***Actual Date: May 21, 2004***
***Actual Day: 5/89***
***CHAPERA - Day 3***
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
SpiderFab4 has entered the room.
YoshMan4 has entered the room.
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 has entered the room.
BuffyBoy83 has entered the room.
Caseboy6: hello
SpiderFab4: Hello
BuffyBoy83: hey everyone
YoshMan4: hey
BuffyBoy83: khold absent, is he going to be 1 for 3? lol
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: Guys ready to win immunity!?
BuffyBoy83: yea!!!!
BuffyBoy83: 1-2-3...
YoshMan4: we will win!
BuffyBoy83: CHAPERA!!!
YoshMan4: woo
YoshMan4: im eating right now so im half typing half eating
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: i hope its not a guess the phrase challenge lol
BuffyBoy83: i know lol
BuffyBoy83: the other ones will be like saoiufha foihsohfad asdiuhfisduafh is duihsfh
BuffyBoy83: and ours will be like
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: chapear ptus lal ni entoypr
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: ok maybe not
BuffyBoy83: so nevermind but u get the point lol
YoshMan4: ha yup
YoshMan4: yum
YoshMan4: all done
YoshMan4: ate my food
SpiderFab4: What did you eat?
YoshMan4: a sandwich lol
YoshMan4: so how was your peoples days today?
BuffyBoy83: guess what im wearing right now
YoshMan4: um
BuffyBoy83: it was pretty good thanks
YoshMan4: clothes?
BuffyBoy83: how was urs?
YoshMan4: good
BuffyBoy83: yes yosh...
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: good
BuffyBoy83: any more detailed guesses?
YoshMan4: jeans
BuffyBoy83: no
SpiderFab4: Glasses
YoshMan4: a costume
SpiderFab4: A thing
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: a survivor buff?
SpiderFab4: *thong
BuffyBoy83: it has do do with my shirt ;-)
YoshMan4: a buffy shirt
BuffyBoy83: ooo no not a survivor buff but i do have prob like 10 buffs
SpiderFab4: Nipple ring
BuffyBoy83: not a buffy shirt
BuffyBoy83: spider got it
YoshMan4: a wicked shirt
YoshMan4: oh
BuffyBoy83: please... im jk lol
SpiderFab4: lol
BuffyBoy83: i dont have a nipple ring
YoshMan4: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: wow lmao
BuffyBoy83: im wearing a survivor all stars ****
BuffyBoy83: shirt*
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: kik
YoshMan4: haha
YoshMan4: bad mouth
YoshMan4: :-P
BuffyBoy83: sorry! it was a typo lol
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: now that im thinking about buff's should we go over which buffs i have? lol
YoshMan4: clever fingers you have
YoshMan4: if you want lol
BuffyBoy83: since i said 10 im trying to think of which ones i have lol
YoshMan4: hmmmm
YoshMan4: interesting
BuffyBoy83: Kucha Buff (Signed by Liz) Barramundi Buff (Signed by Jerri and Amber) Survivor 3 Merge Buff (Signed by Ethan) Marramu Buff (Signed by Sarah, Sean, Rob, Hunter, Gina) Survivor 4 Merge Buff (Signed by John, Zoe, Robert, Tammy)
SpiderFab4: You have all these?
YoshMan4: i have...
YoshMan4: no buffs
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: Sook Jai Buff (Signed by the whole Tribe) and Chapera, Saboga, and Chapoga Mogo Buff, and a few extra Survivor 4 buffs that arent signed
BuffyBoy83: yea spider, i dunno i was bored so i was trying to think of all the buffs i have
BuffyBoy83: lol
BuffyBoy83: ok now someone talk about all the something they have
BuffyBoy83: so i dont feel like i was braggin
YoshMan4: i have nothin
SpiderFab4: I have nne
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: :-(
BuffyBoy83: bragging*
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: me and spider woo
BuffyBoy83: i dont mean buffs
YoshMan4: we both have zip signed by ourselves
BuffyBoy83: like talk about all the... cds u have
SpiderFab4: TREE MAIL
BuffyBoy83: yay!
BuffyBoy83: and btw i really didnt mean to brag, i was just trying to think of all of them lol
BuffyBoy83: yay
BuffyBoy83: wait, i wonder if 1 or 2 tribes win
YoshMan4: dun dun dunn
YoshMan4: but also others
YoshMan4: but im sure its 2 winning
SpiderFab4: Red font for the challenge
SpiderFab4: CHAPERA!
Caseboy6: woohoo
BuffyBoy83: yay!!!
BuffyBoy83: 1-2-3
BuffyBoy83: CHAPERA!!!
BuffyBoy83: cmon guys join in
SpiderFab4: CHAPERA!
BuffyBoy83: lol
BuffyBoy83: lol gj
YoshMan4: im in blue though lol
YoshMan4: i think we have a good chance to win, clear isnt here nor cybern
SpiderFab4: Neither is Khold
SpiderFab4: >_>
YoshMan4: true
Caseboy6: is khold smart?
Caseboy6: like good at challenges
Caseboy6: ?
SpiderFab4: Hes a pretty good asset
SpiderFab4: But we can win without him
YoshMan4: ah i see
Caseboy6: well it looks like we wont be doing the challenge soon, look at guy's away message
YoshMan4: well normally challenges are 7:30 arent they
SpiderFab4: Yeah
Caseboy6: i thought they were around 7:15 or 7:20
Caseboy6: shows what i know
YoshMan4: lol no they arent always 7:30
YoshMan4: but normally around there
YoshMan4: Friday power :-)
SpiderFab4: YEs
SpiderFab4: Im so jealous that you have Jerri and Ambers sigs
YoshMan4: yeah that would be cool
BuffyBoy83: lol ive met jerri...
YoshMan4: i wish i had anyone on survivors sigs
BuffyBoy83: 5 times
YoshMan4: i have none lol
SpiderFab4: Where buff?
SpiderFab4: FIVE????
BuffyBoy83: in NYC at the early show
YoshMan4: thats the perks of living in NY ...stupid MI
BuffyBoy83: usually im the only one their with my friend
BuffyBoy83: sometimes theres another person
BuffyBoy83: or at the finales there are more
Caseboy6: you went to the finale?
YoshMan4: maybe the ols4 one
BuffyBoy83: i went to the All Stars Finale and the Marquesas finale
YoshMan4: that was in NYC
Caseboy6: cool
BuffyBoy83: but i meant the day after they do a big thing at the early show
BuffyBoy83: and they are all pretty much there
YoshMan4: yeah
BuffyBoy83: and i met jerri and amber there again
SpiderFab4: I hate you
YoshMan4: lucky duck
SpiderFab4: :-)
BuffyBoy83: thanks
BuffyBoy83: lol
BuffyBoy83: if u like we can go over all the ppl ive met from survivor
BuffyBoy83: and the number of times
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: ill pass :-P
BuffyBoy83: but that would be like bragging
YoshMan4: make me more jealous :-)
BuffyBoy83: but if u insist...
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: lol
Caseboy6: lol
BuffyBoy83: if u wanna know then just tell me lol ;-)
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: Ive only met one reality star
SpiderFab4: Coral
BuffyBoy83: who?
YoshMan4: who
BuffyBoy83: oo thats cool
BuffyBoy83: i like coral
YoshMan4: oh
BuffyBoy83: shes one of the staples of the challenges
YoshMan4: if only i knew who she was
BuffyBoy83: shes so entertaining
BuffyBoy83: can someone please ask which survivor ppl ive met
BuffyBoy83: so i can think of it lol
YoshMan4: ll
BuffyBoy83: BTW if theres someone u really like next season
BuffyBoy83: just tell me
BuffyBoy83: and ill try to get u a sig.
YoshMan4: ha that would be cool
BuffyBoy83: there was someone i was really close with in a BB game once and i got her ryan o. and christa autographs
YoshMan4: oh that is cool
BuffyBoy83: she liked the 2 of them alot i think and we were great allys in the game and talked a lot even after the game
BuffyBoy83: its such a touching story!
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: tear!
Caseboy6: lol
BuffyBoy83: anyway someone- please brag about ur grades
BuffyBoy83: or something
BuffyBoy83: right now
YoshMan4: hm
SpiderFab4: I got all Bs
BuffyBoy83: so i can talk about survivors
BuffyBoy83: and not feel bad
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: i have 5 As one B
BuffyBoy83: ok yosh keep bragging about those A's
SpiderFab4: Thats goos
SpiderFab4: *good
YoshMan4: yeah just failed a test in calc
YoshMan4: so prob 4 as 2 bs now
BuffyBoy83: please... cause then i can think of all the ppl ive met and have a good excuse for doing it lol
BuffyBoy83: ok fine... i get it u ppl dont wanna hear me brag
BuffyBoy83: fine whatever ill go tell someone else
BuffyBoy83: im jk lol
YoshMan4: fine
YoshMan4: buffy who did you meet?
YoshMan4: lol
Caseboy6: lol
BuffyBoy83: no its ok i know u dont wanna know
YoshMan4: i do but im already jealous lol
BuffyBoy83: and i dont wanna do it to brag, i just wanna tell u
BuffyBoy83: but its gonna seem like bragging
YoshMan4: nah it isnt
Caseboy6: u are bragging right now lol
BuffyBoy83: no i was just kidding around lol
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: i wouldnt actually wanna do it as bragging in ur face
BuffyBoy83: and i know it seems like bragging so nevermind
YoshMan4: well anyway challenge good be soon lol
BuffyBoy83: yosh u were sup. to say no please tell me
SpiderFab4: What do you think it is?
BuffyBoy83: geez thats it ur first on my list!
BuffyBoy83: lol
Caseboy6: a challenge
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: It better not be Quick Draw
YoshMan4: i hope not
YoshMan4: not for IC
Caseboy6: i dont like quick draw
YoshMan4: me neither
SpiderFab4: Khold is great at Quick Draw
YoshMan4: its like based on who has best computer
BuffyBoy83: do u think by the first game ever is what well do
SpiderFab4: If it is, he better get here
BuffyBoy83: means the first game ever in OLS
BuffyBoy83: that is trivia i think
BuffyBoy83: i was just looking trying to find out lol
Caseboy6: and then eliminate people?
Caseboy6: or just who gets so many right?
YoshMan4: probably the category one
BuffyBoy83: in OLS1 first immunity challenge
BuffyBoy83: was first tribe to 7 points
BuffyBoy83: wins
YoshMan4: where there is 5 categories to pick
Caseboy6: ok
YoshMan4: or maybe 6
YoshMan4: and each tribe member has to answer one
Caseboy6: elec, your quiet today
BuffyBoy83: omg ur right
BuffyBoy83: where is elect lol
YoshMan4: maybe he is tired hmm
Caseboy6: very quiet lol
YoshMan4: or he died
BuffyBoy83: so "elec" but ur elect to me
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: he is elec to me
SpiderFab4 has left the room.
YoshMan4: hmm
Caseboy6: uh oh
SpiderFab4 has entered the room.
YoshMan4: welcome
SpiderFab4: Sorry
BuffyBoy83: ooo wb
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: oh i'm around
BuffyBoy83: hes alive!!!!
YoshMan4: lol hi
BuffyBoy83: lol
BuffyBoy83: hi elect
YoshMan4: elec are you tired?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: hi
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: yes
YoshMan4: ah gotcha
YoshMan4: i took a 2 hr nap today
YoshMan4: lol
Caseboy6: i took an hour nap
YoshMan4: woo
YoshMan4: nap power
YoshMan4: naps rock :-)
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: power hour naps
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: sounds good to me
YoshMan4: yup yup
YoshMan4: hm
BuffyBoy83: go!!!!
BuffyBoy83: lol