***Actual Date: August 13, 2004***
***Actual Day: 89/89***


Survivor Guy 886: [7] CYBER N 666
Caseboy6: congrats cybern!!!
Cyber N 666: thanks Case!
YoshMan4: yay congratulations cybern
PrinceTy01: Congrats, old friend.
Cyber N 666: YAY
Clearwater88: congrats... good game case
Cyber N 666: wow, thats great
Cyber N 666: lol
BuffyBoy83: congrats cybern :)
PrinceTy01: For once, Spider and I didn't follow the same path.
PrinceTy01: How odd.
YoshMan4: lol
Boodu2boo: that it?
Cyber N 666: only took 6 tries
YoshMan4: he wasn't here
Cyber N 666: lol
Clearwater88: only 6
BuffyBoy83: gj case :)
BuffyBoy83: what do u mean prince ?
YoshMan4: so he couldnt follow same path
YoshMan4: lol
Cyber N 666: Spide rvoted Case
YoshMan4: spider voted case
Cyber N 666: cause of sp
YoshMan4: yeah
FrOgLeTt86: Goodbye everyone

Boodu2boo: meegs
Cyber N 666: thanks
BuffyBoy83: prince did frog really tell u to vote for case?
FrOgLeTt86: Ty, meet me at my place in 20
FrOgLeTt86: ;)
Cyber N 666: I <3 you Ty
Cyber N 666: lol
YoshMan4: lol
Boodu2boo: megs
Boodu2boo: megs
Boodu2boo: megs
Cyber N 666: haha
PrinceTy01: lol, I'll be there, Frog ;)
OnlineHost: FrOgLeTt86 has left the room.
Cyber N 666: We should all go to Meg's for a post TC party
Cyber N 666: lol
YoshMan4: cybern gets interviewed
YoshMan4: woo
BuffyBoy83: good game everyone :)
YoshMan4: have fun cybern
BuffyBoy83: bye
PrinceTy01: Good bye, all.
YoshMan4: make it a fun interview
OnlineHost: BuffyBoy83 has left the room.
Cyber N 666: lol
OnlineHost: Boodu2boo has left the room.
OnlineHost: PrinceTy01 has left the room.
Caseboy6: bye!
OnlineHost: Caseboy6 has left the room.
OnlineHost: YoshMan4 has left the room.
Clearwater88: er
Clearwater88: bye<3
OnlineHost: Clearwater88 has left the room.

***Caseboy6's Last Words***

This game wasnt really on my side this whole entire game. I had a lot of fun and I'm proud of the way I played. I dont plan on talking to a lot of the people that played this game because I dont like them and I dont really want to talk to them. I didnt expect to make the final 2, I didnt even think I would have made jury and I probably would have won OLS8 if prince didnt have 3 votes. Now I realize that survivor is just like chess and I admit I would be the pawn! There were 2 sides, prince's side and frog's side and once the merge came they decided to make their move to go after the "king" and "queen" and then the next higher in rank, etc. until only the pawn was left! That pawn was one of the last remaining but cant win the game without his team members to help him out and without them, the pawn is just another loser! I admit Cybern deserved to win but he didnt win fairly! To prince, its an insult to be called a zombie, especially yours! Maybe I didnt vote you in the real game, but remember who the only person to cast a vote against you in the mini survivor, yours truely (even though that didnt count, but at least i voted you lol) and the sad part is, I actually believed prince at one point. I learned that I may make deals and promises and that I may break deals but I never break the promises! And prince, "i'm loyal to people who are loyal to me." thats BULL! Buffy, once again you were my main ally but ended up voted out...for not listening to me! jk lol, anyways, you were the one person i could count on in the game, and in the end you were the only REAL juror to vote me, just like prince and yosh were the only REAL jurors to vote cybern. Just like OLS7 the winner of the mini survivor was crowned the winner of the real game.

Name Voted For: Comment
CuJoe34 Caseboy6 (Absent) -
PrinceTy01 Cyber N 666 For once, The Prince is going to do what the people want, instead of what he wants.....A zombie can not win this game, not even if the other choice actually....outwitted yours truly....I chop off Case's head, and give the win to Cybern.
BuffyBoy83 Caseboy6 Tonight my vote is going to my one true ally from this entire game. I know he would never have voted for me, and I would never have voted for him. As I said in chat there were times where I thought I had all the right answers but you were actually a much better play then I gave you credit for and as cheesy as it may sound Im very proud of you. Tonight my vote goes to CASE
SpiderFab4 Caseboy6 (Absent) -
YoshMan4 Cyber N 666 I'm voting for cybern. I don't really feel like making a reason since my whole jury speech is reason enough. Simply put Cybern played better. I hope cybern wins. Cybern YOU OWE ME COOKIES!. I best see them on the road trip. If not you get sprayed by pepper spray. Anyway go cybern.
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 Cyber N 666 I vote for Cybern to win....Case knew that if he went against Frog and I he could beat us, but he went against Cybern instead, So I vote Cybern to win.
FrOgLeTt86 Cyber N 666 I love Ty, and Ty voted for Cybern....so I'm voting for Cybern to win. :) Good luck! lol

***NEXT*** 1