***Actual Date: August 5, 2004***
***Actual Day: 81/89***

***TRIBAL COUNCIL 14 - Day 36***

Cyber N 666: I'm second
Cyber N 666: yay
PrinceTy01: Tonight's Prince Dice Roll prediction.....
YoshMan4: ....
OnlineHost: SpiderFab4 rolled 1 3-sided die: 2
PrinceTy01: 1-4 Frog goes, 5-8 Yosh goes, 9-12 Elec goes.
SpiderFab4: John Heffron wins
OnlineHost: PrinceTy01 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3 4
YoshMan4: yay
PrinceTy01: 7.
OnlineHost: BuffyBoy83 has left the room.
OnlineHost: BuffyBoy83 has entered the room.
YoshMan4: :)
BuffyBoy83: ahh whats with my AOL chats tonight?
PrinceTy01: Cybern might keep his record, lmao.
YoshMan4: no
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: 9-12 those are crappy numbers :-/
BuffyBoy83: btw prince how am i not hating u anymore? lol
YoshMan4: i got 20 sp today
YoshMan4: ty
PrinceTy01: lol, I don't know.
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I got 3!
YoshMan4: yay elec
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: booyah
PrinceTy01: Ah, poor Cybern.
Cyber N 666: I was madder than a legless Ethiopian watching a donut roll
down a hill
Cyber N 666: XD
PrinceTy01: lmao
YoshMan4: i'm sorry cybern lol
BuffyBoy83: i dunno if we play another game together ill just have to remember what u did to me
BuffyBoy83: lol
Cyber N 666: gotta love red neck comedy
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: awww the ladies baby died on er
SpiderFab4: My neighbors are Ethiopian
PrinceTy01: Oh no, Elec :(
YoshMan4: that's sad
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I know!
Cyber N 666: I liked that record too, Yosh
Cyber N 666: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: my hair is falling out :-/
YoshMan4: well
***Caseboy6 Voting***

SpiderFab4: What sub should I get at Subway tomorrow
YoshMan4: um
YoshMan4: you can still get the record again lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: turkey?
PrinceTy01: lol
YoshMan4: i like that chicken thingy
PrinceTy01: Get a Chicken Teriyaki Sub, Spider.
OnlineHost: BuffyBoy83 has left the room.
OnlineHost: BuffyBoy83 has entered the room.
YoshMan4: thats it
BuffyBoy83: get heart italian its the best! lol
YoshMan4: ty said what i waas thinkign of
SpiderFab4: Whould one of those new wraps fill me up?
PrinceTy01: That stuff is awesome.
BuffyBoy83: bread i mean
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: mmmm chicken
SpiderFab4: I dont want people to think im going Atkins
Survivor Guy 886: CYBERN
SpiderFab4: I just like turkey and bacon
SpiderFab4: melted in cheese
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: eat the carbs people! bread rocks
YoshMan4: hmmm
YoshMan4: things are a happening now
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: olympics start soon
PrinceTy01: Haha, you and chicken, Aaron.
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i love chicken
SpiderFab4: SO do I
YoshMan4: i am getting mad :)
PrinceTy01: Why?
YoshMan4: cause people suck
OnlineHost: BuffyBoy83 has left the room.
OnlineHost: BuffyBoy83 has entered the room.
PrinceTy01: Well, duh.
***Cyber N 666 Voting***

FINAL FOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tonight, I am going to write and entire vote in french...cause I have too much free time... Bonjour! Je m'appelle Cybern.... Yeah...that takes too much effort... A long time ago...way back in the day...you were my friend, you have turned on me, you...dinosaur! You took my SP record!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why Yosh...WHY!? Anyway...onto the vote...lol I am voting out Elec this week, cause I can't vote Case out *shakes fist at Yosh and Guy for sticking me in a situation that I am teamed up with Case* . Don't worry Case...your time draws near...Elec hasn't shown like, at all in this game, so I am voting him out. WOOT FINAL FOUR!!!

Survivor Guy 886: ELEC
YoshMan4: if i'm on jury after today i'll have some fun disecting people
YoshMan4: A LOT OF FUN
PrinceTy01: Maybe I shouldn't have rolled dice.
PrinceTy01: ^_^
YoshMan4: you shouldnt have
YoshMan4: people keep peopel who never even come
YoshMan4: but whatever
SpiderFab4: My dice says John Heffron wins
PrinceTy01: Well, John, you did keep them over me.
***eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 Voting***

My vote is for Yosh/John, you know you're like a brother to me, and we knew it would come down to this eventually. Either you or I are going tonight, and I have to try to save myself. Sorry Man.

Survivor Guy 886: FROG
YoshMan4: i outlasted the people i wanted too atlest.. but before i make my vote today ill have fun saying things here
SpiderFab4: Just like me
PrinceTy01: So how is Case?
OnlineHost: BuffyBoy83 has left the room.
OnlineHost: BuffyBoy83 has entered the room.
BuffyBoy83: sorry about that
Caseboy6: case is quiet, as usual
PrinceTy01: Fascinating.
Caseboy6: yup
OnlineHost: SpiderFab4 has left the room.
***FrOgLeTt86 Voting***

ok i vote for yosh, yosh has constantly been trying to take over this game. he is an inconsiderate control freak, and i want him gone if it's the last thing i do!!

PrinceTy01: Horsemen got broken up!
PrinceTy01: Woooo
YoshMan4: glad for that :)
Survivor Guy 886: YOSH
PrinceTy01: Now who will spell the word "Cheese" horribly wrong, though?
PrinceTy01: That's what I want to know.
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: do what?
YoshMan4: OK I know who is going. I 'd just like to say this
OnlineHost: SpiderFab4 has entered the room.
YoshMan4: ELEC does not deserve to win this. I Love you elec but you never came and now it looks like youll make final 2
SpiderFab4: Elec in the Final 2?
SpiderFab4: ALRIGHT!
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: thanks for the support john
FrOgLeTt86: john please stop it :(
SpiderFab4: I was gonna pick him over you anyway Prince
PrinceTy01: You should have kept me, John.
PrinceTy01: You'd have beaten him then.
YoshMan4: OH and one more thing
SpiderFab4: Yosh will leave us with a joke
YoshMan4: I know this is a game so i don't think differently of you outside this lol
PrinceTy01: lol Spider
PrinceTy01: I know you were, my friend.
***YoshMan4 Voting***

I'm voting frog. She is a backstabber. That is all :). I still love you, this si a game

BuffyBoy83: =-O
BuffyBoy83: this is going to get interesting
YoshMan4: I'm glad i got my 20 sp today though :)
YoshMan4: lol
PrinceTy01: lol, you still got the record
YoshMan4: yep so i'm content
SpiderFab4: Cybern gets 2 votes?
PrinceTy01: And now you get to make a jury speech like me.
Survivor Guy 886: (CHANGING VOTE)
PrinceTy01: Jury Speeches are more fun than Final 2 speeches.
YoshMan4: jury speeches are fun lol
YoshMan4: i never got to do it yet
PrinceTy01: Because Final 2 speeches, you have to pretend to give a **** that you screwed the jury over.
SpiderFab4: lol
YoshMan4: true
YoshMan4: that sucks lol
PrinceTy01: Which, bless my heart, I was never good at.
SpiderFab4: Is it too late to make a Grilled CHeese?
YoshMan4: nah
PrinceTy01: Go for it, Spider.
***Cyber N 666 Re-Voting***

Final four...woo woo...&%*@ *$^@ *$^@...I censored it...happy Guy? Why can't we just get rid of the guy who took 4 weeks off? I mean...WTF? Frog, you make me want to rip my hair out, I mean...gosh, why? My game is screwed, and now I am cut throat...I will win these last 2 immunities, and I will win this game, &#^@&, vote for frog...

BuffyBoy83: yosh u really think ur going? yoshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii its me mario! does that make u feel better?
YoshMan4: um buffy
YoshMan4: shut the **** up please
FrOgLeTt86: ok i'm kind of confused right now but i want to say i'm sorry if i hurt anyone and please don't vote for me, lol :-/
YoshMan4: lol
PrinceTy01: I want to change my vote from when Cujoe went.
PrinceTy01: Can I do that?
PrinceTy01: lol
YoshMan4: frog we are friends out of the game don't worry
PrinceTy01: If I could do that, I'd still be alive :)
BuffyBoy83: prince i dont know what u were thinking!!!!
YoshMan4: but in the game i can have soem fun
BuffyBoy83: why would u vote cujoe out :(
BuffyBoy83: ooo yea the password thing
PrinceTy01: Meh, because he's too much like me.
SpiderFab4: I like to change my vote
PrinceTy01: And yeah, that stuff.
FrOgLeTt86: john you better not be voting me, lol
BuffyBoy83: but still!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! superfan had like a million votes
YoshMan4: why?
YoshMan4: you're voting me
YoshMan4: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
YoshMan4: i already voted once
BuffyBoy83: superfan would have went in a tie
YoshMan4: i'm not changing it
Survivor Guy 886: I'LL GO TALLY THE VOTES
BuffyBoy83: lol
PrinceTy01: They were all going after me, though.
PrinceTy01: I wouldn't have lost the tiebreaker.
SpiderFab4: They really do fry pickles

***NEXT*** 1