lil evil BRIAN has entered the room.
bpcrap2 has entered the room.
lil evil BRIAN: "You couldn't tell Mile's from Coltraine" is a lyric from what song
by what male artist?
Hillbilly Baluga has entered the room.
lil evil BRIAN: "You couldn't tell Mile's from Coltraine" is a lyric from what song
by what male artist?
Ppenguin757 has entered the room.
lil evil BRIAN: do you know?
lil evil BRIAN: "You couldn't tell Mile's from Coltraine" is a lyric from what song
by what male artist?
Hillbilly Baluga: gimme time
Hillbilly Baluga: lol
bpcrap2: Bad news guys. I just found out that my basketball team is in an AAU league. We
are a rec team.
Hillbilly Baluga: nevermind, I don't know
Ppenguin757: how is that bad?
bpcrap2: We don't have plays, practices, OR A COACH.
Ppenguin757: and whats an AAU league?
bpcrap2: Like the best of the best
Ppenguin757: oh
bpcrap2: and Cincinnati was named basketball capital of america
Ppenguin757: :-(
Hillbilly Baluga: aww
Hillbilly Baluga: Im sorry bp
bpcrap2: lol its ok
bpcrap2: We will be 0-10
bpcrap2: We're gonna practise a time or 2, but our first game is next Monday
Hillbilly Baluga: wow
bpcrap2: April 11 we play the team that won state and came in 2nd in nationals last year
bpcrap2: *gulp*
SkyDouglasLP has entered the room.
bpcrap2: my team is me, and a 7 ghetto dudes from the city
bpcrap2: we play street ball
Hillbilly Baluga has left the room.
bpcrap2: but hey, we might pull off an upset or two
Ppenguin757: like wisc-milwaukee
SkyDouglasLP: lol
E x X Boifriend has entered the room.
SkyDouglasLP: cool
bpcrap2: and Bucknell and Kansas
SkyDouglasLP: and Hey
SkyDouglasLP: lol
E x X Boifriend: hey
bpcrap2: Thats the link to my schedule
bpcrap2: We are the Ballin Bats
bpcrap2: w00t
Hillbilly Baluga has entered the room.
bpcrap2: wb
Hillbilly Baluga: ty
lil evil BRIAN: Life of the party and she swears that she's artsy but you could
distinguish Miles from Coltrane" is a lyric from what song by what male artist?
Ppenguin757: i dunno
Ppenguin757: it sounds familiar
Hillbilly Baluga: John Mayer?
Hillbilly Baluga: in Comfortable
Ppenguin757: John Mayer
SkyDouglasLP: yea i just checked online
lil evil BRIAN: thanks
lil evil BRIAN: soo much
Hillbilly Baluga: whatd ya need it for if ya dont mind me asking
SkyDouglasLP: Treemail!