^The mystery vote plagues the Yasur camp^
DampeRIP: ....somebody went out of their way just to disagree with the tribe......
mmxsuperfan: I think it was savvy
DampeRIP: it wasnt me, you, penguin, or game..... leaves savy and ex.....
DampeRIP: .................... darn
^At Lopevi, a manhunt begins^
Hillbilly Baluga: I suggest Mat
Hillbilly Baluga: He just really rubs me the wrong way
iamalwaysthemole: fine, I'll vote for mat
SkyDouglasLP: mat is going to go first
^And Savvy puts his own plan into motion^
thesavvyguy9: I managed to suck ever little bit of information I could possibly get out of Game. The fun part is that he doesn't suspect a thing! I tell you, the human emotion is waay to easy to toy with.