***Actual Date: June 10, 2004***
***Actual Day: 25/89***

***SABOGA - Day 12***

Boodu2boo: our only chance is to get rid of prince tonight
Boodu2boo: its a must
Cyber N 666: our only chance?
Boodu2boo: yes
Cyber N 666: Our tribe has lost 3/4 immunities
Boodu2boo: yeah i know
Boodu2boo: but next week is a twist
Boodu2boo: prolly spit up
Cyber N 666: Do you actually think us two can hold a tribe together?
Cyber N 666: Every week is a twist
Boodu2boo: if we split up, and prince remains in the game, then we still have to deal with prince, AND we have to deal with KHOLE for not getting rid of prince
Cyber N 666: Are you scared of Khold?
Boodu2boo: im scared of everyone right now
Boodu2boo: just dealin with prince is too much **** on my self
Cyber N 666: Right now, all we need to do is make merge and the rest will play out
Cyber N 666: Nobody is going after you or I, everybody want Ty out, or Meg, or Yosh
Cyber N 666: nobody wants you out, maybe me, but not you
Boodu2boo: look , you and i vote for ty, ty and mmx vote for mmx, 2-2 tie, got it ...?
Cyber N 666: You don't need to be afraid of everyone, and right now, I think it would be better to just hold our tribe together than get rid of Ty
Boodu2boo: REVOTE ty and mmx dont vote
Boodu2boo: you and i vote for ty, hes gone
Cyber N 666: If we vote out Ty this week, and the triebs don't split, then we will lose another IC and it will just be you and I...if we keep him and the tribes don't split, we either win an immunity, or we lose and Ty goes
Cyber N 666: either way, we are fine
Cyber N 666: and if the tribes split, then we can let someone else deal with Ty
Boodu2boo: no we are not!
Boodu2boo: you are not geting it!
Boodu2boo: even if we dont have to deal with TY, we have to deal with kholde and who ever he is allied outside ty!
Cyber N 666: I completing understand what you are trying to do
Cyber N 666: Khold doesn't have **** outside of Ty
Boodu2boo: i dont think that
Boodu2boo: im voting for ty, if you wanna win, youll do the same
Cyber N 666: I'll think about it, but right now, I really think I'd rather keep our tribe at 3 than the possiblilty of dropping to 2 next week
Boodu2boo: you do me this favor, and no matter what... if im on the jury, and your in the final 2, you get my vote. regardless of anything
Boodu2boo: This one favor, and ill try to get you into the final 2
Boodu2boo: we can have a alliance of 3 or more, if we get rid of ty tonight
Boodu2boo: weve got alot rideing on tys elimination
Boodu2boo: so we still on for voting ty?
Cyber N 666: I'll think about it
Boodu2boo: cyber, please bro.... do this
Cyber N 666: You know I would rather keep a strong tribe
Boodu2boo: but we could still vote for mmx if we lose next immunity and we dont split
Cyber N 666: then we would have 2
Boodu2boo: then we split
Cyber N 666: you know how sad that is?
Boodu2boo: we cant go to TC with only 2 people
Boodu2boo: we votin for prince?
Boodu2boo: cybern?
Cyber N 666: I honestly think it would be better to vote superfan
Boodu2boo: cyber, TY is the target, we could always dump superfan if theirs no sp
Boodu2boo: split AND immunity loss
Boodu2boo: its either me or ty tonight
Boodu2boo: you decide now, i need an answer
Cyber N 666: I'm voting Superfan
Boodu2boo: it makes no seanse, and in my opinion its a horrible idea
Boodu2boo: you want to keep ty in the game? then your gonna be on your own for the rest of the game
Boodu2boo: kapeesh?
Cyber N 666: fine
Boodu2boo: so, once again, whos you votin for?
Cyber N 666: superfan
Boodu2boo: good luck
Cyber N 666: Bood is bent on getting you out
PrinceTy01: Doesn't he know he can't?
Cyber N 666: He thinks I will go with him
PrinceTy01: Why don't you tell him you won't.
Cyber N 666: that would create a two way tie, then we would revote, and you would leave
PrinceTy01: Yes, I know it would.
Cyber N 666: He is bringing up the whole Khold thing
Cyber N 666: ^_^
PrinceTy01: Heh, the thing I called him out on for making up?
Cyber N 666: yep
PrinceTy01: Tell him that there is no point in voting for me.
PrinceTy01: You'd be telling him the truth.
PrinceTy01: He is a dumb***.
PrinceTy01: "The night of the fight, you might feel a slight sting. That's pride, ****ing with you....**** pride. Pride only hurts. It never helps." -Marcellus Wallace, Pulp Fiction.
PrinceTy01: That quote really applies to Bood.
PrinceTy01: I mean, he doesn't get it.
PrinceTy01: He's got you, and me, that's all he's got.
PrinceTy01: Nobody else can stand him.
PrinceTy01: The fact of the matter is, if he doesn't stick with us, the others will simply devour him into oblivion.
PrinceTy01: But I digress.
PrinceTy01: Let him do as he wishes.
Cyber N 666: Ya know that vote is going to go to you
PrinceTy01: The most ironic thing is he just expects you to drop your SP partner.
Cyber N 666: What if Superfan decides to show?
PrinceTy01: Then I have him vote Bood.
Cyber N 666: Should we vote bood as well?
PrinceTy01: And we vote Superfan.
PrinceTy01: Unless you want to vote Bood, I'm not voting Bood.
PrinceTy01: At least Bood shows.
Cyber N 666: You wanna deal with him another week?
PrinceTy01: He's a ****ing idiot.
PrinceTy01: But he shows.
Cyber N 666: ok
PrinceTy01: Unless you want to dump him.
Cyber N 666: I'd hate to vote out Superfan on his week
Cyber N 666: #4
PrinceTy01: It's up to you, Superfan.
PrinceTy01: Cybern
PrinceTy01: lmao
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: I'm so sorry
PrinceTy01: That's an insult, almost.
Cyber N 666: LOL
PrinceTy01: At least I didn't call you Khold, though. <_<
Cyber N 666: haha
Cyber N 666: We'll just take out Superfan
PrinceTy01: Do you think it'd be wise to vote Bood?
Cyber N 666: I want the tribe to be as strong as possible
PrinceTy01: Because I wasn't thinking about it until you mentioned it.
Cyber N 666: I don't know
PrinceTy01: Meh, we're discussing something that's most likely not going to present itself.
Cyber N 666: and I hate how he assumes that I will vote with him
PrinceTy01: I really want to vote Bood.
PrinceTy01: But I won't do it if you don't want to.
Cyber N 666: You want him out now?
PrinceTy01: Yes.
Cyber N 666: alright, I'll think about it
PrinceTy01: Not to mention he thinks he's got you on the string, which is insulting.
PrinceTy01: I'll do what you want, tho.
Cyber N 666: We'll see
PrinceTy01: As long as you don't vote me, I'm fine.
Cyber N 666: I won't
PrinceTy01: I know.
PrinceTy01: Because you're a man of your word.
PrinceTy01: That's the only reason I feel safe tonight.
PrinceTy01: Because, for all the **** that's ever gone on, you've always stuck to your word.
PrinceTy01: Bood went out of his way to make things unbearable for you.
PrinceTy01: He's going against logic, and when you point it out to him, he ignores it.
PrinceTy01: Should we wait until the time comes before we make our decision?
PrinceTy01: Or do you think you know now?
Cyber N 666: Bood goes
PrinceTy01: You're sure?
Cyber N 666: that alliance is gone
PrinceTy01: At least you'll move on in the game.
PrinceTy01: Now, he definitely goes.
PrinceTy01: Bye bye Bood...and down with winner #1!
Cyber N 666: So the Bood/me alliance is gone, and the other alliance is secured. Hopefully it all works out correctly.

***NEXT*** 1