***Actual Date: June 10, 2004***
***Actual Day: 25/89*** ***CHAPERA - Day 12***
Caseboy6: so are you voting khold tonight?
Saline33: yes sir
Saline33: hopefully others are...
Caseboy6: ok
Saline33: yourself?
Caseboy6: maybe, not sure yet
Caseboy6: but i think i will
Saline33: cool...well, if you don't vote me..I will owe you one
Saline33: I am sure I am the other one on the list...LOL
Caseboy6: i wont vote you
Caseboy6: no you are not
Saline33: well...I talk to you more than anyone..so if you need my vote for some kind of strategy...just let me know
Caseboy6: no, i dont want this person gone
Saline33: cool...
Caseboy6: but most likely i will vote khold because buffy said i should