***Actual Date: May 27, 2004***
***Actual Day: 11/89***
***SABOGA - Day 6***
Cyber N 666 has entered the room.
PrinceTy01 has entered the room.
Boodu2boo has entered the room.
Cyber N 666: hey
Boodu2boo: So cybern
PrinceTy01: Good evening.
Cyber N 666: how are you guys?
PrinceTy01: Peachy as always.
PrinceTy01: yourself?
Cyber N 666: eh
PrinceTy01: Oh no, it's going to be tough to beat Mogo Mogo tonight.
PrinceTy01: They've got Dampe.
Cyber N 666: yay for dampe
Boodu2boo: Is anyone else getting pissed that MMX only shows up for TC?
PrinceTy01: Cybern and I know, nobody messes with Dampe.
Cyber N 666: Dampe voted for me to win in OS3
PrinceTy01: Bood, for all we know, his mother's grounded him again.
Cyber N 666: unlike someone in this room
Cyber N 666: -_-
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: hurray for 8 yr olds!
PrinceTy01: If you had taken me to the end, I would of voted you to win....
PrinceTy01: Er....nvm
PrinceTy01: But you did vote me out, Nathan. ^_^
Cyber N 666: :-D
PrinceTy01: heh heh....but it was all worth it for the seizure bit.
PrinceTy01: You know it was.
Boodu2boo: Yall wanna hear a story?
PrinceTy01: Sure.
Boodu2boo: A guys drivin along hes got someone in the passanger seat with them...
PrinceTy01: Afterwards, I'll tell you both a story about Guy's mother.
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: he comes up to a red light, and goes right through it
Boodu2boo: guy say, " why didnt you stop!/", "Its ok, my brother drives like this" replied the driver
Boodu2boo: comes to another red light, goes through it..." What the ****!? your gonna kill us!"
Boodu2boo: "like i said, my brother drives like this, its ok"
Boodu2boo: comes to a greenlight and stop...
Boodu2boo: "go go go its green!" said the passanger
Boodu2boo: "well.... my brother can be coming the other way".... END
Boodu2boo: ..... The End....
Boodu2boo: Done...
Boodu2boo: lol?
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: lag
Boodu2boo: *knock knock*
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: whos there, bood?
Boodu2boo: Tuna Fish
Cyber N 666: tuna fish who?
Boodu2boo: you can tun-a piano, but you cant tuna fish
PrinceTy01: lol
Boodu2boo: i get alot of girls with that one
PrinceTy01: Guy, the Mogo Mogos are *****ing that you didn't start their meeting yet.
Cyber N 666: wow...knock knock jokes suck
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: Ty...I have Elle Driver's whisling thing stuck in my head
PrinceTy01: Maybe Mogo Mogo doesn't exist anymore, though...we didn't have a twist yet.
PrinceTy01: hahaha
Boodu2boo: so.... what about guys mom
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: *thinks back*.....
Cyber N 666: La mere de Guy est tres chaud
Boodu2boo: viva la cuba!
PrinceTy01: About 7 years ago, maybe, I forget, I got invited down to Guy's house....
PrinceTy01: You see, Guy's family is French in origin...he's American, but the lineage is French.
Cyber N 666: ah...french
PrinceTy01: Yet....
Cyber N 666: I know that language...kinda
Boodu2boo: so guy smells?
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: When I got down there, to my amazement....
PrinceTy01: Guy's family had invited me for a game of croquet, complete with tea and crimpets.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: Guy's mother made the crimpets herself.
PrinceTy01: They were reasonably good.
PrinceTy01: Since, for all the grounding she does, she does cook well.
Cyber N 666: I have a British friend that has tea time every day when he gets home from school
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: Yet I couldn't understand why the French, who supposedly despise the English, would play Croquet.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: I still don't understand it.
PrinceTy01: Guy, explain it to me.
Cyber N 666: I like croquet
Cyber N 666: but my yard isn't flat, so we can't play
PrinceTy01: Neither was there's.
Cyber N 666: but when we go to my grandmas housei n PA we play there
PrinceTy01: His house had a large hill.
Cyber N 666: o]
PrinceTy01: My house sat at the top of the hill, and he played croquet on the hill.
PrinceTy01: Well, partially on the hill.
PrinceTy01: Which is funny in and of itself.
PrinceTy01: But there's the story of Guy's mother.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: French, cook, croquet extroardinaire.
Cyber N 666: alrighty, and with that, we should start the challenge
Cyber N 666: :-)
PrinceTy01: Oh, and her favorite game is Dr. Mario.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: Random, but ****, in this tribe, it's all about useless info about Guy's mother.
Cyber N 666: I liked Dr Mario
PrinceTy01: So did I.
PrinceTy01: So, to summarize....
PrinceTy01: Guy's mother.....
PrinceTy01: French, Cook, Croquet Extraordinaire, Dr. Mario afficianado
PrinceTy01: Anybody get Tree Mail yet?
Cyber N 666: nope
Boodu2boo: notta
Boodu2boo: cybern enjoying those 15 sp points?
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: you aren't mad about that, are you?
PrinceTy01: Ah, yes, I must congratulate Cybern, the SP Lottery winner for our tribe.
PrinceTy01: Ecu, Cybern, don't know who the third was.
Boodu2boo: nah, i have no sp income anymore anyways
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: My guess is Case took it on Chapera....it's always the quiet ones.
PrinceTy01: Heh, well, never mind, we know how much of a talker Case is.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: There must be some sort of twist going on.
PrinceTy01: Unless the SP looting counted as a twist.
PrinceTy01: brb
Cyber N 666: k
PrinceTy01: The Prince returns.
PrinceTy01: And further wonders what Guy's mother has done to him, to prevent him from beginning the challenge.
PrinceTy01: Never mind.
Boodu2boo: zmatt
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: Fast*
Cyber N 666: we need superfan
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: It's not Quick Draw.
PrinceTy01: It's quick typing.
Boodu2boo: zmatt, my buddy!
Cyber N 666: o
PrinceTy01: Since there's no way Guy would do straight quick draw for immunity.
Cyber N 666: true
PrinceTy01: Let's practice.
Cyber N 666: I hate quick typing
PrinceTy01: You two, type it just as I type it.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: First word.....
Boodu2boo: let's practice
Boodu2boo: brb
PrinceTy01: Guy's Mother.
Cyber N 666: Guy's Mother
Cyber N 666: do I need caps?
PrinceTy01: I'm not sure, he'll explain that in the rules, I'm sure.
Cyber N 666: alright, no caps then
Cyber N 666: :-)
PrinceTy01: Next one....
PrinceTy01: Immunity
Cyber N 666: I'm watching condensed versions of the races from this season:-)
Cyber N 666: immunity
PrinceTy01: Now you quiz me, Cybern.
Cyber N 666: alright...
PrinceTy01: alright...
Cyber N 666: mogo mogo
PrinceTy01: mogo mogo
Cyber N 666: yay
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: yay
PrinceTy01: lol
Cyber N 666: lets try scrambled
PrinceTy01: lets try scrambled
Cyber N 666: cause he adds them
PrinceTy01: cause he adds them
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
Cyber N 666: alrighty...
PrinceTy01: alrighty...
Cyber N 666: bagoas
PrinceTy01: saboga
Cyber N 666: what words can I use?
Cyber N 666: um..
PrinceTy01: what words can i use?
PrinceTy01: um..
Boodu2boo: celbrity poker showdown is on tonight!
Cyber N 666: lrpea liansd
PrinceTy01: pearl island
Cyber N 666: islands!
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: you only had one s in there.
Cyber N 666: pearl islands
Boodu2boo: oogn oogn
Cyber N 666: o...true
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: bah
Cyber N 666: nogo nogo?
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: moog moog
PrinceTy01: Mogo Mogo
Boodu2boo: lol
PrinceTy01: heh heh
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: Apu Nahasapeenapedalan
PrinceTy01: ceirPn
Boodu2boo: prince
PrinceTy01: Doob
Cyber N 666: bood
PrinceTy01: 666
Cyber N 666: 666
Cyber N 666: :-)
PrinceTy01: lol
Boodu2boo: lucky their the copy and paste function
PrinceTy01: Grounded
Cyber N 666: grounded
Boodu2boo: Grounded
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
Boodu2boo: Cyber N 666: :-)
Boodu2boo: Boodu2boo: Cyber N 666: :-)
PrinceTy01: Your mother's a whore, trebek.
Boodu2boo: Your mother's a whore, trebek.
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: lol
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: lol
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: lol
PrinceTy01: Boston Rob loves "Ambah"
Boodu2boo: Boston Rob loves "Ambah"
Cyber N 666: Boston rob loves "ambah
Cyber N 666: :
Cyber N 666: "*
Boodu2boo: can we get rolling?
PrinceTy01: can we get rolling?
PrinceTy01: Yes, we can.
Boodu2boo: I mike boys
PrinceTy01: Move it along, Guy.
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: guys remember, copy and paste is fast
Cyber N 666: but most of the words are too short for that
PrinceTy01: yes
Boodu2boo: but most of the words are too short for that
PrinceTy01: Hurry the **** up, Guy.
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: hes away from his computer
PrinceTy01: For something based upon quickness, this is going very, very slow.
Boodu2boo: For something based upon quickness, this is going very, very slow.
PrinceTy01: heh heh
Boodu2boo: heh heh
Boodu2boo: Its raining boobs, hilayluya
PrinceTy01: it's raining boobs, hallelujah
Boodu2boo: cant spell?
Boodu2boo has left the room.
PrinceTy01 has left the room.
Cyber N 666 has left the room.