~Michael Fred 333's Last Words~

I want to say how disguising yourself in a return to an OLS should be done with the utmost discreetness, not to be known as a trivia challenge threat like me, Spider Michael. Remember that kiddies. Still, this was fun, and I would do this again, and i WILL do this again. Spider out.

Name Voted For: Comment
CuJoe34 Michael Fred 333 Mike, two reasons that I have to vote for you. First of all you have a ton of sp which is annoying and secondly you are really boring. You never have anything to say during meetings and outside of meetings I ususally have to have a conversation with myself. This game isn't for anything but for the fun of it and I'd rather come in 4th place and have fun the whole time then do better and hate it. I'm sure you are more interesting in real life but in this game you are boring, so goodbye
ecukid1983 YoshMan4 yosh, that's what my alliance has decided.
YoshMan4 Michael Fred 333 Tie against me, if this works. I am voting MIKE. Buffy screwed us. Now I am playing dumb. This will be great to see we played him. Don't lie to me EVER, or i will orchestrate a plan like I did here. Bye Mike
Clearwater88 Michael Fred 333 I am voting mike tonight I hope cujoe is honest and sticks with us if mike leaves tonight I will be so happy and Buffy will be ****** in the ***, he ruined this game for me, my turn to make it fun and take revenge, and even if cujoe doesnt vote with us... I have 1 more trick up my sleeve;) I really dislike buffy, If we pull this off... SWEET BLISS, SWEET SWEET SWEET SWEET BLISS! THIS GAME IS FINALLY LOOKING GOOD AGAIN! Bye Mike, rot in **** you ugly *****, hehehe viewers! I HAVE A CHANCE!
Michael Fred 333 YoshMan4 I know this vote will be close BUt in the end, the boot is YOSH
BuffyBoy83 YoshMan4 Well.... This vote is tough because I did like Clear and Yosh, but... after my "betrayal" of that alliance neither has been all that nice to me so its made the decision alot easier. I think some people have noticed Im calling most of the shots when it comes to who is voted off, at least last week. So this week Im letting my fellow alliance members voice who they want out and accepting it... Yosh... thanks for the good conversations.. you've won one once so your obviously a good player, and once again good game... except for not pretending to be with me this week which could have saved your ***... YOSH
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 Michael Fred 333 I'm voting for Mike this evening. If this works I will laugh so hard I will swallow my gum, and then I'll turn into buffy the evil lying twit. Muahahahahaha
Caseboy6 YoshMan4 Yosh....you won OLS5 but you are not going to win OLS7, the difference between the 2 is I'm in OLS7 and I'm going to win it!!! oh yea you'll be missed.....

Name Voted For: Comment
CuJoe34 Michael Fred 333 mike, sorry man but it has to be you, i'd rather have it be buffy but it is going to be too much fun watching him scramble around over the next week. You didn't play this game and while some may think of that as something that should be rewarded and taken to the finals for an easy win, I'd rather play against the best not the boringest
ecukid1983 YoshMan4 yosh
Clearwater88 Michael Fred 333 I'm voting mike again, ... SWEET, SWEET, SWEET, BLISS!!! Viewers... this alliance I have.. perfect:)
BuffyBoy83 YoshMan4 Even though Mike is going... YOSH
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 Michael Fred 333 Mike again
Caseboy6 YoshMan4 well...now i really hope that yosh is voted out but most likely he wont and mike will cuz of cujoe!!!! so my vote is for yosh

Name Votes
Michael Fred 333