyber N 666: ew
YoshMan4: hm
Cyber N 666: um...
YoshMan4: ill take that as a no
Cyber N 666: <_< >_> <_<
Cyber N 666: no deal
Cyber N 666: *runs*
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: too bad ::steals it back::
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ::runsLL
Cyber N 666: NO!!!!
YoshMan4: you guys are vicious
Cyber N 666: *pulls out gun*
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: HA! beta that
Cyber N 666: *BANG*
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ::matrix::
YoshMan4: uh oh
YoshMan4: good
Cyber N 666: *BANG*
YoshMan4: Elec is the [email protected]
Cyber N 666: *BANG*
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: you shot yoshs dog!
Cyber N 666: Dodge this! *puts gun to elec's head *BANG!*
YoshMan4: aww
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: that was my twin.
YoshMan4: how could you
Cyber N 666: NO!!!!!!!!!!
Cyber N 666: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ::runs::
YoshMan4: cyberns a murderer
Cyber N 666: !
Cyber N 666: *runs*
YoshMan4: !
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: :;runs faster::
Cyber N 666: *jacks out of matrix*
YoshMan4: is this a race?
YoshMan4: who's winning?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ::goes into hyperdrive:: ha a space reference
YoshMan4: are you on neptune now
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: no. I'm outside cyberns house.
YoshMan4: oh
YoshMan4: okay
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ::looks through the windows::
Cyber N 666: *looks out window*
Cyber N 666: lol
YoshMan4: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ah
Cyber N 666: AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cyber N 666: grabs knife
Cyber N 666: **
Cyber N 666: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: oh no you dinnt
Cyber N 666: *swings wildly*
YoshMan4: while screaming and them fighting john secretly drives to connecticut and steals the talisman
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: uhm, you do realize I'm outside and you're inside
Survivor Guy 886: ::END OF DAY 21a::
Caseboy6: bye everybody
LogoLarson: bye
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: bye
LogoLarson has left the room.
YoshMan4: bye
Caseboy6 has left the room.
Cyber N 666: I'll run you over with my brother's little British sportscar, Yosh
Cyber N 666: lol
YoshMan4: oh
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I think we scared them
YoshMan4: fine you can have it
Cyber N 666: yay
YoshMan4: dont run me over
YoshMan4: im not a violent person like y'all
CuJoe34 has left the room.
Cyber N 666: *takes immunity and run away to a secret location*
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: If you don't give it to me, I'll sing
Cyber N 666 has left the room.
YoshMan4: yay sing
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ah crap ::follows him::
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 has left the room.
YoshMan4: be a famous singer
YoshMan4: hm
ecukid1983 has left the room.
Clearwater88 has left the room.
YoshMan4: hey guy
YoshMan4: how are you
YoshMan4: i wanna see some of your poems one of these days