***Actual Date: June 23, 2004***
***Actual Day: 38/89***
***MOGO MOGO - Day 17***
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86 has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86: yay case for talking :-)
Caseboy6: lol
Caseboy6: where's the other 2?
FrOgLeTt86: got lost i guess
Caseboy6: oh, oh well
Caseboy6: but i think i will sitck with what "darrah" does tomorrow
Caseboy6: stick*
Saline33 has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86: heey
Caseboy6: hello saline
FrOgLeTt86: ohh fyi- Zach is @ his graduation
FrOgLeTt86: thats why he's not here
FrOgLeTt86: if you didnt know
ecukid1983 has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86: welcome back :-)
ecukid1983: thanks
ecukid1983: i didnt wanna come back cuz its along time before 8
ecukid1983: i hate sitting around
FrOgLeTt86: meeee too
Saline33: only 20 mins!!!
Saline33: we can do it!
Saline33: go team go!
FrOgLeTt86: i think i'm crazy i stayed up till 8 am yesterday
FrOgLeTt86: erm
Saline33: yes that is crazy
FrOgLeTt86: this morning
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: and only slept till noon
*OnlineHost*: ecukid1983 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 6
FrOgLeTt86: and then i fell asleep in the sun @ the lake
FrOgLeTt86: lol
ecukid1983: beat that
Saline33: Staton played any baseball lately?
*OnlineHost*: FrOgLeTt86 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 1 1
FrOgLeTt86: woo lol
ecukid1983: i played pool
ecukid1983: ;-)
FrOgLeTt86: hm
FrOgLeTt86: maybe its a joke over my head
ecukid1983: haha
ecukid1983: so who wanted to switch
ecukid1983: haha
FrOgLeTt86: i didnt
Saline33: well, we know we have a challenge coming up
FrOgLeTt86: this is my favorite tribe
FrOgLeTt86: like from all the games
Saline33: so we have to whoop up on them
Saline33: right Andrew?
FrOgLeTt86: yea we do!
Caseboy6: yes
Caseboy6: right
ecukid1983: si
ecukid1983: correct
ecukid1983: correcto
ecukid1983: yeah
ecukid1983: yep
Caseboy6: cuz i dont want to go to tc again
ecukid1983: yes
FrOgLeTt86: whoaaa
Saline33: Staton have you seen the Punisher?
ecukid1983: no
ecukid1983: nada
FrOgLeTt86: what is this Chat room INfo box that popped up
ecukid1983: dont know
Saline33: you definitely need to
ecukid1983: have no idea
Caseboy6 has left the room.
ecukid1983: ok
FrOgLeTt86: hm
ecukid1983: bye
FrOgLeTt86: why'd he leave?
ecukid1983: doesnt like me
ecukid1983: :-(
FrOgLeTt86: he doesnt?
FrOgLeTt86: he signed off line
FrOgLeTt86: maybe he got kicked off
Saline33: looks like he got booted
ecukid1983: hes back
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
FrOgLeTt86: welcome back
Caseboy6: thanks
ecukid1983: hey ther
FrOgLeTt86: we missed you for that whole 30 seconds :-)
Saline33: Megs thought she chased you off, Andrew
Caseboy6: i'm sure lol
Caseboy6: no she didnt
FrOgLeTt86: i did?
FrOgLeTt86: maybe i'm hallucinating but i didnt say that
Saline33: just kidding
FrOgLeTt86: lol
ecukid1983: omg i need food
ecukid1983: im dying
FrOgLeTt86: i wanna go take a shower i smell like lake
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Saline33: I am eating easy cheese out of the bottle
Caseboy6: lake has a smell?
ecukid1983: i smelly ya
Saline33: you swam in the lake?
Saline33: yuck
ecukid1983: eww jason
FrOgLeTt86: yes i swam in the lake and got tan :-)
ecukid1983: summer loving happen so fast
Saline33: gross..you know how much pollution and nastiness is in a lake
FrOgLeTt86: grease :-)
Caseboy6: and fish lol
FrOgLeTt86: lol
ecukid1983: tell me more did u get very far
FrOgLeTt86: lol
ecukid1983: he showed off splasing a round
ecukid1983: i cant type as fast as they sing
FrOgLeTt86: ba ba bah!
FrOgLeTt86: lol
ecukid1983: grrr
ecukid1983: uh uh uh
ecukid1983: uh huh
FrOgLeTt86: tell me more tell me more did she put up a fight?
ecukid1983: we made out under the dock
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: wow
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: i'm off
FrOgLeTt86: anyone know if a TB shot hurts?
FrOgLeTt86: i have to get one to work at the preschool eeek
ecukid1983: IM me if we have a challenge
Caseboy6: at preschool?
FrOgLeTt86: yea
Saline33: yep..it doesn't feel too dandy
Caseboy6: what is that?
FrOgLeTt86: oh great
FrOgLeTt86: a preschool?
Caseboy6: no
Caseboy6: lol
Caseboy6: a TB shot
FrOgLeTt86: for like 3 and 4 year olds?
Caseboy6: lol
FrOgLeTt86: oh
FrOgLeTt86: a shot lol
Caseboy6: whats TB?
FrOgLeTt86: is it worse than a tetnis shot?
FrOgLeTt86: tubuculorosis
Saline33: supposedly
FrOgLeTt86: or something
Saline33: stings more
FrOgLeTt86: ahhhh
FrOgLeTt86: i cry with shots
Saline33: because they have to see if the skin raise
Saline33: raises
FrOgLeTt86: this isnt gonna go over well
Caseboy6: and why do you need that?
Saline33: you have to go back for them to read the TB shot...a few days later
Saline33: or something
FrOgLeTt86: lol
FrOgLeTt86: greaaaat
FrOgLeTt86: i'm soooo excited
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Caseboy6: have fun
FrOgLeTt86: needles scare me
Caseboy6: i dont mind shots, i just dont like blood work
FrOgLeTt86: i cry before they even get the needle by me lol
FrOgLeTt86: blood work is the WORST
FrOgLeTt86: that or IV's thoose sting like crazy
Caseboy6: i would rather have blood work than an IV
FrOgLeTt86: i would rather not have anything in me lol
Caseboy6: lol