***Actual Date: July 6, 2004***
***Actual Day: 51/89***
***CHABOGA MOGO - Day 22***
SpiderFab4 has entered the room.
YoshMan4 has entered the room.
PrinceTy01 has entered the room.
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
YoshMan4: jeopardy woo\
PrinceTy01: That was fun.
YoshMan4: sure i guess lol
PrinceTy01: haha
PrinceTy01: At least the tradition is alive.
YoshMan4: for some reason it doesnt seem like that was a hard win
PrinceTy01: Because it was Quick Draw.
YoshMan4: but yes glad tradition stayed the same
YoshMan4: :-P
PrinceTy01: Quick Draw, in all its forms, is part luck.
SpiderFab4: We should play a game that similar to Musical Chairs
PrinceTy01: haha Spider
SpiderFab4: Last one to type an X loses
YoshMan4: quick draw is evil
PrinceTy01: x
YoshMan4: exciting
YoshMan4: what is the cellebent
PrinceTy01: What's a cellebent?
YoshMan4: i dunno
YoshMan4: that was the answer
YoshMan4: i might have spelled it wrong
PrinceTy01: Amazing.
PrinceTy01: Ken get it right?
YoshMan4: yes
SpiderFab4: 20 Minutes!
YoshMan4: BB5?
SpiderFab4: yes
YoshMan4: am i the only one more into Amazing Race? hmm
PrinceTy01: The girl who gets really fat during the season better not win again.
SpiderFab4: lol
PrinceTy01: Jun's gut=wrong
YoshMan4: did jun win?
YoshMan4: i forget
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: i watched bb4
PrinceTy01: lol, yep
YoshMan4: lol wow shows how much i like BB
YoshMan4: but i love Amazing RAce, :-) I love Flo and Zach
PrinceTy01: The Guidos were funny
PrinceTy01: From whatever season they were in.
YoshMan4: Flo was the best ***** though
PrinceTy01: Haha, yeah, I remember her.
SpiderFab4: The funny male duo always get close, never win.
YoshMan4: lol true
YoshMan4: theres only one male duo this time
SpiderFab4: Guidos, Ken & Gerard, the Clowns
YoshMan4: and they're oldish
YoshMan4: dunno about funish
PrinceTy01: The Dirty Old Men!
YoshMan4: there's no young male team
PrinceTy01: Listen to old men talk about young women, as if they could still attract them!
YoshMan4: lol
PrinceTy01: What fun.
YoshMan4: hm i think im supposed to tape BB for meagan actually
YoshMan4: fun
PrinceTy01: Haha, i see
YoshMan4: wow
YoshMan4: these are WEIRD categories lol
PrinceTy01: lol
YoshMan4: emerald isle , ruby, diamonds in the rough, gems
YoshMan4: all categories someway to do with gems
PrinceTy01: interesting
YoshMan4: lol yes
PrinceTy01: brb
YoshMan4: okay
YoshMan4: woo kens the only one not negative
SpiderFab4: LOL
SpiderFab4: Negative
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: Theyre not even giving it a shot
YoshMan4: if it stays like this he will do final jeopardy alone
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: aw
YoshMan4: darn
YoshMan4: she got into positive
SpiderFab4: Beans go good in uesadillas right?
YoshMan4: yes
SpiderFab4: *Quesadillas
SpiderFab4: Cool
YoshMan4: well the right kind of beans
SpiderFab4: Cause I just bought a can of beans and a pack of tortillas
PrinceTy01: I wonder if you actually have to pay them if you end in negatives on the show.
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: so now ones neg and ones 0
SpiderFab4: I should flip right?
YoshMan4: yes
YoshMan4: flip it
SpiderFab4: Technically I dont have to flip
YoshMan4: aww he got positive
SpiderFab4: Since LCS gets rerun on the weekends
YoshMan4: jen gets 1000 for being 3rd
YoshMan4: even if she made no money :-)
PrinceTy01: lol
PrinceTy01: Jen and Ken.
PrinceTy01: They should be a team.
PrinceTy01: On something.
YoshMan4: lol yep
YoshMan4: but jen sorta sucks
PrinceTy01: Haha, yeah.
YoshMan4: lol not a good teammate
PrinceTy01: indeed
YoshMan4: lets to away message time, go through ur buddy and copy random away messages
YoshMan4: arrrrroundgoin to matts at 8
PrinceTy01: lol
YoshMan4: NoT hErE... CaLl ThE cElL 679*6263 LUV YOU!
YoshMan4: A¶R¶O¶U¶N¶D
Survivor Guy 886: ::END OF DAY 22::ENJOY BB AND AR!!::
YoshMan4: xc purrrrrent meeting @ mcclumpha then getting pics developed bbl!
YoshMan4: ended it early
Caseboy6: those are your away messages????
YoshMan4: no
PrinceTy01: see ya.
YoshMan4: people on my bl
YoshMan4: i must be fine cause my heart's still beating...they're laughing at me in the window...i feel like som
PrinceTy01 has left the room.
Caseboy6: bye
YoshMan4: upstairs....IM me on PyroDrumStar
YoshMan4: off to PETSMART!! I hope there are cute puppies there!!:-D
SpiderFab4: Is that Frogs away message?
YoshMan4: no lol
YoshMan4: frog doesnt have one
SpiderFab4: Is that just you wanting to go to Petsmart??
YoshMan4: no
Caseboy6: lol
YoshMan4: its someones away message
SpiderFab4: Who is it?
SpiderFab4: k
YoshMan4: i have like 200 people on my bl, i only know 35% of them
YoshMan4: i dont know how some got on there
SpiderFab4: lol
Caseboy6: thanks again for not voting me last night
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: no problem, you deserve to be here
Caseboy6: thanks
Caseboy6: but you could've told me in the chat that i wasnt going or something
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I like to keep it suspenseful ;-)
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: are you bummed they voted buffy out?
Caseboy6: yes
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: he kind of got jipped i think, but eh it wasn't really up to us was it?
Caseboy6: no, but i guess the prince and yosh was planning on taking him out fro weeks
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: ooo
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: do you think we're gonna merge now?
Caseboy6: yes
Caseboy6: but now i dont want to
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: why do you say that?
Caseboy6: cuz i dont feel safe if we merge, even though i dont feel safe if we dont merge
Caseboy6: do you think we are going to merge?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I guess so
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: we've all made jury so I would think so
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: who knows he might want to make it where the final 2 is one from each tribe
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: that could get messy
Caseboy6: yes it could