***Actual Date: May 20, 2004***
***Actual Day: 4/89***
***SABOGA - Day 2***
Cyber N 666 has entered the room.
PrinceTy01 has entered the room.
Boodu2boo has entered the room.
Cyber N 666: hello
Boodu2boo: Howdy
PrinceTy01: Hello, my friends.
Cyber N 666: how are you guys?
PrinceTy01: Ecstatic.
Boodu2boo: Good
PrinceTy01: Simply ecstatic.
Cyber N 666: ecstatic, eh?
PrinceTy01: Oh yes.
PrinceTy01: So much so, my hands are shaking.
PrinceTy01: Sort of like a seizure, but not quite so severe.
Cyber N 666: ah, yay
PrinceTy01: Heh.
PrinceTy01: So where the **** is our tribe?
PrinceTy01: Dog's on vacation, Inx is missing as always.
PrinceTy01: But Superfan.
PrinceTy01: Superfan's usually good about showing up.
Cyber N 666: croc or gator got 'em
PrinceTy01: Or perhaps Rupert stole their shoes, and they couldn't make it.
Boodu2boo: ...
Cyber N 666: having a good day, Bood?
Cyber N 666: heh, I watched Pulp Fiction again today:-)
Boodu2boo: surley
Cyber N 666: good movie:-)
PrinceTy01: Pulp Fiction <3
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: So..
PrinceTy01: So Guy, let's do something.
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: Oh Id like to say something
Cyber N 666: preferable immunity
PrinceTy01: Yes.
Cyber N 666: whats that, Bood?
PrinceTy01: Bood?
Boodu2boo: We's like to inform the viewers at home, that we are doing this on Thursday, as supposed to the regualer WEdnsday, due to Our wonderful host, whom is in his ealry 20's, was grounded for being late for work, hes......
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
Boodu2boo: At his parnts house, without a girlfriend.... Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your program
PrinceTy01: To defend Guy's family situation, his mother is a good cook.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: Make sure you tell her I said that, Guy.
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: What good food can she make?
Boodu2boo: T-Bone
PrinceTy01: Whatever it was she made the last time I visited Guy, it was good.
Boodu2boo: good steak maker
PrinceTy01: I think it was some sort of pork.
Cyber N 666: o
Cyber N 666: pork is good
Cyber N 666: :-)
PrinceTy01: The pork was delicious.
Boodu2boo: I perfer lard
Boodu2boo: Let practice quick draw
Boodu2boo: ready...
Boodu2boo: DRAW!
Cyber N 666: X
PrinceTy01: x
Cyber N 666: yay me
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: Way togo
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: Quick draw should be the final IC
Cyber N 666: :-)
PrinceTy01: lmao
Boodu2boo: DRAW!
Cyber N 666: X
PrinceTy01: SpiderFab4 (7:15:25 PM): Whether with meat or children, she does good groundingPrinceTy01 (7:15:31 PM): lmao
Cyber N 666: X?
Boodu2boo: gotta pay attention Prince lol
PrinceTy01: about Guy's mother.
Cyber N 666: wow
PrinceTy01: Spider's a funny fellow when he tries.
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: what brought up Guy's mother with Spider?
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: I mentioned to him that my tribe was discussing his mother's cooking.
PrinceTy01: Guy's mother, that is, not Spider's mother.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: I don't know how Spider's mother cooks.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: Though, I know some Greeks, and they cook very good food.
Cyber N 666: Spider is greek?
PrinceTy01: And Spider's family is Greek.
Cyber N 666: wow
PrinceTy01: So she probably cooks good.
Cyber N 666: He is Greek, and his name is Dimitri
Cyber N 666: wow
Cyber N 666: amazing
Cyber N 666: I won't be able to make it to tomorrows normal meeting
Cyber N 666: since I'll be on the road
Cyber N 666: but I may be able to make it to TC if we go
PrinceTy01: On the road again, eh Cybern?
Boodu2boo: you be at TC? if we even needtogo
PrinceTy01: Can't wait to get on the road again?
Cyber N 666: I'll try to make it online
PrinceTy01: That's a song, btw.
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: noticed
PrinceTy01: We won't be at TC.
Cyber N 666: yeah, probably not
Cyber N 666: hopefully it is Chapera
PrinceTy01: The Prince's tribe has never lost the first immunity.
Cyber N 666: Je deteste Chapera
PrinceTy01: You really want them to go to TC?
Boodu2boo: guys check your mail for tre mail, ust in case
PrinceTy01: Why?
PrinceTy01: Tree mail comes in IMs now, Bood.
Boodu2boo: oh cool
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: What was the last game you played, bood?
Cyber N 666: 4?
Boodu2boo: 5
Cyber N 666: o
Boodu2boo: 1,2,3,5
PrinceTy01: He wasn't in 4.
Boodu2boo: 1-won 2-last 3-second to last- 5- 9th?
Cyber N 666: ah, I voted you out in 3
Cyber N 666: yay ;-)
Boodu2boo: revenge! lol
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: you switched two and 3 around, bood.
PrinceTy01: You got out first in 3.
Cyber N 666: Did you show at all in 3?
Boodu2boo: nope, not in 2 wither
Boodu2boo: cpu crashed
Cyber N 666: o
PrinceTy01: So who would you rather see lose, Bood?
PrinceTy01: We know Cybern wants Chapera to go to TC.
PrinceTy01: How 'bout you?
Cyber N 666: this is taking to long for treemail...we are doing individual challenges, I think
Boodu2boo: mogo mogo, out with frog first
PrinceTy01: We're probably playing quick draw.
Cyber N 666: probably
PrinceTy01: Superfan will be ever so pissed.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
Cyber N 666: good, gives us a chance
Cyber N 666: Superfan is crazy at quick draw
PrinceTy01: Ok....Bood wants Mogo Mogo at TC, Cybern wants Chapera.
PrinceTy01: The Prince's royal dice roll, which decides all trivial and unimportant matters, will
decide this dispute.
Boodu2boo: as long as its not Sabogo i dont care
PrinceTy01: Odds, I side with Bood, evens I side with Cybern.
Cyber N 666: same here
*OnlineHost*: PrinceTy01 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 4
PrinceTy01: Evens.
PrinceTy01: Chapera will go to TC.
Cyber N 666: aw, he sides with me
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: ahh get a hotel room you two lol
Cyber N 666: I'm sleeping in a hotel tomorrow night;-)
PrinceTy01: Chapera is picking numbers.
Boodu2boo: ... im speechless
PrinceTy01: I guess we will be, soon, too.
PrinceTy01: I love having so many people on one tribe who jump at the chance to ruin Guy's element of surprise.
PrinceTy01: It's truly amusing.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: Guy's first twist is the SP twist from OLS5.
PrinceTy01: The teams bit.
Cyber N 666: Well, at least I can't get pzz
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: Sort of weak, considering the most important decisions in OLS history, the Final TCs
of OLS3 and 4, didn't rely at all on SP.
PrinceTy01: lmao, Cybern.
PrinceTy01: Pzz actually applied for this, so I was told.
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: that is...sad
Cyber N 666: good thing GUy didn't resort to that
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: Well, Saline got 2nd out in his only appearance, and he got in.
PrinceTy01: Pzz isn't far off.
Boodu2boo: Wheeen the moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie! Thats Amore!
Cyber N 666: Saline showed up though
Cyber N 666: so its ok
PrinceTy01: True.
PrinceTy01: Plus, Saline was the first person to begin the legacy of the Prince, so to speak.
Boodu2boo: no immunity today?
Cyber N 666: ugh
Boodu2boo: WED like to remind the viewers why were playing on Thursday
Cyber N 666: hm...time for a poptart
Cyber N 666: :-)
Boodu2boo: an ealry 20's man, living in his parents house is grounded
Boodu2boo: early 20's boy*
Cyber N 666: I don't think Bood is going to let Guy hear the end of this
Boodu2boo: * walks to the camras, whispering * im having a problem with Cyber, hes just lying around camp eating.
Cyber N 666: its a godd poptart
Cyber N 666: good*