SkyDouglasLP has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole has entered the room.
SkyDouglasLP: Hi
iamalwaysthemole: hello
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
Caseboy6: hey
SkyDouglasLP: Hi
iamalwaysthemole: bpcrap isn't in here yet
iamalwaysthemole: this is an SP reward challenge right?
SkyDouglasLP: prob.
SkyDouglasLP: but who knows for sure
SkyDouglasLP: maybe it will be a twist
SkyDouglasLP: lol
iamalwaysthemole: so, should we get started?
Matgemini has entered the room.
Matgemini: :-D
iamalwaysthemole: anyone else have a challenge idea?
Matgemini: :-D
Matgemini: 8-)
iamalwaysthemole: I have an idea
SkyDouglasLP: iamalwaysthemole we have to wait for guy to IM one of us to let us know its an sp
SkyDouglasLP: cool!
SkyDouglasLP: whats your idea
iamalwaysthemole: Guy IM'ed me
SkyDouglasLP: o ok
iamalwaysthemole: it's an sp reward challenge
SkyDouglasLP: ooo ok
SkyDouglasLP: cool
SkyDouglasLP: what is your idea iamalwaysthemole
iamalwaysthemole: he sent it to BP, then realized he never came
SkyDouglasLP: ooo
SkyDouglasLP: lol
iamalwaysthemole: we all send the leader three things that we like and dislike, for example
iamalwaysthemole _____ poker? Do I like it or hate it?
SkyDouglasLP: o ok
SkyDouglasLP: cool idea!
iamalwaysthemole: you all IM your response, and if you get it right you get a point
SkyDouglasLP: cool
Matgemini: O:-)
iamalwaysthemole: so, I guess I'm leader?
bpcrap2 has entered the room.
Matgemini: why is our tribe so small
SkyDouglasLP: yea iamalwaysthemole, you can be the leader for this challenge
iamalwaysthemole: I guess I'll retell bp my idea
bpcrap2: yes?
iamalwaysthemole: we all send the leader three things that we like and dislike, for example
iamalwaysthemole _____ poker? Do I like it or hate it? you all IM your response, and if you get it
right you get a point
iamalwaysthemole: does first to five points sound good?
SkyDouglasLP: sure, but there has to be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
SkyDouglasLP: since SP is given to ppl depending on if they made 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place, or no
place at all right lol
iamalwaysthemole: right you are kent
SkyDouglasLP: huh
SkyDouglasLP: lol
iamalwaysthemole: ok, I guess let's start
SkyDouglasLP: so IM me stuff?
SkyDouglasLP: you*
SkyDouglasLP: lol
iamalwaysthemole: yes
iamalwaysthemole: you IM me things that you like and hate
iamalwaysthemole: does everyone understand what I'm talking about?
SkyDouglasLP: yea
SkyDouglasLP: I am drinking a HUGE bottle of coke right now because I LOVE Coke!
SkyDouglasLP: lol
iamalwaysthemole: waiting for Mat and BP
SkyDouglasLP: o
iamalwaysthemole: only waiting for BP now
bpcrap2: here
bpcrap2: sry
iamalwaysthemole: it's ok
bpcrap2: my friend stopped by
bpcrap2: Who is hosting?
iamalwaysthemole: I am
iamalwaysthemole: we'll go in alphabetical order by screen name
bpcrap2: ok
iamalwaysthemole: FIRST QUESTION, bp ______ Ice Cream. Does he like it or hate it
bpcrap2: do we answer in IM?
SkyDouglasLP: answer in IM?
SkyDouglasLP: lol
iamalwaysthemole: yes
bpcrap2: bright minds think alike
iamalwaysthemole: sry, I didn't clarify that lol
iamalwaysthemole: obviously bp would get it right because he knows the answer himself lol
bpcrap2: I didnt answer
iamalwaysthemole: waiting on Mat
iamalwaysthemole: The answer is..... bp hates Ice Cream, Mat and BP get a point
bpcrap2: Want me to keep score?
iamalwaysthemole: if you want to
bpcrap2: Scoreboard: Bp[1] Case[0] Mat[1] Sky[0]
iamalwaysthemole: Second Question, Caseboy _____ Science. Does he like it or hate it?
iamalwaysthemole: waiting on SKY
iamalwaysthemole: Caseboy doesn't like science, everyone but Mat gets a point
bpcrap2: Scoreboard: Bp[2] Case[1] Mat[1] Sky[1]
bpcrap2: How man rounds are there?
iamalwaysthemole: if we run out of questions, I'll ask for more
iamalwaysthemole: we play to five points
iamalwaysthemole: THIRD Question, iamalwaysthemole ______ baseball?
iamalwaysthemole: waiting on Mat, whom I have to IM the question to him everytime lol
iamalwaysthemole: still waiting on Mat
iamalwaysthemole: Mat has one minute
iamalwaysthemole: if he doesn't answer, he'll forfeit the question
SkyDouglasLP: o ok
iamalwaysthemole: EVERYONE GETS IT RIGHT
bpcrap2: Scoreboard: Bp[3] Case[2] Mat[2] Sky[2]
iamalwaysthemole: Next question, Mat ____ greasy food. does he like it or hate it?
iamalwaysthemole: waiting on SKY
iamalwaysthemole: Everyone but Mat gets it right
bpcrap2: huh?
iamalwaysthemole: * I mean everyone didn't get it right, only Mat did
bpcrap2: Mat got it wrong?
bpcrap2: oh
bpcrap2: Scoreboard: Bp[3] Case[2] Mat[3] Sky[2]
iamalwaysthemole: my bad, I apologize
bpcrap2: it's ok
iamalwaysthemole: Skydouglas ____ pasta. Does he like it or hate it?
Matgemini: uh
iamalwaysthemole: there he is
SkyDouglasLP: there who is?
iamalwaysthemole: Everyone got it right except Case
bpcrap2: Scoreboard: Bp[4] Case[2] Mat[4] Sky[3]
iamalwaysthemole: Well, obviously Bp will be at five points at the end of the next question
SkyDouglasLP: yea but we keep going
SkyDouglasLP: to determine who will get 2nd, and 3rd
iamalwaysthemole: Bp _____ psychology. Does he like it or hate it?
Matgemini: uh
iamalwaysthemole: waiting on Mat
iamalwaysthemole: everyone except Mat got it right
bpcrap2: Scoreboard: Bp[5] Case[3] Mat[4] Sky[4]
iamalwaysthemole: All right, mat and sky need a question for tie-breaker
SkyDouglasLP: OK
iamalwaysthemole: Case ______ the show "Still Standing." Does he like it or hate it?
iamalwaysthemole: they both have it right
Matgemini: lol
iamalwaysthemole: next question, I _____ cameras. Do I like it or hate it?
SkyDouglasLP: you
iamalwaysthemole: first to answer right gets point
SkyDouglasLP: meaning, u?
SkyDouglasLP: lol
iamalwaysthemole: yes
iamalwaysthemole: both get it right, but Mat answered first
Matgemini: 8-)
iamalwaysthemole: 10 sp goes to Bp, 5 to Mat, 4 to me, and 3 to Sky, and 1 to Case
Matgemini: can i leave
SkyDouglasLP: Alright Cool
SkyDouglasLP: GJ Everyone!
Caseboy6: yea cuz its 8
Matgemini: kk
SkyDouglasLP: GJ Hosting that challenge imalwaysthemole!
Matgemini has left the room.
iamalwaysthemole: my heart was beating when Survivor Guy kept warning me on time
iamalwaysthemole: have any of you played Nightmare and the clock is down to the final ten
Caseboy6: no
iamalwaysthemole: I didn't think so
iamalwaysthemole: lol
SkyDouglasLP: he kept warning you on time?
iamalwaysthemole: yes
SkyDouglasLP: To do the challenge on time you mean?
iamalwaysthemole: yeah
iamalwaysthemole: he counted down the time and said we would be severely punished if we didn't
finish in time
iamalwaysthemole: that's why I had to say the first one to reply with the right answer wins
SkyDouglasLP: o lol
iamalwaysthemole: sry if it wasn't fair
bpcrap2: lol
iamalwaysthemole: Guy counted down 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 3 minutes, 1 minute
bpcrap2: lol
iamalwaysthemole: I'm glad we didn't have as many people show up, otherwise we would've had to
wait longer and have more ties
iamalwaysthemole: it seems like there is a big difference between having 5 or 6 people showing up