***Actual Date: August 9, 2004***
***Actual Day: 85/89***

***TRIBAL COUNCIL 15 - Day 37***

YoshMan4: this room is evil or something
SpiderFab4: INDEED
PrinceTy01: lol
YoshMan4: ::wonders what will happen::
FrOgLeTt86: lol
Cyber N 666: lol
***Caseboy6 Voting***

Survivor Guy 886: CYBERN
YoshMan4: hmm did everyone stop talking?
PrinceTy01: I guess.
PrinceTy01: I stop talking, and the chat dies.
PrinceTy01: ^_^
SpiderFab4: Romber is seriously considering a televised wedding
PrinceTy01: So Yosh, how's Wheel of Fortune going?
PrinceTy01: And go "Rombah"
PrinceTy01: ^_^
SpiderFab4: Heh
***Cyber N 666 Voting***

And now I wait and see if I get screwed....anyway...lol I never really talked to you Elec, and you should have been gone a long time ago, you don't deserve to be in this position, and now i vote you out for good...bye bye. If I happen to leave tonight, that would suck...a lot... I lost to "frog"...what bull, she's on vacation and will be past the final TC, she should be going tonight, but she has "friends"...we'll see, good luck to me...lol

BuffyBoy83: yosh is ken still on jeopardy?
PrinceTy01: They ended the season.
YoshMan4: well id talk but lag is killing me, i have 3 min lag
SpiderFab4: I model irregular clothing
Survivor Guy 886: ELEC
PrinceTy01: He's still champ, Buffy.
BuffyBoy83: they ended the season?
PrinceTy01: He'll be back in the fall.
BuffyBoy83: so does he come back next time?
BuffyBoy83: ooooo
PrinceTy01: Or something.
BuffyBoy83: interesting lol
PrinceTy01: lol, yes
Cyber N 666: this chatroom sucks a lot
Cyber N 666: MAJOR lag
PrinceTy01: I'm on AOL, isn't bothering me.
***eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 Voting***

My vote tonight is for Cybern, he had the nerve to tell me how I should play this game. How I should just lie down and let people walk all over me. Yeah that doesn't fly. You get the privledge of receiving my vote tonight, I hope you enjoy getting it. :)

BuffyBoy83: First Vote: BuffyBoy83
BuffyBoy83: Second Vote: ClearWater88
BuffyBoy83: Third Vote: BuffyBoy83
BuffyBoy83: my nightmare again!!!
Survivor Guy 886: "FROG"
SpiderFab4: Fourth Vote: BuNgLeTeEn
PrinceTy01: lmao
Cyber N 666: wow, I am lagging about a minute
BuffyBoy83: The 13th Person Voted Out of OLS7...
PrinceTy01: Guess Frog winning makes Guy suspicious.
SpiderFab4: Fifth Vote: KiraMira88
BuffyBoy83: no!!!!!!!!!!!
Cyber N 666: I'm going to miss the vote completely
Cyber N 666: lol
BuffyBoy83: *wakes up*
BuffyBoy83: lol
SpiderFab4: I know I am funnier than John Heffron
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: I'm so confused
BuffyBoy83: at least i got in a vote for clear in the end right?
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04: omg I loved Kira :_/
Cyber N 666: eh
***"FrOgLeTt86" Voting***

Survivor Guy 886: I'LL GO TALLY THE VOTES
BuffyBoy83: u know he already has them tallied :)
Cyber N 666: lag check
BuffyBoy83: lol

***NEXT*** 1