***Next time on Online Survivor...***

History repeats itself
Survivor Guy 886: YET AGAIN, CHOOSE A NUMBER :)…
Survivor Guy 886: [(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)]
FrOgLeTt86: great lol
More addictions are revealed
Survivor Guy 886: 15-16
Survivor Guy 886: DEALER WINS
Survivor Guy 886: -10 SP
PrinceTy01: Poor Case.
YoshMan4: case should go again
FrOgLeTt86: i bet he'll win this hand :)
And Frog and Yosh make their move
MeGzIeS42: poor poor gulliable Ty
YoshMan4: i know, this is a change, its normally him, theo ne that is so good about plans and controlling the game
YoshMan4: yet he doesnt even expect anything
MeGzIeS42: john no one ever expects us lol

***NEXT*** 1