~LogoLarson's Last Words~

So I'm out... I didn't quite make jury, which is a little bit of a downer. But I've played this game long enough to know not to get to broken up about it. No ill will to anyone who played. Oh, and I'd swear here but Kyle'd delete it anyway. So goodnight to all, and goodbye for now. Until we meet again.

Name Voted For: Comment
Cyber N 666 ecukid1983 Lots of stuff going down now...my worst nightmare in this game is being voted out in this spot (Since I have already experienced being voted out first XD.) Anyway, I think the vote tonight will come down to me and Ecu. I have this feeling that I will be leaving tonight if my plan doesn't hold up. I hate this point in the game because I have to rely on five or more people, and it is annoying checking with them all and making sure nobody is playing me. I want Ecu out for one reason, he has a past vote. If this comes to a 5-5 tie, Ecu would leave over me...if they are smart enough to vote Logo over me since Logo has two past votes, then good for them, as long as it isn't my torch put out. It's nothing personal, Ecu, I don't hate you, but I just have a feeling you aren't planning on coming back to our tribe, and I hate Morgan with such a passion... so Morgan needs to go, and we will start that process with getting rid of Ecu...trust me, it will work out...lol I think it will come down to Ecu or I, and so I must act as though this could be my last TC for a while. I'll miss it so much if I leave...lol...but hopefully I won't be, and hopefully it is Ecu who is gone... My brain hurts a lot, and I have sucked a lot at challenges lately, so, to rest my brain a little, here is my intellegent comment on the game thus far, and what I plan on doing soon: ::INSERT INTELLEGENT LINE HERE:: ~666
LogoLarson ecukid1983 Ecukid- nothing personal really, I like the kid, actually I'd like to keep him around because he's pretty much completely useless at everything, but he's got a past vote, and in the event of a tie that'll count. Plus my alliance mates want him gone, so I guess he goes.
CuJoe34 LogoLarson logo, im really sorry about this, out of everyone left i like you the best so thats what makes this so tough. But you opposed me in the beginning with cybern and yosh so i have to vote for you for my own safety. Sorry
ecukid1983 LogoLarson Logo , it was nice getting to know u but my vote is for you cuz if i dont vote for you i might be the one going tonight. best of luck to you.
YoshMan4 ecukid1983 ECU, you really aren't in this game anyways, i mean you are but don't act like it. So having you go isn't that big of deal...right? right
Clearwater88 ecukid1983 I'm voting ecu because last time i played 4 of the jury didn't show so I want an active end and I'm pretty sure out of all the people Ecu is least likely to show up:/
Michael Fred 333 LogoLarson My vote tonight is for Logo, HEs annoying, and he gotta go
BuffyBoy83 LogoLarson Logo Logo Logo... you said you might be going tonight, youre right! Sorry but you guys must think we are total idiots to think wed believe you werent alligned, obviously drake (minus ecu) is going to stay together and Im not willing to give you guys the upper hand so you can screw me with ur alliance of 5, Sorry Logo, it was nice talking to you, ull be missed but you have previous votes so in the 5-5 tie we need to vote someone who has previous votes :( LOGO
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 ecukid1983 My vote tonight is for ECU, its nothing personal dude. I just want to be the only vowel screenname left. sorry.
Caseboy6 LogoLarson I'm voting logo for 3 reasons 1) I know him the least 2) I have to think who I want in the jury and most likely he won't vote for me to win and 3) He played this game before

Name Voted For: Comment
Cyber N 666 ecukid1983 I'm safe...whew...but that won't last much longer unless I can manage a strategy...there is no way to avoid it, Logois most likely leaving. But I can't let him go without a fight...I have to vote for Ecu in hopes that someone switches their vote to Ecu...this would be a great time for my belief in miracles to pull through, except for the fact that miracle just kick me in the explicative. ~666
CuJoe34 LogoLarson logo, same reason
YoshMan4 ecukid1983 ecu, yet i foresaw a tie... no one talked about it but me for some reason, and i foresaw it with logo, and that being our demise, but i can't go against logo even if he shall go due to past votes, so ECU again
Clearwater88 ecukid1983 If Logo goes tonight I'm screwed so bad....... please God let Ecu leave.
Michael Fred 333 LogoLarson My revote may surprise you, I revote for... Logo, dude
BuffyBoy83 LogoLarson LOGO... sorry like I said you have been nice to me but who knows, was that just so I wouldnt vote for you? Please remember this is a game and I hope you had a good time. Its strategy and remember, nothing personal :)
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 ecukid1983 ecu I guess I don't know
Caseboy6 LogoLarson i will vote for....this is a toughy..Not....i'll vote for logo for the same reason

Name Votes