***Actual Date: May 27, 2004***
***Actual Day: 11/89***

***CHAPERA - Day 6***

BuffyBoy83 has entered the room.
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
SpiderFab4 has entered the room.
YoshMan4 has entered the room.
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 has entered the room.
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: wtg guys!
SpiderFab4: We got immunity!
YoshMan4: woo we rocked!
YoshMan4: good job everyone!
SpiderFab4: Chapera puts all in entropy
SpiderFab4: !
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i got 5th once too! I almost passed out
BuffyBoy83: yay!!!! gj yosh
YoshMan4: yay
YoshMan4: no we all did good
BuffyBoy83: it was such a great feeling getting one and winning lol
SpiderFab4: yep
BuffyBoy83: yay u did soooo good
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: wtg buff and yosh
BuffyBoy83: u got 4
YoshMan4: but you got one which is awesome
BuffyBoy83: thanks
YoshMan4: i hope khold shows next week
YoshMan4: for the challenges
BuffyBoy83: yea hes made like one of the challenge or so
YoshMan4: yeah
YoshMan4: brb peoples
BuffyBoy83: showed up for*
BuffyBoy83: i think that sounds better lol
BuffyBoy83: ok
YoshMan4: back
BuffyBoy83: ok
YoshMan4: woo we're the only tribe that won't be at TC once so far
BuffyBoy83: yea woohoo :-D
YoshMan4: woo go chapera
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: funny turn around from us beign mostly morgan's who went to tc alot
SpiderFab4: YAY Pizza here
YoshMan4: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: yet won RC's :-\ that confused me
BuffyBoy83: yea lol
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: we suck at RCs
YoshMan4: but are good at ICs
SpiderFab4: Morgan didnt go to TC as much as me and Tambaqui
SpiderFab4: I went to 6 TCs before we even merged
YoshMan4: wow
YoshMan4: that is crazy lol wow
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: wow!
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: you had a 2 person tribe?
BuffyBoy83: yea that is alot of TC's lol
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: yea did u guys ever switch or anything? or was it just u and one other person left
YoshMan4: hm?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ::waits patiently for time stamp::
BuffyBoy83: hm.... its past 8
Caseboy6: yea...
BuffyBoy83: and there hasnt been an end of day 6 yey
BuffyBoy83: yet*
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: i know
BuffyBoy83: and did we have a twist yet this week?...
YoshMan4: i dunno
YoshMan4: i don't think so
YoshMan4: maybe lol
Caseboy6: well the sp challenge might of been
Caseboy6: when somebody took the 15sp
BuffyBoy83: i dunno if that is really a twist though
YoshMan4: hmm it could be
YoshMan4: he said some would be small
Caseboy6: well he said some may not be considered a real twist
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I think it was the not knowing when TC thing is
YoshMan4: oh maybe
SpiderFab4: yes I had a 2 person tribe
BuffyBoy83: ooo
SpiderFab4: There was a tribal switch thing
YoshMan4: oooh i see
SpiderFab4: but the tribe counts stayed the same
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: fun
SpiderFab4: This is some good pizza
YoshMan4: hmmm
SpiderFab4: And it came in only 30 minutes
YoshMan4: maybe the meeting will never end
YoshMan4: yay
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i want pizza ::drools::
YoshMan4: me too
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: maybe he forgot about us
BuffyBoy83: i dunno i think this might be a twist
YoshMan4: i doubt it
YoshMan4: he is just late
BuffyBoy83: maybe
BuffyBoy83: or maybe it is like last room to have all of its members stay and wait for the timestamp wins SP
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: i doubt that but that'd be nice
Caseboy6: we all get another 5sp for winning immunity again, woohoo
YoshMan4: yay
BuffyBoy83: oo yea
BuffyBoy83: yay
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: woohoo!
YoshMan4: lol
Caseboy6: brings me to a grand total of 10sp!
YoshMan4: 10 sp rocks 10 sp power
BuffyBoy83: for the reward challenge did mogo mogo sub. for someone?
BuffyBoy83: cause then we get 2 sp each right?
Caseboy6: i dont think they did
Caseboy6: i'm not sure
YoshMan4: no one subbed for anyone yesterday
YoshMan4: or atleast not to my knowledge
BuffyBoy83: o ok
SpiderFab4: Oakland beating the Sox 7-0 in the 4th
SpiderFab4: :-(
YoshMan4: aww
YoshMan4: that sucks
SpiderFab4: now 8-0
YoshMan4: bah
SpiderFab4: and FINALLY the pitcher is taken out
YoshMan4: hmm
YoshMan4: for a new one?
BuffyBoy83: brb
SpiderFab4: that hopefully wont suck
YoshMan4: oo yeah
YoshMan4: when will this be over
YoshMan4: i wanna go lol
SpiderFab4: Im watching the Stanley Cup finals
YoshMan4: oh
YoshMan4: i thought baseball haha
YoshMan4: im slow
YoshMan4: <-not sports knowledgable
SpiderFab4: I canged the channel
YoshMan4: oooh
YoshMan4: so you were watching baseball
YoshMan4: good
SpiderFab4: yes
BuffyBoy83: guy is like 20 minutes late
BuffyBoy83: u still dont think this is a twist?
YoshMan4: no
YoshMan4: i think he isn't at the computer
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i'm hungry
YoshMan4: me too
SpiderFab4: So
BuffyBoy83: so.... lol
SpiderFab4: who enjoys Cheese?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i do
BuffyBoy83: cheese is good lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: so
BuffyBoy83: so...
BuffyBoy83: guy where are u?! lol
Caseboy6: lol
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: i'm eating fettucini
YoshMan4: hmmm

***NEXT*** 1