***Actual Date: May 27, 2004***
***Actual Day: 11/89***
***CHAPERA - Day 6***
Caseboy6: what do you think we should do tonight?
BuffyBoy83: if we lose?
Caseboy6: yea
BuffyBoy83: vote khold off
BuffyBoy83: hes rude, inactive
BuffyBoy83: i dont think we should have to keep him
Caseboy6: the only thing i'm afraid of is if we vote khold off tonight and lose another immunity then i might be going
Caseboy6: cuz between me u and spider, elec and yosh will vote me
BuffyBoy83: no we have an alliance with them, i dont think they will mind getting rid of spider, who is a huge threat
BuffyBoy83: and if we lose twice we also have the option of booting elect the 2nd time
Caseboy6: and why are we keeping yosh again? lol
BuffyBoy83: well we will prob. vote him out sometime
BuffyBoy83: i just talk to him A LOT more then elect
BuffyBoy83: so i think we can trust him alot more
Caseboy6: i talk to elec more then yosh, but i'll take the sp so its fine that we take yosh longer
Caseboy6: i've never said a word to yosh
BuffyBoy83: maybe u should start talking to him
Caseboy6: no thanks
BuffyBoy83: y not?
BuffyBoy83: hes not mean at all
Caseboy6: he reminds me of clear, one clear is enough for me
BuffyBoy83: ok... lol that might just not be the best move for later in the game
Caseboy6: i know, but oh well
Caseboy6: i know hes going to vote me out eventually so why even try lol
BuffyBoy83: did u take the 15 SP yesterday?
YoshMan4: no, i know you didn't so i wonder who did
BuffyBoy83: btw if u did, u can tell me i would never hold it against u lol, i just wanted to try to keep a record that the alliance could use in the future
BuffyBoy83: by taking the 15 SP did that keep the others from getting SP?
YoshMan4: lol fine your my alliance i dont care i took it ha, on accident, but i dont feel like telling everyone lol, but it was an accident
YoshMan4: i only read guys first line
BuffyBoy83: or was it just whoever gets the 15 gets it, it wanst going to be distributed anyway
YoshMan4: saying first person to im me with 15
YoshMan4: i didnt read the rest of the message
BuffyBoy83: sure... lol
YoshMan4: i am serious
BuffyBoy83: i dont see y u wouldnt wanna take it
BuffyBoy83: if i was at the comp i would have IMed him
YoshMan4: well i took it and i dont regret it or anything
YoshMan4: but it was an accident
BuffyBoy83: so khold didnt show last night... again lol
YoshMan4: gosh he annoys me so much though
BuffyBoy83: i cant wait to vote him off
YoshMan4: i know me too, he is such an *** to people
BuffyBoy83: hes so rude, hes inactive
BuffyBoy83: i wouldnt like throw the IC cause u never know how many TC's there will be before a switch or something
BuffyBoy83: but i really want him gone
YoshMan4: yeah i know but we may lose anyways you never know im gonna try to win but i have a feelign today we might lose
YoshMan4: and if we do i;ll be glad to vote khold out
BuffyBoy83: y do u have a feeling? lol
YoshMan4: cause cybern is back so its cybern and ty lol
BuffyBoy83: so what... lets think positive lol
BuffyBoy83: we can do it!
Kholdstare4Sword has entered the room.
YoshMan4 has entered the room.
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
Kholdstare4Sword: i wont be here for the challenge, sorry guys
SpiderFab4 has entered the room.
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 has entered the room.
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: hello
Caseboy6: hello
SpiderFab4: Hello
YoshMan4: hi
Kholdstare4Sword: i wont be here for the challenge, sorry guys
YoshMan4: hmm?
BuffyBoy83 has entered the room.
YoshMan4: you're here though
BuffyBoy83: hey everyone
YoshMan4: hi
Kholdstare4Sword: i had a band concert yesterday, and im leaving in 15 mins for orchestra concert
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: fun
YoshMan4: oh okay
BuffyBoy83: ooo have fun
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: are you playing in it or just going?
Kholdstare4Sword: playing in both
Kholdstare4Sword: i play drums,percussion
YoshMan4: how long would the concert last?
Kholdstare4Sword: drums/percussion
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ah awesome
Kholdstare4Sword: it actually started at 7
YoshMan4: oooh i see
Kholdstare4Sword: but i dont play till the very last song
Kholdstare4Sword: at like 830
YoshMan4: oh
YoshMan4: thats cool then
Kholdstare4Sword: but my teacher wants me there at 730
YoshMan4: ah i gotcha
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: oh good luck then
YoshMan4: thank you
YoshMan4: oh you werent talkin to me
YoshMan4: nevermind
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: wow :-\
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: lol
YoshMan4: :-D
YoshMan4: this girl is psycho
YoshMan4: on wheel of fortune
YoshMan4: she is like crazy
Kholdstare4Sword: vanna?
Kholdstare4Sword: or a contestant?
YoshMan4: contestent
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I wonder how far vanna walks in a year
Kholdstare4Sword: LOL
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: lol
YoshMan4: that must be a good job
Kholdstare4Sword: a ****ing 2 miles, at least
YoshMan4: she gets paid a lot of money for walking and touching things
Kholdstare4Sword: now, i vow to use the word **** in every sentence a ****ing say
BuffyBoy83: has to be more then 2 miles lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I want a job where I just walk and touch tv screens
YoshMan4: god this girl is psycho
Kholdstare4Sword: she doesnt even ****ing touch them
YoshMan4: shes like yelling
Kholdstare4Sword: there ****ing automatic motion sensors
Kholdstare4Sword: tell her it isnt ****ing whammy
YoshMan4: this girl is winning too
YoshMan4: bah
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: normally annoying people win wheel of fortune and fear factor
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: im guessing she will win the whole thing
YoshMan4: oh now another weird contestant
YoshMan4: he is not as weird htough
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I want to be on wheel of fortune
YoshMan4: you should
YoshMan4: it's a slogan
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I'd stand there and look confused the whole hour
YoshMan4: oh the crazy girl is up
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: god she liked yelleD NNNNN
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: or I'd hit on vanna shamelessly
YoshMan4: ILL BUY AN O!!!
YoshMan4: ALRIGHT :-)
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: just to be remembered for it
YoshMan4: HAHA
YoshMan4: :-)
Kholdstare4Sword: gotta ****ing go
YoshMan4: hmm
YoshMan4: ttyl
Kholdstare4Sword: bye ****
Kholdstare4Sword has left the room.
SpiderFab4: lol
YoshMan4: bye...
YoshMan4: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: byeeeeeee
YoshMan4: bah the old crazy lady caught up still
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: maybe there won't be a tc this week
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: maybe thats the Twist
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: riight
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: like everyone has showed up today
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: OR there will never be another TC and we'll end up doing real world instead
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: the true story, true story
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: who wants to be the crazed lesbian?
YoshMan4: lol aaron does
YoshMan4: he is a lesbian after all
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: oh yeah I forgot
YoshMan4: duh
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: lets see
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: we need the religious one
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: the jock
YoshMan4: hmm i am religionless so not that
YoshMan4: i dont play sports
YoshMan4: so not that
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: the drama queen
YoshMan4: hmm doesnt sound like me lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: and the person who only did it to get on tv
YoshMan4: thats me
YoshMan4: i'd like to buy another vowel
YoshMan4: oooo
BuffyBoy83: what an interesting convo...
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: did she win?
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: no
YoshMan4: its not over
Caseboy6: yes it is
Caseboy6: the guy won
YoshMan4: he did?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: haha
Caseboy6: yes
Caseboy6: lol
YoshMan4: the crazy lady didnt win?
Caseboy6: well not yet
Caseboy6: but the round lol
YoshMan4: are you watching it lol
YoshMan4: haha crazy you're watching it
Caseboy6: yes i am lol
YoshMan4: cool :-P
YoshMan4: yah the guy won lol
YoshMan4: that round
Caseboy6: i wanted to know who you were talking about
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: that girl is crazy
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: haha
YoshMan4: she like yells
Caseboy6: the one in the middle?
YoshMan4: yes
Caseboy6: yup
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: lol we made this a wheel of fortune chat :-)
BuffyBoy83: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i tried to make it abour drama queen and religion and lesbians but that didn't take
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: :-P
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: darn
YoshMan4: that would've been fun
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: oh pepsi smash is on tonight
YoshMan4: oooh
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I wonder who is on it
YoshMan4: is there more then one of those
YoshMan4: or is it all one day
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: more then one
YoshMan4: i know a few people who will be on it
YoshMan4: but not who on what day
YoshMan4: Pepsi Smash is back and better than ever! The eight-week summer music series kicks off with live performances by Limp Bizkit, Lenny Kravitz and
Counting Crows
YoshMan4: bah
YoshMan4: im not watching today
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ew
YoshMan4: pizza
YoshMan4: deliveryman
YoshMan4: gah she had to yell it
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i want pizza
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: NNNN
YoshMan4: why do they always clap when they spin
YoshMan4: never understood that
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: because its like roulette
YoshMan4: its stupid though
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: lol I just ordered pizza
YoshMan4: woo
YoshMan4: go spider!
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: what kind spider?
YoshMan4: spaghettios
SpiderFab4: cheese
YoshMan4: yay
YoshMan4: cheese piza rocks
YoshMan4: lost
YoshMan4: she said n then h
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I like pizza
YoshMan4: then m
YoshMan4: shes confusing people
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: fun
BuffyBoy83: that is so fake!!!!
BuffyBoy83: omg nice try
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: great
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: i want a challenge
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: me too
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: this is why I come to these things
YoshMan4: im sick of these no challenges
BuffyBoy83: ooo wait i posted it! lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: lol
BuffyBoy83: guys i said it was fake!
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: lol ok
YoshMan4: best be fake
BuffyBoy83: i was saying like omg that is so fake as a joke cause i thought ppl might say that
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: My fake was better
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: oh ok
BuffyBoy83: it was just for fun, it wasnt a real treemail lol
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: nice
YoshMan4: hoobastank is also on tonight
YoshMan4: i missed that
BuffyBoy83: do u kno what i notice? lol
BuffyBoy83: spider gets most of the treemails
YoshMan4: an apple a day keeps the doctor away?
YoshMan4: ooooh
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i like my weekly trivia fix
BuffyBoy83: or it seems that way lol
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: gots ta love the trivia
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i never got tree mail until later in 7
YoshMan4: i got it early
YoshMan4: in 7
YoshMan4: never got it in 8 yet
Caseboy6: i got it once because it was only me and spider in 7
BuffyBoy83: when?
YoshMan4: ooh yeah when
Caseboy6: when you werent there lol
YoshMan4: lol 2 people on a tribe
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: the oucast week?
YoshMan4: that would be fun
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: outcast*
YoshMan4: crazy lady is doing final challenge
YoshMan4: lets see how she does
BuffyBoy83: i missed a meeting when it was just the 3 of us at morgan? lol
YoshMan4: if she wins she will go psycho
BuffyBoy83: i guess i just forget lol
Caseboy6: yes you did
BuffyBoy83: 3 person morgan was so great
BuffyBoy83: even though it was just 3 of us
Caseboy6: lol
BuffyBoy83: we still won the IC's and made the merge
SpiderFab4: yes
BuffyBoy83: it was so fun lol
YoshMan4: awww
YoshMan4: the lady won't win
BuffyBoy83: o lol
YoshMan4: she didnt win
SpiderFab4: Khold applied for OLS7 but didnt get in
YoshMan4: ooh
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ooo
BuffyBoy83: yea i think i remember hearing that
YoshMan4: never heard bout that
Caseboy6: me either
YoshMan4: so lets get some tree mail and start that challenge guy
SpiderFab4: This is worrying me
SpiderFab4: We always get the treemail at 7:15
YoshMan4: yeah i know
YoshMan4: hmm
BuffyBoy83: he has his away message on
BuffyBoy83: i wonder if he is act the comp.
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: hmmm
BuffyBoy83: well with one twist every 3 days u never know what can happen
YoshMan4: hmm his computer be messing up? who'd a thunk it
YoshMan4: or somethign else
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: yeah that makes me nervous
YoshMan4: im sure he is just busy
YoshMan4: sometimes he has to eat dinner now
BuffyBoy83: i wasnt nervous until i remembered that it is one twist every 3 days
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: lol
BuffyBoy83: brb
YoshMan4: ok
YoshMan4: not all twists are big
YoshMan4: maybe we had the twist
YoshMan4: hmmm
YoshMan4: or not
YoshMan4: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: yeah the not telling us when TC is might've been it
Caseboy6: i got the treemail
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: whats it say?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: what does that mean?
SpiderFab4: Probably quick typing
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I suck at that
Caseboy6: i think it is
YoshMan4: fun
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: who's zmatt?
Caseboy6: someone who was in OLS1
Caseboy6: probably
BuffyBoy83: i think its ols trivia
YoshMan4: i'm george w bush and i aprove of this message, don't vote for me, we don't want to see the US suffer another 4 yrs :-)
YoshMan4: i think it is quick typing
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: wheres JU when I need him
BuffyBoy83: well y would it say b4 survivor 5? maybe because 5 and 6 werent fully posted yet
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: he sucked at quick typing worse then me
YoshMan4: what
YoshMan4: oh
YoshMan4: lol he did
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: that could be it
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I know nothing about 1 or 2
SpiderFab4: neither do I
BuffyBoy83: maybe the first 4 seasons had quick typing though as the 2nd immunity challenge
BuffyBoy83: and that guy won for his tribe is survivor 1
YoshMan4: jeopardy
BuffyBoy83: zmatt i mean
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: could be
Caseboy6: yea, i think he did
YoshMan4: i dunno i dont read old eps
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: lol
Caseboy6: i did since i was really really bored lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i only read about me
YoshMan4: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I'm vain like that
YoshMan4: wendys
SpiderFab4: 7:30, challenge time
SpiderFab4: right?
YoshMan4: WENDYS
YoshMan4: normally yes
YoshMan4: dominos
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: he's still away
YoshMan4: mcdonalds
YoshMan4: i know fast food questions
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: thats about it
SpiderFab4: taco bell
SpiderFab4: KFC
YoshMan4: the category is over
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: Pizza Hut
BuffyBoy83: ok i just looked at ols1
BuffyBoy83: the 2nd immunity challenge was quick typing
BuffyBoy83: and zmatt won for his tribe, typing
BuffyBoy83: tagi*
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: great
YoshMan4: okay good
YoshMan4: i used to be good
YoshMan4: but im on the lap top
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: YoshMan4: these keys are weird
YoshMan4: abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz
Caseboy6: k?
YoshMan4: abcdefghijkl
YoshMan4: let's start guy
YoshMan4: clear rocks at quick typing
Caseboy6: do we need to sit someone out?
YoshMan4: no
YoshMan4: well
YoshMan4: yeah llol
YoshMan4: we can't sit out khold
YoshMan4: so yeah
Caseboy6: yea
YoshMan4: i dunno how this will work
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I'll sit out
YoshMan4: but
BuffyBoy83: wait y cant we sit out khold?
YoshMan4: how can khold play?
BuffyBoy83: he sat out yesterday?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: unless they make me play for him
Caseboy6: cuz he sat out last time
YoshMan4: yeah
YoshMan4: let's start guy
BuffyBoy83: ugh khold is going to keep screwing us up because he will have to keep sitting him out
BuffyBoy83: we*
BuffyBoy83: but oh well
YoshMan4: yeah hmm
BuffyBoy83: so elect ur going to sit out?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: sure since I suck at it
BuffyBoy83: ok lol
YoshMan4: we will see maybe we wont have to sit someone out though
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: if its triva though thats my forte
YoshMan4: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I have a bunch of useless knowledge
SpiderFab4: No, trivias MY forte
SpiderFab4: :-P
BuffyBoy83: i think its most likely going to be quick typing
YoshMan4: no it's mine
YoshMan4: haha
YoshMan4: jk
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: thats why we won trivia challenges spider :-P
YoshMan4: but neither of you answered a question lol
YoshMan4: lasT trivia IC
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: ;-P
Caseboy6: i answered 2!
Caseboy6: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: what was that one?
YoshMan4: i answered a few
YoshMan4: team trivia
YoshMan4: first to 5
YoshMan4: we got 1st place
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I don't remember that
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: i answered 2 or something
YoshMan4: case answered 2
YoshMan4: buffy answered one i think
YoshMan4: we won
YoshMan4: mogo got 2nd
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: it's because we're special
YoshMan4: yeo
YoshMan4: yep
YoshMan4: camel?
YoshMan4: bah
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: eagle
YoshMan4: bah
YoshMan4: elephant
YoshMan4: bah
YoshMan4: legs
YoshMan4: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: bah
YoshMan4: bah
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: :;taps foot::
YoshMan4: hmmm
YoshMan4: cmon guy
BuffyBoy83: wanna practice quick typing?
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: wanna practice quick typiong
YoshMan4: bah
YoshMan4: stupid o
YoshMan4: and i forgot ?
BuffyBoy83: well do u guys want 2 practice? lol
SpiderFab4: sure
YoshMan4: sure
BuffyBoy83: ok i will say a word
YoshMan4: ok
SpiderFab4: CHEESE
BuffyBoy83: first person to "quickly type" it
YoshMan4: cheese
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: ok
BuffyBoy83: goes next time
SpiderFab4: CAKE
BuffyBoy83: first person then goes
BuffyBoy83: etc. ok? lol
YoshMan4: ok
BuffyBoy83: ok first word...
YoshMan4: challenge
Caseboy6: challenge
BuffyBoy83: ok yosh u go
YoshMan4: hm?
YoshMan4: i go
YoshMan4: where
Caseboy6: lol
BuffyBoy83: u say a word i mean lol
SpiderFab4: now the last word...
SpiderFab4: IMMUNITY
YoshMan4: immunity
SpiderFab4: applesauce
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: immunity
BuffyBoy83: that was confusing
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: applesauce
YoshMan4: applesauce
BuffyBoy83: ok spider u go
YoshMan4: kholdstare4sword
BuffyBoy83: kholdstare2sword
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: kholdstare4sword
BuffyBoy83: oops its a 4 lol
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: 2 lol
BuffyBoy83: hold on i need to turn the light on
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: haha
SpiderFab4: Next work
YoshMan4: scattegories
SpiderFab4: *word
BuffyBoy83: ok
BuffyBoy83: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: scattegories
YoshMan4: woo
Caseboy6: lol
BuffyBoy83: scattegories
BuffyBoy83: wait...
YoshMan4: fantasia barrino
BuffyBoy83: fantasia barrino
Caseboy6: fantasia barrino
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: fantasia barrino
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: see last lol
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: i thought elect was giving the word so i typed scattegories
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: then i was like o oops lol nevermind
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: oops
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: deutsch
YoshMan4: woo
BuffyBoy83: ok elect now u go
SpiderFab4: Elect should always go
SpiderFab4: since hes sitting out
YoshMan4: tribal council
SpiderFab4: tribal counsil
Caseboy6: tribal council
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: sure I can do that
BuffyBoy83: tribal council
SpiderFab4: -_-
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: Damn
YoshMan4: damn
YoshMan4: buffyboy83
Caseboy6: buffyboy83
SpiderFab4: buffyboy83
YoshMan4: chapera
Caseboy6: chapera
YoshMan4: mogo mogo
Caseboy6: mogo mogo