~Actual Date: February 27, 2004~
~Actual Day: 47/89~

~Tribal Council 7 - Day 21~

LogoLarson: ok, me first
LogoLarson: I care very little of the outcome
LogoLarson: I just have to vote
BuffyBoy83: alright
YoshMan4: everyone else is fair game?
YoshMan4: can i vote off bush?
Clearwater88: Can I vote off Guy?
YoshMan4: i guess its a yes to both
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I'm taking the silence as a yes
Clearwater88: yup
YoshMan4: yup
Clearwater88: from up here it looks more like he's seducing her
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: besides bush's children stole the whiskey
YoshMan4: they did
Cyber N 666: whiskey?
LogoLarson: hurry up!
LogoLarson: I have to go
Cyber N 666: lol
YoshMan4: evil kids
LogoLarson: soon
LogoLarson: to play poker
LogoLarson: it's important to me
Cyber N 666: I need to sleep
LogoLarson: so the patch
Cyber N 666: horribly
YoshMan4: win some money
Cyber N 666: lol
LogoLarson: for smoking
LogoLarson: is like $60
Cyber N 666: yay patch
YoshMan4: yay
Cyber N 666: is it really?
Cyber N 666: wow
YoshMan4: did you get it?
LogoLarson: yeah

~BuffyBoy83 Voting~

Survivor Guy 886: CASE
Caseboy6: k
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ahhhhhh the right side of my earphones died
LogoLarson: and cigerettes, are only like... $3
LogoLarson: so I'm sticking with the smokes
YoshMan4: oh elec that happens to me
LogoLarson: tonight I might have a cigar
LogoLarson: wouldn't that be nice?
Cyber N 666: ugh
YoshMan4: but i get those crappy 5 dollar ear thingies
ecukid1983: i like cigars
Cyber N 666: cigars are gross
LogoLarson: lol
YoshMan4: that are in this circle case
LogoLarson: I've never had one before
YoshMan4: they're crappy
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I've gone through 3 pairs in 5 months
~Caseboy6 Voting~

LogoLarson: Is anyone here eighteen or older?
YoshMan4: are they the same kind?
ecukid1983: i am
LogoLarson: ecu, you ever smoke?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: nope
ecukid1983: im 20
Survivor Guy 886: CLEAR
YoshMan4: oh
ecukid1983: yeah i have
OnlineHost: Caseboy6 has left the room.
LogoLarson: see!
Cyber N 666: bye case
LogoLarson: you quit?
ecukid1983: im trying to actually
LogoLarson: oh yeah?
LogoLarson: me too
Cyber N 666: YAY!
Cyber N 666: lol
ecukid1983: its hard
LogoLarson: it's kind of a hard thing to do
LogoLarson: I know
~Clearwater88 Voting~

Survivor Guy 886: CUJOE
Cyber N 666: drug free is the way to be...
Cyber N 666: lol
LogoLarson: I quit once for like two months
LogoLarson: then I started again after a really really really bad day
YoshMan4: saying no is easy if you count up to three
ecukid1983: its not a drug
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: logo is my rolemodel
YoshMan4: one to three F R E E
YoshMan4: join the free team now! good ol DARE songs
LogoLarson: I've cut down to lights though, and no more than three a day
Cyber N 666: lol Yosh
Cyber N 666: DARE helps no one
Cyber N 666: lol
YoshMan4: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: thats sad you know that
YoshMan4: lol
LogoLarson: indeed it is
LogoLarson: besides, I've not done acid since grade eight
LogoLarson: lol
~Cujoe34 Voting~

logo, im really sorry about this, out of everyone left i like you the best so thats what makes this so tough. But you opposed me in the beginning with cybern and yosh so i have to vote for you for my own safety. Sorry

Survivor Guy 886: CYBERN
YoshMan4: forever free thats what ill be this is my solemn vow, gonna stand tall, not fall, fight for no mor,e lead on, be strong forever free ill be
Clearwater88: will you bare my child?
ecukid1983: no i will not
Clearwater88: aw..:/
LogoLarson: clear, the answer is no... I've met your children and they're unbearable
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: aww thats ashame we almost had 3 weddingd and a funeral
BuffyBoy83: where did case go?
LogoLarson: you know, I watch children for a living
YoshMan4: elecs funeral right?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: yes
YoshMan4: that was fun
LogoLarson: it's what I do... you know, inbetween online survivor meetings
YoshMan4: seeing you dead and all was neat
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: cybern shot me
YoshMan4: yay
LogoLarson: I'm like, one of the last people to go, aren't I?
LogoLarson: this is ridiculous
YoshMan4: im the last
YoshMan4: sadlty
YoshMan4: sadly
LogoLarson: next time I'm going to change my name to AAAAlogolarson
~Cyber N 666 Voting~

Lots of stuff going down now...my worst nightmare in this game is being voted out in this spot (Since I have already experienced being voted out first XD.) Anyway, I think the vote tonight will come down to me and Ecu. I have this feeling that I will be leaving tonight if my plan doesn't hold up. I hate this point in the game because I have to rely on five or more people, and it is annoying checking with them all and making sure nobody is playing me. I want Ecu out for one reason, he has a past vote. If this comes to a 5-5 tie, Ecu would leave over me...if they are smart enough to vote Logo over me since Logo has two past votes, then good for them, as long as it isn't my torch put out. It's nothing personal, Ecu, I don't hate you, but I just have a feeling you aren't planning on coming back to our tribe, and I hate Morgan with such a passion... so Morgan needs to go, and we will start that process with getting rid of Ecu...trust me, it will work out...lol I think it will come down to Ecu or I, and so I must act as though this could be my last TC for a while. I'll miss it so much if I leave...lol...but hopefully I won't be, and hopefully it is Ecu who is gone... My brain hurts a lot, and I have sucked a lot at challenges lately, so, to rest my brain a little, here is my intellegent comment on the game thus far, and what I plan on doing soon: ::INSERT INTELLEGENT LINE HERE:: ~666

Cyber N 666: hey Yosh, is that the same song that has "check your attitude
at the door, I do not want to score"
Cyber N 666: lol
YoshMan4: i think so
Cyber N 666: good song
Cyber N 666: lol
YoshMan4: it is!
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I should download it
LogoLarson: silly christian rockers
LogoLarson: speaking of christ
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I need a kazaa support group
Survivor Guy 886: ECUKID
YoshMan4: it might be just a kid dare song
~ecukid1983 Voting~

LogoLarson: anyone see "The Passion"?
YoshMan4: i dont think a group sings it
YoshMan4: no
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: dang
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: not me
LogoLarson: me neither
Cyber N 666: my mom wants to see it for some reason
Cyber N 666: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I want to see the new johnny depp movie about death
YoshMan4: my parents wanna see it
YoshMan4: that looks good
YoshMan4: the window one?
Survivor Guy 886: ELEC
YoshMan4: or whatever it is
LogoLarson: jeez
LogoLarson: it's like four c's and then four e
~eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 Voting~

YoshMan4: logo you're next
YoshMan4: then michael
YoshMan4: then me i think
LogoLarson: I wonder how the votes are stacking up
LogoLarson: I bet I go next
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: yeah secret window or something
YoshMan4: that looks good
Survivor Guy 886: LOGO
LogoLarson: if I get voted off I'm just going to start swearing like there's no tomorrow
~LogoLarson Voting~

LogoLarson: I hope I make jury
LogoLarson: at least
OnlineHost: Caseboy6 has entered the room.
LogoLarson: that'd make me feel almost special
LogoLarson: like I could decide who would get the million dollars
Survivor Guy 886: MIKE
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: wb case
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i like money
Caseboy6: thanks
YoshMan4: i want million dollars
Clearwater88: lol
Clearwater88: what was that?
Cyber N 666: so do I
YoshMan4: do we actually get it this time?
YoshMan4: that'd be neatr
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: if i had a million dollars id buy you a house
LogoLarson: yeah, that would be neater
Cyber N 666: I am still waiting for that bag to show up on the side of the
street with a million dollars in it
LogoLarson: we should take up a collection
YoshMan4: id but you a monkey
CuJoe34: we aren't actually playing for a million dollars...?
Cyber N 666: that will be the day
LogoLarson: the get survivorguy laid collectiong
YoshMan4: we play for a million but guy is slow
LogoLarson: I mean... the get survivorguy to put up a cash prize, collection
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: haha
YoshMan4: we wont get the money for 100 yrs
YoshMan4: sadly
~Michael Fred 333 Voting~

CuJoe34: so who got voted out?
LogoLarson: you did
YoshMan4: :(
LogoLarson: didn't you hear?
YoshMan4: sorry
Survivor Guy 886: YOSH
LogoLarson: lol
LogoLarson: j/k
LogoLarson: we dunno yet
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: wow we're almost done
CuJoe34: thank jebus
ecukid1983: yeah i know
~YoshMan4 Voting~

YoshMan4: we are done
Clearwater88: .did anyone jsut imed
YoshMan4: water cressent imed me but i accidently
LogoLarson: poker!
YoshMan4: declined
Clearwater88: by that person?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: the crazy person just IMd me
LogoLarson: Poker!
YoshMan4: i didnt mean too
Survivor Guy 886: I'LL GO TALLY THE VOTES

~NEXT~ 1