***Actual Date: May 27, 2004***
***Actual Day: 11/89***

***MOGO MOGO - Day 6***

ecukid1983 has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86 has entered the room.
ecukid1983: hey there
FrOgLeTt86: hello
ecukid1983: how was ur day
FrOgLeTt86: ummm, it was okay
FrOgLeTt86: how about yourself?
ecukid1983: well i pretty much did nothing
ecukid1983: very un productive as usual
ecukid1983: haha
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: thats cool
ecukid1983: yeah i guess
FrOgLeTt86: dum de dum de dum
FrOgLeTt86: where is everyone? they are online
ecukid1983: haha eyah where is ok i was about to say the same
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: we think alike
Saline33 has entered the room.
ecukid1983: haha yeah
ecukid1983: hey there jason
FrOgLeTt86: hey jason
Saline33: hey ya'll
ecukid1983: omg my tummy is acting up
ecukid1983: not during a challenge
ecukid1983: nooooo
ecukid1983: lol
FrOgLeTt86: aww, dont worry about it
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Saline33: what time is the actual challenge tonight?
ecukid1983: when ever we get tree mail
FrOgLeTt86: lol
ecukid1983: i havent a clue
DampeRIP has entered the room.
DampeRIP: HI!
ecukid1983: **** there
ecukid1983: hello
ecukid1983: grr i missed the o
ecukid1983: lol
DampeRIP: yup
CuJoe34 has entered the room.
CuJoe34: hey
DampeRIP: HI!
CuJoe34: brb
ecukid1983: hows it going
DampeRIP: BYE!
ecukid1983: ok
ecukid1983: haha
CuJoe34: ok im back
CuJoe34: so whats up mogo mogos
ecukid1983: welcome
ecukid1983: fantasia from NC won last night
ecukid1983: yay
DampeRIP: i knew it
CuJoe34: that she would win?
DampeRIP: yeah
CuJoe34: yeah i thought so too
ecukid1983: thats two yrs in a row final two consisted of a carolinian
DampeRIP: Although she sounds like a horse to me ^_^
CuJoe34: haha
CuJoe34: she did
CuJoe34: she has a weird voice
Saline33: but that was her appeal
CuJoe34: it made her unique
CuJoe34: or just like a horse
ecukid1983: yeah i thought diana was better but she represented my State so i had to go for her
CuJoe34: which ever way you want to look at it
CuJoe34: i hated diana
CuJoe34: she was so fake
CuJoe34: and she looked like miss piggie
FrOgLeTt86: boo american idol talk
DampeRIP: go frog!
ecukid1983: latoya was amazing
DampeRIP: No more Idol talk!
ecukid1983: haha frog
ecukid1983: why
CuJoe34: yay latoya
FrOgLeTt86: i dont watch it
DampeRIP: It's just not a good show anymore
CuJoe34: its been the same thing for three seasons
CuJoe34: its getting old
DampeRIP: No, this season sucked
CuJoe34: well yes it idd
CuJoe34: did*
DampeRIP: Kinda like.... another show I know
CuJoe34: all stars?
DampeRIP: All of them since 2...
DampeRIP: You were close though
CuJoe34: well survivor has its good seasons
CuJoe34: but it has crappy ones too
DampeRIP: Your right... 1... and 2
DampeRIP: 3 was almost bearable
CuJoe34: and then 3-8 sucked?
DampeRIP: and after that... it faded away
DampeRIP: you got it
CuJoe34: i dont know, i thought 4, 6, and 7 were really good
ecukid1983: i liked something about them all but thats just me
Saline33: blasphemy
ecukid1983: doesnt make ur opinions wrong
DampeRIP: nope
CuJoe34: haha
DampeRIP: think what you will, and i shall do the same
ecukid1983: ok agreed
CuJoe34: neither
ecukid1983: xbox
CuJoe34: boo microsoft
DampeRIP: yeah, PS2 all the way!
CuJoe34: i dont really care
CuJoe34: as long as its not microsoft
DampeRIP: ......dont be that way
CuJoe34: blashemy
CuJoe34: haha
DampeRIP: agh!
CuJoe34: bad spelling
DampeRIP: ok
CuJoe34: ok
FrOgLeTt86: lol
DampeRIP: I saw the triplets of belleville and thought of you frog
FrOgLeTt86: lol
ecukid1983: haha ok that flew over my head
DampeRIP: You need to get out more sonny boy
CuJoe34: what are they
ecukid1983: yeah that i seriously do
ecukid1983: i agree
CuJoe34: these triplets you speak of
DampeRIP: It's an import, french cartoony movie
Clearwater88 has entered the room.
DampeRIP: very funny... wacky movie
CuJoe34: so why did you think of frog?
Clearwater88: um 16 minutes
ecukid1983: welcome
CuJoe34: clear!
Clearwater88: didnt any of you notice i wasnt here
Clearwater88: OO;?
CuJoe34: welcome to our happy tribe
DampeRIP: all they eat are frogs
CuJoe34: oh okay
FrOgLeTt86: lol
DampeRIP: Clear!
FrOgLeTt86: sorry clear : (
ecukid1983: yeah i thought u were just waiting until tree mail arrived
DampeRIP: PS2 or XBOX Clear?
Clearwater88: PS2
DampeRIP: **** YA!
Clearwater88: Hi
ecukid1983: hi
Clearwater88: Is this you're first time here?:-)
DampeRIP: Hey Sal!
DampeRIP: me?
Clearwater88: yea
Saline33: we are the only ones with 100% attendance, aren't we?
DampeRIP: no
DampeRIP: I been here everytime
DampeRIP: I just dont talk
DampeRIP: or appear on the people here list
Clearwater88: or help in the challenges:P
CuJoe34: ha
DampeRIP: yup yup
CuJoe34: its okay dampe
ecukid1983: i think so jason
CuJoe34: your still mogo mogo
DampeRIP: ok, i havent show up, not once
DampeRIP: due to my bad finals..
Clearwater88: why?
DampeRIP: i apologize
Clearwater88: oh
DampeRIP: and beg for your mercy
CuJoe34: its okay we understand
CuJoe34: finals suck
DampeRIP: i also got my permit...
DampeRIP: which was not required...
DampeRIP: but still fun...
DampeRIP: not that i had fun.... cause i was missing OLS..
ecukid1983: yeah its good to be able to drive
DampeRIP: I thought so myself
CuJoe34: its great fun too
ecukid1983: omg a zit
ecukid1983: :-(
ecukid1983: im gonna cry
DampeRIP: Driving bores the **** outa me
DampeRIP: ::pop::
ecukid1983: i did
ecukid1983: lol
DampeRIP: ...........................ick
ecukid1983: eww
DampeRIP: Who's playing Metroid Fusion?
CuJoe34: i beat it
Clearwater88: ?
FrOgLeTt86: la la la
DampeRIP: did you find it easy?
CuJoe34: yeah
CuJoe34: it tells you what to do
CuJoe34: haha
CuJoe34: its okay
DampeRIP: I is an icifrogicleq
CuJoe34: we arent all as skilled as myself
ecukid1983: huh
DampeRIP: icifrogicleq = Frozen Samus
ecukid1983: ahh i knew that
CuJoe34: thats what i thought
DampeRIP: Of course
ecukid1983: haha
DampeRIP: dust yourself off, your a man
CuJoe34: except you play as a woman
Clearwater88: interesting
DampeRIP: you damn...... icifrogicleq!
CuJoe34: never played metroid clear?
FrOgLeTt86: sooo
FrOgLeTt86: lets not talk about video games
ecukid1983: haha i havent
DampeRIP: Clearwater... I drank some water.... it was green though..... then i.....
DampeRIP: nuff said
Clearwater88: died?
DampeRIP: shat meself
ecukid1983: haha um ok
CuJoe34: haha
CuJoe34: nice
ecukid1983: interesting
ecukid1983: gumes
Clearwater88: shat and ye shall die of gumes..
ecukid1983: lol
FrOgLeTt86: too much information lol
Clearwater88: lol ecu
CuJoe34: hahaha
DampeRIP: but... maybe
CuJoe34: just maybe
Clearwater88: Whats metroid?
Clearwater88: I've played the snes 1
DampeRIP: coooooooool
Clearwater88: and I got confused after 5 minutes and i like killed it
CuJoe34: ha
CuJoe34: nice work
DampeRIP: cool...not
DampeRIP: but close
CuJoe34: are we even having a challange?
Clearwater88: lets try to win all Ic's
CuJoe34: is this the "twist"
CuJoe34: i agree
Clearwater88: I really don't have time to come to TC
Clearwater88: ever
DampeRIP: coooooooooooool
Clearwater88: lol
CuJoe34: win win win
FrOgLeTt86: gooo mogo mogo
FrOgLeTt86: lol
ecukid1983: mugo mugo
CuJoe34: mugo?
ecukid1983: haha
CuJoe34: more like coolo coolo
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: we are so cool
ecukid1983: we have pet mog
DampeRIP: Frog...
DampeRIP: What do you like?
FrOgLeTt86: what do you mean?
DampeRIP: What are you into?
Clearwater88: What do you do.
Clearwater88: ?
Clearwater88: I ruined it
Clearwater88: I'm sorry
Clearwater88: lol
DampeRIP: Sucka
DampeRIP: lol
Clearwater88: purple?
FrOgLeTt86: whats going on??
DampeRIP: What do you enjoy doing Frog?
Clearwater88: ZMATT?
Clearwater88: TAGI?
ecukid1983: quick typing
DampeRIP: zmatt is who i dx'ed my first time
ecukid1983: he won by himself
ecukid1983: i remember
CuJoe34: never read it
Clearwater88: what the **** is tagi
DampeRIP: coool
Clearwater88: why am i confused
Clearwater88: lol
ecukid1983: its quick typing im pretty sure
CuJoe34: the first tribe in survivor
CuJoe34: X
CuJoe34: lets practice
CuJoe34: DRAW
Clearwater88: quick typing not draw
DampeRIP: X
DampeRIP: X
Clearwater88: WORD 1
DampeRIP: XX
Clearwater88: CLEAROWNSME
DampeRIP: X
CuJoe34: whoops
DampeRIP: x
CuJoe34: i suck
Clearwater88: cmon!!
DampeRIP: ****e
Clearwater88: your losing!
Clearwater88: omg me lost
Clearwater88: sigh
Clearwater88: worthlesss tribe
Clearwater88: :P
CuJoe34: clearownsme
DampeRIP: indeed
CuJoe34: its so true
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: he owns you?
ecukid1983: um ok
Clearwater88: Cujoe just won us immunity
CuJoe34: haha
Clearwater88: what have you guys done?
Clearwater88: NOTHING
CuJoe34: im always trying
Clearwater88: I want to start
Clearwater88: this
CuJoe34: so who should sit out?
Clearwater88: challengeadigmajig
Clearwater88: who wants 2 sit out
FrOgLeTt86: ill sit out if no one wants too
Clearwater88: i'm good at quick type
Clearwater88: i'm telling you right now
ecukid1983: im not
CuJoe34: okay so clear do it
Clearwater88: cujoe are you?
ecukid1983: i suck
Clearwater88: dampe are you?
Clearwater88: saline are you?
DampeRIP: ...am i?
Clearwater88: frog are you
DampeRIP: yes
Clearwater88: a lesbian?
DampeRIP: iamalesbo
Clearwater88: lol
DampeRIP: some kid walked up to me in the hallway
FrOgLeTt86: LOL
DampeRIP: Asked me if i have the hiv?
ecukid1983: that was mean
DampeRIP: I didnt think HIV
DampeRIP: So I said yeah
DampeRIP: I got the hiv
DampeRIP: I got the hiv up to my neck
DampeRIP: Then I realized what I had just said...
DampeRIP: And smacked myself
CuJoe34: ....
Clearwater88: are you done?
ecukid1983: very interesting
ecukid1983: lol
Clearwater88: anyways..
Clearwater88: My stories are better
CuJoe34: tell us one clear
ecukid1983: ok so have we decided who is gonna sit out
DampeRIP: Tell one to me Father Bear
CuJoe34: yes tell us
Clearwater88: um...
FrOgLeTt86: i love story time!
DampeRIP: Make it sick and deranged Father Bear
Clearwater88: One day I got paid 5 dollars to wear my friends pink gap
swear pullover thingy
Clearwater88: for the whole day
Clearwater88: and I did
FrOgLeTt86: no no make it happy
Clearwater88: and I got paid
Clearwater88: the end
CuJoe34: okay now dampe
DampeRIP: ..... your Papa Beaver...
CuJoe34: tell us one
Clearwater88: swear should be sweated*
DampeRIP: cuz you suck
CuJoe34: so we can compare
Clearwater88: sweated should be sweater*
DampeRIP: ok
CuJoe34: haha
DampeRIP: um...
CuJoe34: finally got it right clear?
Clearwater88: Oh are we competing I have a better story
Clearwater88: yes, yes I did.
Clearwater88: lol
CuJoe34: okay
CuJoe34: you can tell it after dampe
Clearwater88: ok
DampeRIP: ........ aint nothing else happen today
Clearwater88: ok
Clearwater88: my turn
Clearwater88: one day
Clearwater88: I said gumes
Clearwater88: and no one laughed
CuJoe34: thats so sad :-(
Clearwater88: and then 5 monthes later it was quoted
Clearwater88: and everyone laughed
Clearwater88: especially cujoe
CuJoe34: yay :-)
Clearwater88: and then I won ols7
CuJoe34: the end
Clearwater88: and princety said me and yosh were homoerotic
DampeRIP: damn
FrOgLeTt86: i still dont get gumes
Clearwater88: and I b**ched at him
Clearwater88: the end!
DampeRIP: I got one!
Clearwater88: Story telling time is over
Clearwater88: God
DampeRIP: NO!
DampeRIP: ok
Clearwater88: You need 2 know Mogo Mogos schedule!
DampeRIP: im cool with that
DampeRIP: nuh uh
Clearwater88: anyways
Clearwater88: Are we having a challenge?
CuJoe34: i thought we were
ecukid1983: haha i guess
CuJoe34: but we seem to be stuck here
Clearwater88: maybe the twist is
Clearwater88: we dont have immunity
CuJoe34: no challange
CuJoe34: ?
Clearwater88: :O
DampeRIP: some times......
Clearwater88: Yea
CuJoe34: some times...?
ecukid1983: maybe we should pratice
ecukid1983: quick typing
ecukid1983: i need to
Saline33: let Megs be the host...
Saline33: and put down a word for us
ecukid1983: cuz i suck
DampeRIP: ...sal
DampeRIP: hal
FrOgLeTt86: okie dokie
DampeRIP: sal hal
ecukid1983: okie dokie
ecukid1983: yay
FrOgLeTt86: ready everyone?
ecukid1983: oh
ecukid1983: yeah
FrOgLeTt86: here, ill be all guy like lol
ecukid1983: readyu
FrOgLeTt86: GO!!!
Saline33: frogiscool
ecukid1983: frogiscool
DampeRIP: son of a gone
FrOgLeTt86: you win one hug point
DampeRIP: damn
Saline33: yeah
Clearwater88: frogiscool
FrOgLeTt86: okay, next hug point
DampeRIP: frogiscool
FrOgLeTt86: three hug points to win a hug lol
Saline33: frogisthebest
DampeRIP: frogisthebest
ecukid1983: frogisthe best
FrOgLeTt86: 2 hug points for saline lol
FrOgLeTt86: i think someone is getting a hug!
DampeRIP: damn!
CuJoe34: frogisthebest
CuJoe34: wow i suck
FrOgLeTt86: okay ready?
Saline33: beatsabogaandchapera
DampeRIP: beatssabogaandchapera
ecukid1983: beatsabogaandchapera
FrOgLeTt86: SALINE!!!
DampeRIP: damn
ecukid1983: i should have copied
FrOgLeTt86: you win one hug!!
ecukid1983: lol
FrOgLeTt86: yay lol
ecukid1983: and pasted
Saline33: I am a lucky man
FrOgLeTt86: very lucky
ecukid1983: i hope i do better in the challenge
ecukid1983: i dont wanna lose
CuJoe34: you'll do fine
CuJoe34: dont worry
CuJoe34: if it ever starts
DampeRIP: yeah
Clearwater88: i have a trig test tommorow
Clearwater88: what the ****.
DampeRIP: damn
CuJoe34: i hated trig
Clearwater88: trig is stupid
ecukid1983: wow thats hard i never too it
ecukid1983: took it
Clearwater88: I never paid attntion in class
Clearwater88: all i know is something is SohCahToa
Clearwater88: lol
CuJoe34: haha
CuJoe34: the great indian chief
CuJoe34: sohcahtoa
DampeRIP: sohcahtoa
Clearwater88: Oo:?
DampeRIP: i know that
CuJoe34: thats what we called it
Clearwater88: Sohcahontas
CuJoe34: haha
FrOgLeTt86: lol
DampeRIP: sin is oposite over hipotenuse
CuJoe34: very good
DampeRIP: cos is adjacent over hypotenuse
DampeRIP: tan is opp over adj
CuJoe34: and tan is opposite over adjacent
CuJoe34: oh, beat me too it
Clearwater88: and.........
CuJoe34: clear is cool
DampeRIP: um
Clearwater88: lol
DampeRIP: missed that one, damnit
Clearwater88: I don't know
CuJoe34: clear: the 4th side of a triangle
Clearwater88: I just felt lke saying and......
Clearwater88: Cujoe: the 5th side of a square
DampeRIP: eh
CuJoe34: im so proud
Saline33 has left the room.
ecukid1983 has left the room.
DampeRIP has left the room.
CuJoe34 has left the room.
FrOgLeTt86 has left the room.
Clearwater88 has left the room.

***NEXT*** 1