DampeRIP has entered the room.
DampeRIP: Hey Hey Hey
Game2Shark5 has entered the room.
DampeRIP: What up my dawgs!??!
Game2Shark5: Hello, fellow Yasurians!
DampeRIP: ....
DampeRIP: dawg
DampeRIP: ....
DampeRIP: uno
Game2Shark5: Lol
Game2Shark5: So, this is a big meeting. o_O
thesavvyguy9 has entered the room.
thesavvyguy9: hey!
lil evil BRIAN has entered the room.
DampeRIP: I'll call you Sharky... you call me Numero Uno.... or Dampe
Game2Shark5: Welcome!
DampeRIP: HEY!
Game2Shark5: We'll do that, Uno.
DampeRIP: Got it Sharky
thesavvyguy9: nice to meet everyone... I'm Dante
DampeRIP: Brian... you shall be Brian...
thesavvyguy9: I missed the first meeting because of play practice...
DampeRIP: hey dante!
DampeRIP: um
Game2Shark5: Hey Dante, welcome. I'm Matt / Game / Shark
thesavvyguy9: nice
DampeRIP: You didnt miss much Dante....
thesavvyguy9: so I hear we are the young tribe
thesavvyguy9: LOL! really?
Game2Shark5: No, you didn't miss much at all.
thesavvyguy9: why? not many showed up?
Game2Shark5: We won the spiritual stone, though.
DampeRIP: You missed quick draw... that's it
thesavvyguy9: oh nice
Game2Shark5: That was exciting.
DampeRIP: Spirit Stone.... cures testicular cancer
thesavvyguy9: who climbed the pole?
thesavvyguy9: haha
Game2Shark5: So now we shall employ it's powers for our greatness.
DampeRIP: And our testes
thesavvyguy9: funn
Game2Shark5: Yes, and our testes will grow large.
thesavvyguy9: so we have our challenge on day three?
DampeRIP: And we will have to buy shoes for them...
thesavvyguy9: or tonight
Game2Shark5: I believe so.
DampeRIP: I dunno
thesavvyguy9: hmmm... interesting
DampeRIP: Guy... wont tell me what the stones do... and that's all I care about
thesavvyguy9: lol
Game2Shark5: They probably do nothing, like the show.
DampeRIP: .....
thesavvyguy9: yeah... the guys lost
DampeRIP: I think they should make us all recieve SP for no reason
Game2Shark5: But a guy won in the end 0_o
thesavvyguy9: hmm.. so maybe it only worked for Chris
thesavvyguy9: lol
Game2Shark5: Yes, maybe.
thesavvyguy9: <3 Eliza
Game2Shark5: I liked Ami.
thesavvyguy9: so have you seen the new cast?
DampeRIP: I watched season two... a couple years ago... and that
DampeRIP: .... I dont like Survivor
Game2Shark5: Nope, I'd rather wait to see the first episode.
thesavvyguy9: I like the Las Vegas show girl :-)
Game2Shark5: Blasphemy.
thesavvyguy9: OOPS
thesavvyguy9: sry...
thesavvyguy9: well I'm going to miss this season
DampeRIP: ..... ::smack::
thesavvyguy9: I'll have to resort to pirating torrents again...
Game2Shark5: The Blasphemy was directed toward Uno, for saying he does not
like Survivor.
thesavvyguy9: ooh k
thesavvyguy9: I was like... who me?
Game2Shark5: Lol.
mmxsuperfan has entered the room.
DampeRIP: HEY!
DampeRIP: .....you're late
Game2Shark5: Hey, welcome, fellow Yasurian.
thesavvyguy9: hey there!
mmxsuperfan: hello
thesavvyguy9: I'm Dante... nice to meet you
Game2Shark5: 5/9, that's not too disgraceful.
DampeRIP: .... get with the yellow mon.....
mmxsuperfan: Sorry
mmxsuperfan: Playing Halo 2 On live
DampeRIP: ...... oh
DampeRIP: ....... I wanted to play the SOCOM... but.... nobody would play with me....
DampeRIP: seem to have a problem with friendly fire....
thesavvyguy9: my math teacher plays that game.... I don't play video games tho
mmxsuperfan: don't got online for PS2
thesavvyguy9: :-\
Game2Shark5: I'm playing Diablo 2 at the moment.
DampeRIP: cool....
Game2Shark5: Yay for the Druid.
DampeRIP: Call of Duty was pretty fun on PS2
DampeRIP: not sure why it got such low scores
Game2Shark5: Call of duty is a great game.
mmxsuperfan: heh
DampeRIP: ..... Im talking about the widely ridiculed console version, you on the same page?
mmxsuperfan: yea
Game2Shark5: SP-Reward Challenge
DampeRIP: .....
Game2Shark5: Yay, I got the notice.
DampeRIP: ..... but Im Numero Uno!
mmxsuperfan: I'm numbero Doce
DampeRIP: Read on good friend of mine!
DampeRIP: .... dos
Game2Shark5: I'll run this challenge if it's alright with you guys?
DampeRIP: .....
DampeRIP: suppose so
Game2Shark5: Great, thanks Uno!
DampeRIP: all in favor of him running say I
Game2Shark5: I
DampeRIP: I
Game2Shark5: ...
mmxsuperfan: i
DampeRIP: all against say NO THANKS
DampeRIP: oh wait...
Game2Shark5: Three I's
DampeRIP: you dont matter
mmxsuperfan: one more CTF game.. PLEEEEEASE
DampeRIP: ......
Game2Shark5: CTF?
mmxsuperfan: read the tremail
DampeRIP: ::blows away mmx's xbox::
mmxsuperfan: Capture the Flag
DampeRIP: Shaddup and sidown muh frend
DampeRIP: Halo 2... isnt going anywhere
Game2Shark5: Ok, what would we like to play?
mmxsuperfan: ...
mmxsuperfan: read the Tremail he sends you...
Game2Shark5: He didn't send me Treemail.
DampeRIP: hmmm
thesavvyguy9: :clueless:
thesavvyguy9: lol
Game2Shark5: He just told me to post that and then
Game2Shark5: Survivor Guy 886: elect leader, make challenge, play challenge,
notify everyone and get going
Game2Shark5: that.
DampeRIP: ah
mmxsuperfan: fine
DampeRIP: .... youi're leader.... go for it
mmxsuperfan: What game, Dampe?
DampeRIP: um
Game2Shark5: You guys choose.
mmxsuperfan: i'd say quick draw..
mmxsuperfan: BUT
DampeRIP: we just did that
mmxsuperfan: we can't >>
mmxsuperfan: I know
mmxsuperfan: Fill in the blanks
mmxsuperfan: *Forgot the name*
DampeRIP: Hangman would be fine I guess
DampeRIP: Cant think of much else
mmxsuperfan: I know
Game2Shark5: Ok, cool.
mmxsuperfan: Wait
Game2Shark5: First to.... say 5?
DampeRIP: yeah... er wait
DampeRIP: We shall think longer
mmxsuperfan: Do this game
mmxsuperfan: :
DampeRIP: ...?
mmxsuperfan: [1] P-- -----
Game2Shark5: What about Unscramble
mmxsuperfan: [1] PA- -----
Game2Shark5: ah
DampeRIP: er?
mmxsuperfan: [1] PAT -----
DampeRIP: not getting it....
mmxsuperfan: You gotta guess the word
thesavvyguy9: I get it!
thesavvyguy9: lol
mmxsuperfan: [1] PAT S----
mmxsuperfan: [1] PAT SA---
DampeRIP: ......er
mmxsuperfan: [1] PAT SAJ--
mmxsuperfan: [1]PAT SAJA-
Buddy9775 has entered the room.
thesavvyguy9: pat sajak
thesavvyguy9: LOL
DampeRIP: Welcome Oh Late ONe
mmxsuperfan: DING DING DIND
Game2Shark5: Welcome, fellow Yasurian.
thesavvyguy9: I got it
mmxsuperfan: You don't remember that game, Dame?
thesavvyguy9: :-D
mmxsuperfan: Dampe*
Game2Shark5: That game seems worthy.
DampeRIP: Nope...
mmxsuperfan: May I lead?
Buddy9775: hiya guys
Game2Shark5: Yes, you can be leader
thesavvyguy9: hey there
mmxsuperfan: Okay
mmxsuperfan: *Does his Survivor Guy Impression*
mmxsuperfan: WELCOME
mmxsuperfan: FIRST TO 7 WINS
Buddy9775: ??
DampeRIP: guess the word
Buddy9775: oh
Buddy9775: k
Game2Shark5: Make them well known, for I am Australian and I might not know
mmxsuperfan: FIRST PLACE 10 SP
mmxsuperfan: SECOND PLACE 5 SP
Buddy9775: text
DampeRIP: ... funny... I now have this urge to kill mmx....
mmxsuperfan: THIRD PLACE 3
thesavvyguy9: LOL!
lil evil BRIAN: LOL
mmxsuperfan: ...
Game2Shark5: Haha.
DampeRIP: he does an awesome impression of guy
mmxsuperfan: SURVIVORS READY?
Buddy9775: YEA!
Game2Shark5: Yes.
DampeRIP: yup
mmxsuperfan: [1] H---
DampeRIP: wait
Buddy9775: Head
thesavvyguy9: house
Game2Shark5: Hold
Game2Shark5: Brian...
DampeRIP: hats
mmxsuperfan: [1] HO--
Game2Shark5: Home
mmxsuperfan: GAME!
thesavvyguy9: hope
thesavvyguy9: oops
thesavvyguy9: lol
thesavvyguy9: GJ
mmxsuperfan: GAME: 1
Game2Shark5: Yay.
DampeRIP: okey...
DampeRIP: gj
Game2Shark5: Thank-you.
Buddy9775: congrts
mmxsuperfan: [2] D--- -----
Buddy9775: yikes
Buddy9775: this is hard
Game2Shark5: Dean James
mmxsuperfan: [2] DO-- -----
Game2Shark5: Down Under
mmxsuperfan: GAME!
Buddy9775: OMG GJ!